BASH Frequently Asked Questions
Note: This version is the same as the BashFAQ page but with the full text of the faqs, it is much slower to load but it is easier to use if you want to download the whole FAQ, notably the printable version is handy is you need a local copy |
These are answers to frequently asked questions on channel #bash on the freenode IRC network. These answers are contributed by the regular members of the channel (originally heiner, and then others including greycat and r00t), and by users like you. If you find something inaccurate or simply misspelled, please feel free to correct it!
All the information here is presented without any warranty or guarantee of accuracy. Use it at your own risk. When in doubt, please consult the man pages or the GNU info pages as the authoritative references.
BASH is a BourneShell compatible shell, which adds many new features to its ancestor. Most of them are available in the KornShell, too. The answers given in this FAQ may be slanted toward Bash, or they may be slanted toward the lowest common denominator Bourne shell, depending on who wrote the answer. In most cases, an effort is made to provide both a portable (Bourne) and an efficient (Bash, where appropriate) answer. If a question is not strictly shell specific, but rather related to Unix, it may be in the UnixFaq.
This FAQ assumes a certain level of familiarity with basic shell script syntax. If you're completely new to Bash or to the Bourne family of shells, you may wish to start with the (incomplete) BashGuide.
If you can't find the answer you're looking for here, try BashPitfalls. If you want to help, you can add new questions with answers here, or try to answer one of the BashOpenQuestions.
Chet Ramey's official Bash FAQ contains many technical questions not covered here.
- How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
- How can I store the return value and/or output of a command in a variable?
- How can I find the latest (newest, earliest, oldest) file in a directory?
- How can I check whether a directory is empty or not? How do I check for any *.mpg files, or count how many there are?
- How can I use array variables?
- See Also
- How can I use variable variables (indirect variables, pointers, references) or associative arrays?
- Is there a function to return the length of a string?
- How can I recursively search all files for a string?
- What is buffering? Or, why does my command line produce no output: tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' | awk ...
- How can I recreate a directory hierarchy structure, without the files?
- How can I print the n'th line of a file?
- How do I invoke a shell command from a non-shell application?
- How can I concatenate two variables? How do I append a string to a variable?
- How can I redirect the output of multiple commands at once?
- How can I run a command on all files with the extension .gz?
- How can I use a logical AND/OR/NOT in a shell pattern (glob)?
- How can I group expressions in an if statement, e.g. if (A AND B) OR C?
- How can I use numbers with leading zeros in a loop, e.g. 01, 02?
- How can I split a file into line ranges, e.g. lines 1-10, 11-20, 21-30?
- How can I find and safely handle file names containing newlines, spaces or both?
- How can I replace a string with another string in a variable, a stream, a file, or in all the files in a directory?
- How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?
- I want to launch an interactive shell that has special aliases and functions, not the ones in the user's ~/.bashrc.
- I set variables in a loop that's in a pipeline. Why do they disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read?
- How can I access positional parameters after $9?
- How can I randomize (shuffle) the order of lines in a file? Or select a random line from a file, or select a random file from a directory?
- How can two unrelated processes communicate?
- How do I determine the location of my script? I want to read some config files from the same place.
- How can I display the target of a symbolic link?
- How can I rename all my *.foo files to *.bar, or convert spaces to underscores, or convert upper-case file names to lower case?
- What is the difference between test, [ and [[ ?
- How can I redirect the output of 'time' to a variable or file?
- How can I find a process ID for a process given its name?
- Can I do a spinner in Bash?
- How can I handle command-line arguments (options) to my script easily?
- How can I get all lines that are: in both of two files (set intersection) or in only one of two files (set subtraction).
- How can I print text in various colors?
- How do Unix file permissions work?
- What are all the dot-files that bash reads?
- How do I use dialog to get input from the user?
- How do I determine whether a variable contains a substring?
- How can I find out if a process is still running?
- Why does my crontab job fail? 0 0 * * * some command > /var/log/mylog.`date +%Y%m%d`
- How do I create a progress bar? How do I see a progress indicator when copying/moving files?
- How can I ensure that only one instance of a script is running at a time (mutual exclusion)?
- I want to check to see whether a word is in a list (or an element is a member of a set).
- Bulk comparison
- Enumerated types
- How can I redirect stderr to a pipe?
- Eval command and security issues
- How can I view periodic updates/appends to a file? (ex: growing log file)
I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!
- Things that do not work
- I'm trying to save a command so I can run it later without having to repeat it each time
- I only want to pass options if the runtime data needs them
- I want to generalize a task, in case the low-level tool changes later
- I'm constructing a command based on information that is only known at run time
- I want a log of my script's actions
- I want history-search just like in tcsh. How can I bind it to the up and down keys?
- How do I convert a file from DOS format to UNIX format (remove CRs from CR-LF line terminators)?
- I have a fancy prompt with colors, and now bash doesn't seem to know how wide my terminal is. Lines wrap around incorrectly.
- How can I tell whether a variable contains a valid number?
- Tell me all about 2>&1 -- what's the difference between 2>&1 >foo and >foo 2>&1, and when do I use which?
- How can I untar (or unzip) multiple tarballs at once?
- How can I group entries (in a file by common prefixes)?
- Can bash handle binary data?
- I saw this command somewhere: :(){ :|:& } (fork bomb). How does it work?
- I'm trying to write a script that will change directory (or set a variable), but after the script finishes, I'm back where I started (or my variable isn't set)!
- Is there a list of which features were added to specific releases (versions) of Bash?
- How do I create a temporary file in a secure manner?
- My ssh client hangs when I try to logout after running a remote background job!
- Why is it so hard to get an answer to the question that I asked in #bash?
- Is there a "PAUSE" command in bash like there is in MSDOS batch scripts? To prompt the user to press any key to continue?
- I want to check if [[ $var == foo || $var == bar || $var == more ]] without repeating $var n times.
- How can I trim leading/trailing white space from one of my variables?
- How do I run a command, and have it abort (timeout) after N seconds?
- I want to automate an ssh (or scp, or sftp) connection, but I don't know how to send the password....
- How do I convert Unix (epoch) times to human-readable values?
- How do I convert an ASCII character to its decimal (or hexadecimal) value and back?
- How can I ensure my environment is configured for cron, batch, and at jobs?
- How can I use parameter expansion? How can I get substrings? How can I get a file without its extension, or get just a file's extension? What are some good ways to do basename and dirname?
- How do I get the effects of those nifty Bash Parameter Expansions in older shells?
- How do I use 'find'? I can't understand the man page at all!
- How do I get the sum of all the numbers in a column?
- How do I log history or "secure" bash against history removal?
- I want to set a user's password using the Unix passwd command, but how do I script that? It doesn't read standard input!
- How can I grep for lines containing foo AND bar, foo OR bar? Or for files containing foo AND bar, possibly on separate lines? Or files containing foo but NOT bar?
- How can I make an alias that takes an argument?
- How can I determine whether a command exists anywhere in my PATH?
- Why is $(...) preferred over `...` (backticks)?
- How do I determine whether a variable is already defined? Or a function?
- How do I return a string (or large number, or negative number) from a function? "return" only lets me give a number from 0 to 255.
- How to write several times to a fifo without having to reopen it?
- How to ignore aliases or functions when running a command?
- How can I get a file's permissions (or other metadata) without parsing ls -l output?
- How can I avoid losing any history lines?
- I'm reading a file line by line and running ssh or ffmpeg, only the first line gets processed!
- How do I prepend a text to a file (the opposite of >>)?
- I'm trying to get the number of columns or lines of my terminal but the variables COLUMNS / LINES are always empty.
- How do I write a CGI script that accepts parameters?
- How can I set the contents of my terminal's title bar?
- I want to get an alert when my disk is full (parsing df output).
- I'm getting "Argument list too long". How can I process a large list in chunks?
- ssh eats my word boundaries! I can't do ssh remotehost make CFLAGS="-g -O"!
- How do I determine whether a symlink is dangling (broken)?
- How to add localization support to your bash scripts
- How can I get the newest (or oldest) file from a directory?
- How do I do string manipulations in bash?
- Common utility functions (warn, die)
- How to get the difference between two dates
- How do I check whether my file was modified in a certain month or date range?
- Why doesn't foo=bar echo "$foo" print bar?
- Why doesn't set -e (or set -o errexit, or trap ERR) do what I expected?
- I want to tee my stdout to a log file from inside the script. And maybe stderr too.
- How do I add a timestamp to every line of a stream?
- How do I wait for several spawned processes?
- How can I tell whether my script was sourced (dotted in) or executed?
- How do I copy a file to a remote system, and specify a remote name which may contain spaces?
- What is the Shellshock vulnerability in Bash?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using set -u (or set -o nounset)?
1. How can I read a file (data stream, variable) line-by-line (and/or field-by-field)?
Don't try to use "for". Use a while loop and the read command:
1 while IFS= read -r line; do
2 printf '%s\n' "$line"
3 done < "$file"
The -r option to read prevents backslash interpretation (usually used as a backslash newline pair, to continue over multiple lines or to escape the delimiters). Without this option, any unescaped backslashes in the input will be discarded. You should almost always use the -r option with read.
The most common exception to this rule is when -e is used, which uses Readline to obtain the line from an interactive shell. In that case, tab completion will add backslashes to escape spaces and such, and you do not want them to be literally included in the variable. This would never be used when reading anything line-by-line, though, and -r should always be used when doing so.
In the scenario above IFS= prevents trimming of leading and trailing whitespace. Remove it if you want this effect.
line is a variable name, chosen by you. You can use any valid shell variable name there.
The redirection < "$file" tells the while loop to read from the file whose name is in the variable file. If you would prefer to use a literal pathname instead of a variable, you may do that as well. If your input source is the script's standard input, then you don't need any redirection at all.
If your input source is the contents of a variable/parameter, BASH can iterate over its lines using a "here string":
1 while IFS= read -r line; do
2 printf '%s\n' "$line"
3 done <<< "$var"
The same can be done in any Bourne-type shell by using a "here document" (although read -r is POSIX, not Bourne):
If avoiding comments starting with # is desired, you can simply skip them inside the loop:
If you want to operate on individual fields within each line, you may supply additional variables to read:
If the field delimiters are not whitespace, you can set IFS (internal field separator):
1 # Extract the username and its shell from /etc/passwd:
2 while IFS=: read -r user pass uid gid gecos home shell; do
3 printf '%s: %s\n' "$user" "$shell"
4 done < /etc/passwd
For tab-delimited files, use IFS=$'\t' though beware that multiple tab characters in the input will be considered as one delimiter (and the Ksh93/Zsh IFS=$'\t\t' workaround won't work in Bash).
You do not necessarily need to know how many fields each line of input contains. If you supply more variables than there are fields, the extra variables will be empty. If you supply fewer, the last variable gets "all the rest" of the fields after the preceding ones are satisfied. For example,
Some people use the throwaway variable _ as a "junk variable" to ignore fields. It (or indeed any variable) can also be used more than once in a single read command, if we don't care what goes into it:
Note that this usage of _ is only guaranteed to work in Bash. Many other shells use _ for other purposes that will at best cause this to not have the desired effect, and can break the script entirely. It is better to choose a unique variable that isn't used elsewhere in the script, even though _ is a common Bash convention.
The read command modifies each line read; by default it removes all leading and trailing whitespace characters (spaces and tabs, if present in IFS). If that is not desired, the IFS variable has to be cleared:
1 # Exact lines, no trimming
2 while IFS= read -r line; do
3 printf '%s\n' "$line"
4 done < "$file"
One may also read from a command instead of a regular file:
1 some command | while IFS= read -r line; do
2 printf '%s\n' "$line"
3 done
This method is especially useful for processing the output of find with a block of commands:
1 find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
2 mv "$file" "${file// /_}"
3 done
This reads one filename at a time from the find command and renames the file, replacing spaces with underscores.
Note the usage of -print0 in the find command, which uses NUL bytes as filename delimiters; and -d '' in the read command to instruct it to read all text into the file variable until it finds a NUL byte. By default, find and read delimit their input with newlines; however, since filenames can potentially contain newlines themselves, this default behaviour will split up those filenames at the newlines and cause the loop body to fail. Additionally it is necessary to set IFS to an empty string, because otherwise read would still strip leading and trailing whitespace. See FAQ #20 for more details.
Using a pipe to send find's output into a while loop places the loop in a SubShell and may therefore cause problems later on if the commands inside the body of the loop attempt to set variables which need to be used after the loop; in that case, see FAQ 24, or use a ProcessSubstitution like:
1 while IFS= read -r line; do
2 printf '%s\n' "$line"
3 done < <(some command)
If you want to read lines from a file into an array, see FAQ 5.
1.1. My text files are broken! They lack their final newlines!
If there are some characters after the last line in the file (or to put it differently, if the last line is not terminated by a newline character), then read will read it but return false, leaving the broken partial line in the read variable(s). You can process this after the loop:
1 # This does not work:
2 printf 'line 1\ntruncated line 2' | while read -r line; do echo $line; done
4 # This does not work either:
5 printf 'line 1\ntruncated line 2' | while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done; [[ $line ]] && echo -n "$line"
7 # This works:
8 printf 'line 1\ntruncated line 2' | { while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done; [[ $line ]] && echo "$line"; }
The first example, beyond missing the after-loop test, is also missing quotes. See Quotes or Arguments for an explanation why. The Arguments page is an especially important read.
For a discussion of why the second example above does not work as expected, see FAQ #24.
Alternatively, you can simply add a logical OR to the while test:
1.2. How to keep other commands from "eating" the input
Some commands greedily eat up all available data on standard input. The examples above do not take precautions against such programs. For example,
1 while read -r line; do
2 cat > ignoredfile
3 printf '%s\n' "$line"
4 done < "$file"
will only print the contents of the first line, with the remaining contents going to "ignoredfile", as cat slurps up all available input.
One workaround is to use a numeric FileDescriptor rather than standard input:
1 # Bash
2 while IFS= read -r -u 9 line; do
3 cat > ignoredfile
4 printf '%s\n' "$line"
5 done 9< "$file"
7 # Note that read -u is not portable to every shell. Use a redirect to ensure it works in any POSIX compliant shell:
8 while IFS= read -r line <&9; do
9 cat > ignoredfile
10 printf '%s\n' "$line"
11 done 9< "$file"
This example will wait for the user to type something into the file ignoredfile at each iteration instead of eating up the loop input.
You might need this, for example, with mencoder which will accept user input if there is any, but will continue silently if there isn't. Other commands that act this way include ssh and ffmpeg. Additional workarounds for this are discussed in FAQ #89.
2. How can I store the return value and/or output of a command in a variable?
Well, that depends on whether you want to store the command's output (either stdout, or stdout + stderr) or its exit status (0 to 255, with 0 typically meaning "success").
If you want to capture the output, you use command substitution:
1 output=$(command) # stdout only; stderr remains uncaptured
2 output=$(command 2>&1) # both stdout and stderr will be captured
If you want the exit status, you use the special parameter $? after running the command:
1 command
2 status=$?
If you want both:
1 output=$(command)
2 status=$?
The assignment to output has no effect on command's exit status, which is still in $?.
If you don't actually want to store the exit status, but simply want to take an action upon success or failure, just use if:
Or if you want to capture stdout as well as taking action on success/failure, without explicitly storing or checking $?:
1 if output=$(command); then
2 printf "it succeeded\n"
3 ...
What if you want the exit status of one command from a pipeline? If you want the last command's status, no problem -- it's in $? just like before. If you want some other command's status, use the PIPESTATUS array (BASH only). Say you want the exit status of grep in the following:
1 grep foo somelogfile | head -5
2 status=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
Bash 3.0 added a pipefail option as well, which can be used if you simply want to take action upon failure of the grep:
1 set -o pipefail
2 if ! grep foo somelogfile | head -5; then
3 printf "uh oh\n"
4 fi
Now, some trickier stuff. Let's say you want only the stderr, but not stdout. Well, then first you have to decide where you do want stdout to go:
1 output=$(command 2>&1 >/dev/null) # Save stderr, discard stdout.
2 output=$(command 2>&1 >/dev/tty) # Save stderr, send stdout to the terminal.
3 output=$(command 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3-) # Save stderr, send stdout to script's stderr.
Since the last example may seem a bit confusing, here is the explanation. First, keep in mind that 1>&3- is equivalent to 1>&3 3>&-. So it will be easier to analyse the following sequence: $(... 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3 3>&-)
Redirection |
fd 0 (stdin) |
fd 1 (stdout) |
fd 2 (stderr) |
fd 3 |
Description |
initial |
/dev/tty |
/dev/tty |
/dev/tty |
Let's assume this is run in a terminal, so stdin, stdout and stderr are all initially connected to the terminal (tty). |
$(...) |
/dev/tty |
pipe |
/dev/tty |
First, the command substitution is set up. Command's stdout (FileDescriptor 1) gets captured (by using a pipe internally). Command's stderr (FD 2) still points to its regular place (the script's stderr). |
3>&2 |
/dev/tty |
pipe |
/dev/tty |
/dev/tty |
Next, FD 3 should point to what FD 2 points to at this very moment, meaning FD 3 will point to the script's stderr ("save stderr in FD 3"). |
2>&1 |
/dev/tty |
pipe |
pipe |
/dev/tty |
Next, FD 2 should point to what FD 1 currently points to, meaning FD 2 will point to stdout. Right now, both FD 2 and FD 1 would be captured. |
1>&3 |
/dev/tty |
/dev/tty |
pipe |
/dev/tty |
Next, FD 1 should point to what FD 3 currently points to, meaning FD 1 will point to the script's stderr. FD 1 is no longer captured. We have "swapped" FD 1 and FD 2. |
3>&- |
/dev/tty |
/dev/tty |
pipe |
Finally, we close FD 3 as it is no longer necessary. |
A little note: operation n>&m- is sometimes called moving FD m to FD n.
This way what the script writes to FD 2 (normally stderr) will be written to stdout because of the second redirection. What the script writes to FD 1 (normally stdout) will be written to stderr because of the first and third redirections. Stdout and stderr got replaced. Done.
It's possible, although considerably harder, to let stdout "fall through" to wherever it would've gone if there hadn't been any redirection. This involves "saving" the current value of stdout, so that it can be used inside the command substitution:
In the last example above, note that 1>&3- duplicates FD 3 and stores a copy in FD 1, and then closes FD 3. It could also be written 1>&3 3>&-.
What you cannot do is capture stdout in one variable, and stderr in another, using only FD redirections. You must use a temporary file (or a named pipe) to achieve that one.
Well, you can use a horrible hack like:
Obviously, this is not robust, because either the standard output or the standard error of the command could contain whatever separator string you employ.
And if you want the exit code of your cmd (here a modification in the case of if the cmd stdout nothing)
1 cmd() { curl -s -v; }
3 result=$(
4 { stdout=$(cmd); returncode=$?; } 2>&1
5 printf "this is the separator"
6 printf "%s\n" "$stdout"
7 exit "$returncode"
8 )
9 returncode=$?
11 var_out=${result#*this is the separator}
12 var_err=${result%this is the separator*}
Note: the original question read, "How can I store the return value of a command in a variable?" This was, verbatim, an actual question asked in #bash, ambiguity and all.
3. How can I find the latest (newest, earliest, oldest) file in a directory?
The tempting solution is to use ls to output sorted filenames and take the first result. As usual, the ls approach cannot be made robust and should never be used in scripts due in part to the possibility of arbitrary characters (including newlines) present in filenames. Therefore, we need some other way to compare file metadata.
The most common requirement is to get the most or least recently modified files in a directory. Bash and all ksh variants can compare modification times (mtime) using the -nt and -ot operators of the conditional expression compound command:
Or to find the oldest:
Keep in mind that mtime on directories is that of the most recently added, removed, or renamed file in that directory. Also note that -nt and -ot are not specified by POSIX test, however many shells such as dash include them anyway. No bourne-like shell has analogous operators for comparing by atime or ctime, so one would need external utilities for that; however, it's nearly impossible to either produce output which can be safely parsed, or handle said output in a shell without using nonstandard features on both ends.
If the sorting criteria are different from "oldest or newest file by mtime", then GNU find and GNU sort may be used together to produce a sorted list of filenames + timestamps, delimited by NUL characters. This will of course operate recursively (GNU find's -maxdepth operator can prevent that); Here are a few possibilities, which can be modified as necessary to use atime or ctime, or to sort in reverse order:
One disadvantage to these approaches is that the entire list is sorted, whereas simply iterating through the list to find the minimum or maximum timestamp (assuming we want just one file) would be faster, however, depending on the size of the job the algorithmic disadvantage of sorting may be negligible in comparison to the overhead of using a shell.
Similar usage patterns work well on many kinds of filesystem meta-data. This example gets the largest file in each subdirectory recursively. This is a common pattern for performing a calculation on a collection of files in each directory.
Readers who are asking this question in order to rotate their log files may wish to look into logrotate(1) instead, if their operating system provides it.
4. How can I check whether a directory is empty or not? How do I check for any *.mpg files, or count how many there are?
In Bash, you can do this safely and easily with the nullglob and dotglob options (which change the behaviour of globbing), and an array:
Of course, you can use any glob you like instead of *. E.g. *.mpg or /my/music/*.mpg works fine.
Bear in mind that you need read permission on the directory, or it will always appear empty.
Some people dislike nullglob because having unmatched globs vanish altogether confuses programs like ls. Mistyping ls *.zip as ls *.zpi may cause every file to be displayed (for such cases consider setting failglob). Setting nullglob in a SubShell avoids accidentally changing its setting in the rest of the shell, at the price of an extra fork(). If you'd like to avoid having to set and unset shell options, you can pour it all into a SubShell:
1 # Bash
2 if (shopt -s nullglob dotglob; f=(*); ((! ${#f[@]}))); then
3 echo "The current directory is empty."
4 fi
The other disadvantage of this approach (besides the extra fork()) is that the array is lost when the subshell exits. If you planned to use those filenames later, then they have to be retrieved all over again.
Both of these examples expand a glob and store the resulting filenames into an array, and then check whether the number of elements in the array is 0. If you actually want to see how many files there are, just print the array's size instead of checking whether it's 0:
1 # Bash
2 shopt -s nullglob dotglob
3 files=(*)
4 echo "The current directory contains ${#files[@]} things."
You can also avoid the nullglob if you're OK with putting a non-existing filename in the array should no files match (instead of an empty array):
Without nullglob, if there are no files in the directory, the glob will be added as the only element in the array. Since * is a valid filename, we can't simply check whether the array contains a literal *. So instead, we check whether the thing in the array exists as a file. The -L test is required because -e fails if the first file is a dangling symlink.
If your script needs to run with various non-Bash shell implementations, you can try using an external program like python, perl, or find; or you can try one of these:
At this stage, the positional parameters have been loaded with the contents of the directory, and can be used for processing.
In the Bourne shell, it's even worse, because there is no test -e or test -L:
Of course, that fails if * exists as something other than a plain file (such as a directory or FIFO). The absence of a -e test really hurts.
Never try to parse ls output. Even ls -A solutions can break (e.g. on HP-UX, if you are root, ls -A does the exact opposite of what it does if you're not root -- and no, I can't make up something that incredibly stupid).
In fact, one may wish to avoid the direct question altogether. Usually people want to know whether a directory is empty because they want to do something involving the files therein, etc. Look to the larger question. For example, one of these find-based examples may be an appropriate solution:
Most commonly, all that's really needed is something like this:
In other words, the person asking the question may have thought an explicit empty-directory test was needed to avoid an error message like mympgviewer: ./*.mpg: No such file or directory when in fact no such test is required.
Support for a nullglob-like feature is inconsistent. In ksh93 it can be done on a per-pattern basis by prefixing with ~(N)1:
1 # ksh93
2 for f in ~(N)*; do
3 ....
4 done
5. How can I use array variables?
This answer assumes you have a basic understanding of what arrays are. If you're new to this kind of programming, you may wish to start with the guide's explanation. This page is more thorough. See links at the bottom for more resources.
5.1. Intro
One-dimensional integer-indexed arrays are implemented by Bash, Zsh, and most KornShell varieties including AT&T ksh88 or later, mksh, and pdksh. Arrays are not specified by POSIX and not available in legacy or minimalist shells such as BourneShell and Dash. The POSIX-compatible shells that do feature arrays mostly agree on their basic principles, but there are some significant differences in the details. Advanced users of multiple shells should be sure to research the specifics. Ksh93, Zsh, and Bash 4.0 additionally have Associative Arrays. This article focuses on indexed arrays as they are the most common and useful type.
Here is a typical usage pattern featuring an array named host:
"${!host[@]}" expands to the indices of of the host array, each as a separate argument. (We'll go into more detail on syntax below.)
Indexed arrays are sparse, and elements may be inserted and deleted out of sequence.
1 # Bash/ksh
3 # Simple assignment syntax.
4 arr[0]=0
5 arr[2]=2
6 arr[1]=1
7 arr[42]='what was the question?'
9 # Unset the second element of "arr"
10 unset -v 'arr[2]'
12 # Concatenate the values, to a single argument separated by spaces, and echo the result.
13 echo "${arr[*]}"
14 # outputs: "0 1 what was the question?"
It is good practice to write your code in such a way that it can handle sparse arrays, even if you think you can guarantee that there will never be any "holes". Only treat arrays as "lists" if you're certain, and the savings in complexity is significant enough for it to be justified.
5.2. Loading values into an array
Assigning one element at a time is simple, and portable:
1 # Bash/ksh
2 arr[0]=0
3 arr[42]='the answer'
It's possible to assign multiple values to an array at once, but the syntax differs across shells. Bash supports only the arrName=(args...) syntax. ksh88 supports only the set -A arrName -- args... syntax. ksh93, mksh, and zsh support both. There are subtle differences in both methods between all of these shells if you look closely.
1 # Bash, ksh93, mksh, zsh
2 array=(zero one two three four)
1 # ksh88/93, mksh, zsh
2 set -A array -- zero one two three four
When initializing in this way, the first index will be 0 unless a different index is specified.
With compound assignment, the space between the parentheses is evaluated in the same way as the arguments to a command, including pathname expansion and WordSplitting. Any type of expansion or substitution may be used. All the usual quoting rules apply within.
1 # Bash/ksh93
2 oggs=(*.ogg)
With ksh88-style assignment using set, the arguments are just ordinary arguments to a command.
1 # Korn
2 set -A oggs -- *.ogg
1 # Bash (brace expansion requires 3.0 or higher)
2 homeDirs=(~{,root}) # brace expansion occurs in a different order in ksh, so this is bash-only.
3 letters=({a..z}) # Not all shells with sequence-expansion can use letters.
1 # Korn
2 set -A args -- "$@"
5.2.1. Loading lines from a file or stream
In bash 4, the mapfile command (also known as readarray) accomplishes this:
See ProcessSubstitution and FAQ #24 for more details on the <(...) syntax.
mapfile handles blank lines by inserting them as empty array elements, and also missing final newlines from the input stream. These can be problematic when reading data in other ways (see the next section). mapfile does have one serious drawback: it can only handle newlines as line terminators. Not all options supported by read are handled by mapfile, and visa-versa. mapfile can't, for example, handle NUL-delimited files from find -print0. When mapfile isn't available, we have to work very hard to try to duplicate it. There are a great number of ways to almost get it right, but fail in subtle ways.
These examples will duplicate most of mapfile's basic functionality:
The += operator, when used together with parentheses, appends the element to one greater than the current highest numbered index in the array.
The square brackets create a math context. The result of the expression is the index used for assignment. Handling newlines (or lack thereof) at the end of a file
read returns false when it reads the last line of a file. This presents a problem: if the file contains a trailing newline, then read will be false when reading/assigning that final line, otherwise, it will be false when reading/assigning the last line of data. Without a special check for these cases, no matter what logic is used, you will always end up either with an extra blank element in the resulting array, or a missing final element.
To be clear - most text files should contain a newline as the last character in the file. Newlines are added to the ends of files by most text editors, and also by Here documents and Here strings. Most of the time, this is only an issue when reading output from pipes or process substitutions, or from "broken" text files created with broken or misconfigured tools. Let's look at some examples.
This approach reads the elements one by one, using a loop.
Unfortunately, if the file or input stream contains a trailing newline, a blank element is added at the end of the array, because the read -r arr[i++] is executed one extra time after the last line containing text before returning false.
The square brackets create a math context. Inside them, i++ works as a C programmer would expect (in all but ksh88).
This approach fails in the reverse case - it correctly handles blank lines and inputs terminated with a newline, but fails to record the last line of input. If the file or stream is missing its final newline. So we need to handle that case specially:
This is very close to the "final solution" we gave earlier -- handling both blank lines inside the file, and an unterminated final line. The null IFS is used to prevent read from stripping possible whitespace from the beginning and end of lines, in the event you wish to preserve them.
Another workaround is to remove the empty element after the loop:
Whether you prefer to read too many and then have to remove one, or read too few and then have to add one, is a personal choice.
NOTE: it is necessary to quote the 'arr[i++]' passed to read, so that the square brackets aren't interpreted as globs. This is also true for other non-keyword builtins that take a subscripted variable name, such as let and unset. Other methods
Sometimes stripping blank lines actually is desirable, or you may know that the input will always be newline delimited, such as input generated internally by your script. It is possible in some shells to use the -d flag to set read's line delimiter to null, then abuse the -a or -A (depending on the shell) flag normally used for reading the fields of a line into an array for reading lines. Effectively, the entire input is treated as a single line, and the fields are newline-delimited.
1 # Bash 4
2 IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a lines <file
1 # mksh, zsh
2 IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -A lines <file Don't read lines with for!
Never read lines using loops! Relying on IFS WordSplitting causes issues if you have repeated whitespace delimiters, because they will be consolidated. It is not possible to preserve blank lines by having them stored as empty array elements this way. Even worse, special globbing characters will be expanded without going to lengths to disable and then re-enable it. Just never use this approach - it is problematic, the workarounds are all ugly, and not all problems are solvable.
5.2.2. Reading NUL-delimited streams
If you are trying to deal with records that might have embedded newlines, you will be using an alternative delimiter such as the NUL character ( \0 ) to separate the records. In that case, you'll need to use the -d argument to read as well:
read -d '' tells Bash to keep reading until a NUL byte instead of until a newline. This isn't certain to work in all shells with a -d feature.
5.2.3. Appending to an existing array
As previously mentioned, arrays are sparse - that is, numerically adjacent indexes are not guaranteed to be occupied by a value. This confuses what it means to "append" to an existing array. There are several approaches.
If you've been keeping track of the highest-numbered index with a variable (for example, as a side-effect of populating an array in a loop), and can guarantee it's correct, you can just use it and continue to ensure it remains in-sync.
1 # Bash/ksh93
2 arr[++i]="new item"
If you don't want to keep an index variable, but happen to know that your array is not sparse, then you can use the number of elements to calculate the offset (not recommended):
1 # Bash/ksh
2 # This will FAIL if the array has holes (is sparse).
3 arr[${#arr[@]}]="new item"
If you don't know whether your array is sparse or not, but don't mind re-indexing the entire array (very inefficient), then you can use:
If you're in bash 3.1 or higher, then you can use the += operator:
1 # Bash 3.1, ksh93, mksh, zsh
2 arr+=(item 'another item')
NOTE: the parentheses are required, just as when assigning to an array. Otherwise you will end up appending to ${arr[0]} which $arr is a synonym for. If your shell supports this type of appending, it is the preferred method.
For examples of using arrays to hold complex shell commands, see FAQ #50 and FAQ #40.
5.3. Retrieving values from an array
${#arr[@]} or ${#arr[*]} expand to the number of elements in an array:
1 # Bash
2 shopt -s nullglob
3 oggs=(*.ogg)
4 echo "There are ${#oggs[@]} Ogg files."
Single elements are retrieved by index:
1 echo "${foo[0]} - ${bar[j+1]}"
The square brackets are a math context. Within an arithmetic context, variables, including arrays, can be referenced by name. For example, in the expansion:
1 ${arr[x[3+arr[2]]]}
arr's index will be the value from the array x whose index is 3 plus the value of arr[2].
Using array elements en masse is one of the key features of shell arrays. In exactly the same way that "$@" is expanded for positional parameters, "${arr[@]}" is expanded to a list of words, one array element per word. For example,
1 # Korn/Bash
2 for x in "${arr[@]}"; do
3 echo "next element is '$x'"
4 done
This works even if the elements contain whitespace. You always end up with the same number of words as you have array elements.
If one simply wants to dump the full array, one element per line, this is the simplest approach:
1 # Bash/ksh
2 printf "%s\n" "${arr[@]}"
For slightly more complex array-dumping, "${arr[*]}" will cause the elements to be concatenated together, with the first character of IFS (or a space if IFS isn't set) between them. As it happens, "$*" is expanded the same way for positional parameters.
Unfortunately, you can't put multiple characters in between array elements using that syntax. You would have to do something like this instead:
Or using array slicing, described in the next section.
1 # Bash/ksh
2 typeset -a a=([0]=x [5]=y [10]=z)
3 printf '%s<=>' "${a[@]::${#a[@]}-1}"
4 printf '%s\n' "${a[@]:(-1)}"
This also shows how sparse arrays can be assigned multiple elements at once. Note using the arr=([key]=value ...) notation differs between shells. In ksh93, this syntax gives you an associative array by default unless you specify otherwise, and using it requires that every value be explicitly given an index, unlike bash, where omitted indexes begin at the previous index. This example was written in a way that's compatible between the two.
BASH 3.0 added the ability to retrieve the list of index values in an array:
Retrieving the indices is extremely important for certain kinds of tasks, such as maintaining parallel arrays with the same indices (a cheap way to mimic having an array of structs in a language with no struct):
1 # Bash 3.0 or higher
2 unset file title artist i
3 for f in ./*.mp3; do
4 file[i]=$f
5 title[i]=$(mp3info -p %t "$f")
6 artist[i++]=$(mp3info -p %a "$f")
7 done
9 # Later, iterate over every song.
10 # This works even if the arrays are sparse, just so long as they all have
11 # the SAME holes.
12 for i in "${!file[@]}"; do
13 echo "${file[i]} is ${title[i]} by ${artist[i]}"
14 done
5.3.1. Retrieving with modifications
Bash's Parameter Expansions may be performed on array elements en masse:
Parameter Expansion can also be used to extract elements from an array. Some people call this slicing:
1 # Bash
2 echo "${arr[@]:1:3}" # three elements starting at #1 (second element)
3 echo "${arr[@]:(-2)}" # last two elements
The same goes for positional parameters
1 set -- foo bar baz
2 echo "${@:(-1)}" # last positional parameter baz
3 echo "${@:(-2):1}" # second-to-last positional parameter bar
5.4. Using @ as a pseudo-array
As we see above, the @ array (the array of positional parameters) can be used almost like a regularly named array. This is the only array available for use in POSIX or Bourne shells. It has certain limitations: you cannot individually set or unset single elements, and it cannot be sparse. Nevertheless, it still makes certain POSIX shell tasks possible that would otherwise require external tools:
(Compare to FAQ #50's dynamically generated commands using named arrays.)
6. See Also
7. How can I use variable variables (indirect variables, pointers, references) or associative arrays?
This is a complex page, because it's a complex topic. It's been divided into roughly three parts: associative arrays, evaluating indirect variables, and assigning indirect variables. There are discussions of programming issues and concepts scattered throughout.
7.1. TODO / Note
For readers, the important takeaway is: 99% of the time, indirection is used on function parameters to compensate for POSIX shells having badly designed functions that can't return useful data except through indirection. You should not use indirection as a substitute for arrays (associative or indexed, if available, see the first section below). You should sometimes use indirection to pass data in and out of functions when you cannot use the parameters and an I/O stream with a subshell to do so (see second section, but few examples apply to this situation). Most other uses of indirection are incorrect or unnecessary.
Most of this page was written prior to Bash 4.3. Namerefs (typeset/declare/local -n) may significantly change the considerations for indirection. Bash's implementation is briefly described below (more info in FAQ 48), but it differs from that of the much earlier ksh93 variant in some significant ways. One must now consider whether to prefer backwards compatibility with ${!var} or portability with typeset -n. declare and local are completely non-portable with this option and were only introduced by Bash in version 4.3.0 (released 2014) and ksh93v. The bash implementation is actually more similar to mksh's implementation, which isn't yet discussed but also predates that of bash. Bash also doesn't define the default nameref alias used by countless existing scripts in the wild. Recommending a best practice that applies to everyone is difficult at this time.
This page doesn't have much discussion on dynamic scope or weigh the differences between explicit passing of variable names vs implicit assignment to a calling function's local variable. It also prioritizes methods like exploiting the fact that read, printf, and (sometimes) declare can evaluate variable names, rather than using the more straightforward predictable eval approach (explained at the very end). Future POSIX standards may still throw another wrench into the works as standardizing locals (and their scope behavior, which is tightly coupled with nameref behavior) is still discussed on the lists from time to time. One possibility is to standardize the ksh93 static scope for function name functions while defining dynamic scope (as used by ksh88) for POSIX name() type functions, but this has only been proposed informally and there hasn't been much discussion on how namerefs would be affected. discussion
Overhauling this page will take some time and work.
-- 2014/05/20
7.2. Associative Arrays
We introduce associative arrays first, because in the majority of cases where people are trying to use indirect variable assignments/evaluations, they ought to be using associative arrays instead. For instance, we frequently see people asking how they can have a bunch of related variables like IPaddr_hostname1, IPaddr_hostname2 and so on. A more appropriate way to store this data is in an associative array named IPaddr which is indexed by the hostname.
An associative array stores an unordered collection of objects addressed by keys. An object in the collection can be looked up and retrieved by supplying its corresponding key. Since strings are the only real datatype most shells understand, associative arrays map strings to strings, unlike indexed arrays, which map integers to strings and implicitly evaluate the index in a math context (associative arrays do not). Associative arrays exist in AWK as "associative arrays", in Perl as "hashes", in Tcl as "arrays", in Python and C# as "dictionaries", and in Java as a "Map", and in C++11 STL as std::unordered_map.
1 # Bash 4 / ksh93
3 typeset -A homedir # Declare associative array
4 homedir=( # Compound assignment
5 [jim]=/home/jim
6 [silvia]=/home/silvia
7 [alex]=/home/alex
8 )
10 homedir[ormaaj]=/home/ormaaj # Ordinary assignment adds another single element
12 for user in "${!homedir[@]}"; do # Enumerate all indices (user names)
13 printf 'Home directory of user %s is: %q\n' "$user" "${homedir[$user]}"
14 done
Prior to Bash 4 or if you can't use ksh93, your options are limited. Either move to another interpreter (awk, perl, python, ruby, tcl, ...) or re-evaluate your problem to simplify it. There are certain tasks for which associative arrays are a powerful and completely appropriate tool. There are others for which they are overkill, or simply unsuitable.
Suppose we have several subservient hosts with slightly different configuration, and that we want to ssh to each one and run slightly different commands. One way we could set it up would be to hard-code a bunch of ssh commands in per-hostname functions in a single script and just run them in series or in parallel. (Don't reject this out of hand! Simple is good.) Another way would be to store each group of commands as an element of an associative array keyed by the hostname:
This is the kind of approach we'd expect in a high-level language, where we can store hierarchical information in advanced data structures. The difficulty here is that we really want each element of the associative array to be a list or another array of command strings. But the shell simply doesn't permit that kind of data structure.
So, often it pays to step back and think in terms of shells rather than other programming languages. Aren't we just running a script on a remote host? Then why don't we just store the configuration sets as scripts? Then it's simple:
Now we've removed the need for associative arrays, and also the need to maintain a bunch of extremely horrible quoting issues. It is also easy to parallelize using GNU Parallel:
1 parallel ssh {/} bash "<" {} ::: /etc/myapp/*
7.2.1. Associative array hacks in older shells
Before you think of using eval to mimic associative arrays in an older shell (probably by creating a set of variable names like homedir_alex), try to think of a simpler or completely different approach that you could use instead. If this hack still seems to be the best thing to do, consider the following disadvantages:
- It's really hard to read, to keep track of, and to maintain.
The variable names must be a single line and match the RegularExpression ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$ -- i.e., a variable name cannot contain arbitrary characters but only letters, digits, and underscores. We cannot have a variable's name contain Unix usernames, for instance -- consider a user named hong-hu. A dash '-' cannot be part of a variable name, so the entire attempt to make a variable named homedir_hong-hu is doomed from the start.
Quoting is hard to get right. If a content string (not a variable name) can contain whitespace characters and quotes, it's hard to quote it right to preserve it through both shell parsings. And that's just for constants, known at the time you write the program. (Bash's printf %q helps, but nothing analogous is available in POSIX shells.)
If the program handles unsanitized user input, it can be VERY dangerous!
Read BashGuide/Arrays or BashFAQ/005 for a more in-depth description and examples of how to use arrays in Bash.
If you need an associative array but your shell doesn't support them, please consider using AWK instead.
7.3. Indirection
7.3.1. Think before using indirection
Putting variable names or any other bash syntax inside parameters is frequently done incorrectly and in inappropriate situations to solve problems that have better solutions. It violates the separation between code and data, and as such puts you on a slippery slope toward bugs and security issues. Indirection can make your code less transparent and harder to follow.
Normally, in bash scripting, you won't need indirect references at all. Generally, people look at this for a solution when they don't understand or know about Bash Arrays or haven't fully considered other Bash features such as functions.
7.3.2. Evaluating indirect/reference variables
BASH allows you to expand a parameter indirectly -- that is, one variable may contain the name of another variable:
KornShell (ksh93) has a completely different, more powerful syntax -- the nameref command (also known as typeset -n):
Zsh allows you to access a parameter indirectly with the parameter expansion flag P:
Unfortunately, for shells other than Bash, ksh93, and zsh there is no syntax for evaluating a referenced variable. You would have to use eval, which means you would have to undergo extreme measures to sanitize your data to avoid catastrophe.
It's difficult to imagine a practical use for this that wouldn't be just as easily performed by using an associative array. But people ask it all the time (it is genuinely a frequently asked question).
ksh93's nameref allows us to work with references to arrays, as well as regular scalar variables. For example,
zsh's ability to nest parameter expansions allow for referencing arrays too:
We are not aware of any trick that can duplicate that functionality in POSIX or Bourne shells without eval, which can be difficult to do securely. Older versions of Bash can almost do it -- some indirect array tricks work, and others do not, and we do not know whether the syntax involved will remain stable in future releases. So, consider this a use at your own risk hack.
1 # Bash -- trick #2. Seems to work in bash 3 and up.
2 # Can't be combined with special expansions until 4.3. e.g. "${!tmp##*/}"
3 # Does NOT work in bash 2.05b -- Expands to one word instead of three in bash 2.
4 tmp=${ref}[@]
5 printf "<%s> " "${!tmp}"; echo # Iterate whole array as one word per element.
It is not possible to retrieve array indices directly using the Bash ${!var} indirect expansion.
7.3.3. Assigning indirect/reference variables
Sometimes you'd like to "point" from one variable to another, for purposes of writing information to a dynamically configurable place. Typically this happens when you're trying to write a "reusable" function or library, and you want it to put its output in a variable of the caller's choice instead of the function's choice. Various traits of Bash make safe (reusability of Bash functions difficult at best, so this is something that should not happen often.)
Assigning a value "through" a reference (I'm going to use "ref" from now on) is more widely possible, but the means of doing so are usually extremely shell-specific. All shells with the sole exception of AT&T ksh93 lack real reference variables or pointers. Indirection can only be achieved by indirectly evaluating variable names. IOW, you can never have a real unambiguous reference to an object in memory, the best you can do is use the name of a variable to try simulating the effect. Therefore, you must control the value of the ref and ensure side-effects such as globbing, user-input, and conflicting local parameters can't affect parameter names. Names must either be deterministic or validated in a way that makes certain guarantees. If an end user can populate the ref variable with arbitrary strings, the result can be unexpected code injection. We'll show an example of this at the end.
In ksh93, we can use nameref again:
In zsh, using parameter expansions ::= and expansion flags P:
In Bash, if you only want to assign a single line to the variable, you can use read and Bash's here string syntax:
If you need to assign multiline values, keep reading.
A similar trick works for Bash array variables too:
IFS is used to delimit words, so you may or may not need to set that. Also note that the read command will return failure because there is no terminating NUL byte for the -d '' to catch. Be prepared to ignore that failure.
Another trick is to use Bash's printf -v (only available in recent versions):
1 # Bash 3.1 or higher ONLY. Array assignments require 4.2 or higher.
2 ref=realvariable
3 printf -v "$ref" %s "contents"
You can use all of printf's formatting capabilities. This trick also permits any string content, including embedded and trailing newlines.
Yet another trick is Korn shell's typeset or Bash's declare. The details of typeset vary greatly between shells, but can be used in compatible ways in limited situations. Both of them cause a variable to become locally scoped to a function, if used inside a function; but if used outside all functions, they can operate on global variables.
Bash 4.2 adds declare -g which assigns variables to the global scope from any context.
There is very little advantage to typeset or declare over eval for scalar assignments, but many drawbacks. typeset cannot be made to not affect the scope of the assigned variable. This trick does preserve the exact contents, like eval, if correctly escaped.
You must still be careful about what is on the left-hand side of the assignment. Inside square brackets, expansions are still performed; thus, with a tainted ref, declare can be just as dangerous as eval:
This problem also exists with typeset in mksh and pdksh, but apparently not ksh93. This is why the value of ref must be under your control at all times.
If you aren't using Bash or Korn shell, you can do assignments to referenced variables using HereDocument syntax:
(Alas, read without -d means we're back to only getting at most one line of content. This is the most portable trick, but it's limited to single-line content.)
Remember that when using a here document, if the sentinel word (EOF in our example) is unquoted, then parameter expansions will be performed inside the body. If the sentinel is quoted, then parameter expansions are not performed. Use whichever is more convenient for your task. eval
1 # Bourne
2 ref=myVar
3 eval "${ref}=\$value"
This expands to the statement that is executed:
1 myVar=$value
The right-hand side is not parsed by the shell, so there is no danger of unwanted side effects. The drawback, here, is that every single shell metacharacter on the right hand side of the = must be quoted/escaped carefully. In the example shown here, there was only one. In a more complex situation, there could be dozens.
This is very often done incorrectly. Permutations like these are seen frequently all over the web even from experienced users that ought to know better:
The good news is that if you can sanitize the right hand side correctly, this trick is fully portable, has no variable scope issues, and allows all content including newlines. The bad news is that if you fail to sanitize the right hand side correctly, you have a massive security hole. Use eval if you know what you're doing and are very careful.
The following code demonstrates how to correctly pass a scalar variable name into a function by reference for the purpose of "returning" a value:
The following code is one way to pass the name of a ksh-compatible 1-dimensional indexed array into a function by reference. There are many ways to balance portability versus functionality depending on your needs. This is mainly for authors of library code that are comfortable working around the subtleties of arrays and functions in each shell. The required version detection code is omitted. More complex solutions are needed if you require robustly dealing with local variable namespace collisions in dynamically-scoped shells including Bash.
1 # bash/ksh93/mksh/zsh
3 ${ZSH_VERSION+false} || emulate ksh
4 ${BASH_VERSION+shopt -s extglob lastpipe} 2>/dev/null
6 function f {
7 ${1:+:} return 1
8 ${is_ksh93+eval typeset -n "${1}=\$1"}
9 typeset -a ref
11 # code that generates "ref" goes here. We assume you're returning a non-sparse array.
13 eval "$1"'=("${ref[@]}")'
14 }
16 function main {
17 # The caller MUST always declare the variable.
18 typeset -a arr
19 f arr args...
20 }
22 main "$@"
note: Almost always, you should use "function" and "typeset" in portable non-POSIX code. Most of this wiki features Bash-only or POSIX-only examples and intentionally avoids these. See the mksh manual for function f vs f() differences.
note2: Don't shift away your reference arg. Even though in ksh93, you can, you can't do that using this method, even if you use Bash-4.3 or mksh namerefs instead of or in addition to eval.
note3: Similarly, eval typeset -n "$1=\$1" is a ksh93-specific hack to work around dynamic scope breakage. This WILL break bash/mksh namerefs, so the is_ksh93 in this example must be able to separate AT&T ksh93 from other kshes. (details).
The following is inefficient, ugly, easy to do incorrectly, and usually unnecessary. This simply documents the single-quote escaping method. It may be useful in cases where there are large numbers of metacharacters that must be put into a string literal and eval'd. You're almost always better off constructing the string in advance using e.g. a heredoc with an escaped sentinel and then just expanding a single variable on the RHS of the assignment as demonstrated in the above example.
1 # Bash/ksh93/zsh
2 eval "$(printf %s=%q "$ref" "$value")"
7.4. See Also
8. Is there a function to return the length of a string?
The fastest way, not requiring external programs (but not usable in Bourne shells):
2 "${#varname}"
(note that with bash 3 and above, that's the number of characters, not bytes, which is a significant differences in multi-byte locales. Behaviour of other shells in that regard vary).
or for Bourne shells:
1 # Bourne
2 expr "x$varname" : '.*' - 1
(expr prints the number of characters or bytes matching the pattern .*, which is the length of the string (in bytes for GNU expr). The x is necessary to avoid problems with $varname values that are expr operators)
1 # Bourne, with GNU expr(1)
2 expr length "x$varname" - 1
(BSD/GNU expr only)
This second version is not specified in POSIX, so is not portable across all platforms.
One may also use awk:
1 # Bourne with POSIX awk
2 awk 'BEGIN {print length(ARGV[1])}' "$varname"
(there, whether the length is expressed in bytes or characters depends on the implementation (for instance, it's characters for GNU awk, but bytes for mawk).
Similar needs:
1 # Korn/Bash
2 "${#arrayname[@]}"
Expands to the number of elements in an array.
1 # Korn/Bash
2 "${#arrayname[i]}"
Expands to the length of the array's element i.
9. How can I recursively search all files for a string?
If you are on a typical GNU or BSD system, all you need is one of these:
If your grep lacks a -r option, you can use find to do the recursion:
1 # Portable but slow
2 find . -type f -exec grep -l -- "$search" {} \;
This command is slower than it needs to be, because find will call grep with only one file name, resulting in many grep invocations (one per file). Since grep accepts multiple file names on the command line, find can be instructed to call it with several file names at once:
1 # Fast, but requires a recent find
2 find . -type f -exec grep -l -- "$search" {} +
The trailing '+' character instructs find to call grep with as many file names as possible, saving processes and resulting in faster execution. This example works for POSIX-2008 find, which most current operating systems have, but which may not be available on legacy systems.
Traditional Unix has a helper program called xargs for the same purpose:
2 find . -type f | xargs grep -l -- "$search"
However, if your filenames contain spaces, quotes or other metacharacters, this will fail catastrophically. BSD/GNU xargs has a -print0 option:
1 find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l -- "$search"
The -print0 / -0 options ensure that any file name can be processed, even one containing blanks, TAB characters, or newlines.
10. What is buffering? Or, why does my command line produce no output: tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' | awk ...
Most standard Unix commands buffer their output when used non-interactively. This means that they don't write each character (or even each line) immediately, but instead collect a larger number of characters (often 4 kilobytes) before printing anything at all. In the case above, the grep command buffers its output, and therefore awk only gets its input in large chunks.
Buffering greatly increases the efficiency of I/O operations, and it's usually done in a way that doesn't visibly affect the user. A simple tail -f from an interactive terminal session works just fine, but when a command is part of a complicated pipeline, the command might not recognize that the final output is needed in (near) real time. Fortunately, there are several techniques available for controlling I/O buffering behavior.
The most important thing to understand about buffering is that it's the writer who's doing it, not the reader.
10.0.1. Eliminate unnecessary commands
In the question, we have the pipeline tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' | awk ... (with the actual AWK command being unspecified). There is no problem if we simply run tail -f logfile, because tail -f never buffers its output. Nor is there a problem if we run tail -f logfile | grep 'foo bar' interactively, because grep does not buffer its output if its standard output is a terminal. However, if the output of grep is being piped into something else (such as an AWK command), it starts buffering to improve efficiency.
In this particular example, the grep is actually redundant. We can remove it, and have AWK perform the filtering in addition to whatever else it's doing:
1 tail -f logfile | awk '/foo bar/ ...'
In other cases, this sort of consolidation may not be possible. But you should always look for the simplest solution first.
10.0.2. Your command may already support unbuffered output
Some programs provide special command line options specifically for this sort of problem:
grep (e.g. GNU version 2.5.1) |
--line-buffered |
sed (e.g. GNU version 4.0.6) |
-u,--unbuffered |
awk (GNU awk, nawk) |
use the fflush() function |
awk (mawk) |
-W interactive |
tcpdump, tethereal |
-l |
Each command that writes to a pipe would have to be told to disable buffering, in order for the entire pipeline to run in (near) real time. The last command in the pipeline, if it's writing to a terminal, will not typically need any special consideration.
10.0.3. Disabling buffering in a C application
If the buffering application is written in C, and is either your own or one whose source you can modify, you can disable the buffering with:
1 setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);
Often, you can simply add this at the top of the main() function, but if the application closes and reopens stdout, or explicitly calls setvbuf() later, you may need to exercise more discretion.
10.0.4. unbuffer
The expect package has an unbuffer program which effectively tricks other programs into always behaving as if they were being used interactively (which may often disable buffering). Here's a simple example:
1 tail -f logfile | unbuffer grep 'foo bar' | awk ...
expect and unbuffer are not standard POSIX tools, but they may already be installed on your system.
10.0.5. stdbuf
Recent versions of GNU coreutils (from 7.5 onwards) come with a nice utility called stdbuf, which can be used among other things to "unbuffer" the standard output of a command. Here's the basic usage for our example:
1 tail -f logfile | stdbuf -oL grep 'foo bar' | awk ...
In the above code, "-oL" makes stdout line buffered; you can even use "-o0" to entirely disable buffering. The man and info pages have all the details.
stdbuf is not a standard POSIX tool, but it may already be installed on your system (if you're using a recent GNU/Linux distribution, it will probably be present).
10.0.6. less
If you simply wanted to highlight the search term, rather than filter out non-matching lines, you can use the less program instead of a filtered tail -f:
1 $ less program.log
Inside less, start a search with the '/' command (similar to searching in vi). Or start less with the -p pattern option.
- This should highlight any instances of the search term.
Now put less into "follow" mode, which by default is bound to shift+f.
- You should get an unfiltered tail of the specified file, with the search term highlighted.
"follow" mode is stopped with an interrupt, which is probably control+c on your system. The '/' command accepts regular expressions, so you could do things like highlight the entire line on which a term appears. For details, consult man less.
10.0.7. coproc
If you're using ksh or Bash 4.0+, whatever you're really trying to do with tail -f might benefit from using coproc and fflush() to create a coprocess. Note well that coproc does not itself address buffering issues (in fact it's prone to buffering problems -- hence the reference to fflush). coproc is only mentioned here because whenever someone is trying to continuously monitor and react to a still-growing file (or pipe), they might be trying to do something which would benefit from coprocesses.
10.0.8. Further reading
11. How can I recreate a directory hierarchy structure, without the files?
With the cpio program:
1 cd "$srcdir" &&
2 find . -type d -print | cpio -pdumv "$dstdir"
or with the pax program:
1 cd "$srcdir" &&
2 find . -type d -print | pax -rwdv "$dstdir"
or with zsh's special globbing:
or with GNU tar, and more verbose syntax:
1 cd "$srcdir" &&
2 find . -type d -print | tar c --files-from - --no-recursion |
3 tar x --directory "$dstdir"
This creates a list of directory names with find, non-recursively adds just the directories to an archive, and pipes it to a second tar instance to extract it at the target location. As you can see, tar is the least suited to this task, but people just adore it, so it has to be included here to appease the tar fanboy crowd. (Note: you can't even do this at all with a typical Unix tar. Also note: there is no such thing as "standard tar", as both tar and cpio were intentionally omitted from POSIX in favor of pax.)
All but the zsh solution above will fail if directory names contain newline characters. On many modern BSD/GNU systems, at least, they can be trivially modified to cope with that, by using find -print0 and one of pax -0 or cpio -0 or tar --null (check your system documentation to see which of these commands you have, and which extensions are available).
If you want to create stub files instead of full-sized files, the following is likely to be the simplest solution. The find command recreates the regular files using "dummy" files (empty files with the same timestamps):
1 cd "$srcdir" &&
2 find . -type f -exec sh -c \
3 'dstdir=$1; shift; for i; do touch -r "$i" "$dstdir"/"$i"; done' _ "$dstdir" {} +
If your find can't handle -exec + then you can use \; instead of + at the end of the command. See UsingFind for explanations.
Or use find with xargs:
1 find "$src" -type d | sed "s@^$src@@g" | (cd "$dst" && xargs -n1 mkdir)
(This solution is not recommended, as it fails if $src contains any @ characters, or any characters that have special meaning to sed.)
12. How can I print the n'th line of a file?
One dirty (but not quick) way is:
1 sed -n "${n}p" "$file"
But this reads the entire file even if only the third line is desired, which can be avoided by printing line $n using the p command, followed by a q to exit the script:
1 sed -n "$n{p;q;}" "$file"
Another method is to grab the last line from a listing of the first n lines:
1 head -n "$n" "$file" | tail -n 1
Another approach, using AWK:
1 awk "NR==$n{print;exit}" "$file"
If more than one line is needed, it's easy to adapt any of the previous methods:
In Bash 4, mapfile can be used similarly to head while avoiding buffering issues in the event input is a pipe, because it guarantees the fd will be seeked to where you left it:
1 # Bash4
2 { mapfile -n "$n"; head -n 1; } <"$file"
Or a counter with a simple read loop:
To read into a variable, it is preferable to use read or mapfile rather than an external utility. More than one line can be read into the given array variable or the default array MAPFILE by adjusting the argument to mapfile's -n option:
1 # Bash4
2 mapfile -ts $((n-1)) -n 1 x <"$file"
3 printf '%s\n' "$x"
12.1. See Also
13. How do I invoke a shell command from a non-shell application?
You can use the shell's -c option to run the shell with the sole purpose of executing a short bit of script:
1 sh -c 'echo "Hi! This is a short script."'
This is usually pretty useless without a means of passing data to it. The best way to pass bits of data to your shell is to pass them as positional arguments:
1 sh -c 'echo "Hi! This short script was run with the arguments: $@"' -- "foo" "bar"
Notice the -- before the actual positional parameters. The first argument you pass to the shell process (that isn't the argument to the -c option) will be placed in $0. Positional parameters start at $1, so we put a little placeholder in $0. This can be anything you like; in the example, we use the generic --.
This technique is used often in shell scripting, when trying to have a non-shell CLI utility execute some bash code, such as with find(1):
1 find /foo -name '*.bar' -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${}.jpg"' -- {} \;
Here, we ask find to run the bash command for every *.bar file it finds, passing it to the bash process as the first positional parameter. The bash process runs the mv command after doing some Parameter Expansion on the first positional parameter in order to rename our file's extension from bar to jpg.
Alternatively, if your non-shell application allows you to set environment variables, you can do that, and then read them using normal variables of the same name.
Similarly, suppose a program (e.g. a file manager) lets you define an external command that an argument will be appended to, but you need that argument somewhere in the middle. In that case:
#!/bin/sh sh -c 'command foo "$1" bar' -- "$@"
13.1. Calling shell functions
Only a shell can call a shell function. So constructs like this won't work:
1 # This won't work!
2 find . -type f -exec my_bash_function {} +
If your shell function is defined in a file, you can invoke a shell which sources that file, and then calls the function:
1 find . -type f -exec bash -c 'source /my/bash/function; my_bash_function "$@"' _ {} +
(See UsingFind for explanations.)
Bash also permits function definitions to be exported through the environment. So, if your function is defined within your current shell, you can export it to make it available to the new shell which find invokes:
1 # Bash
2 export -f my_bash_function
3 find . -type f -exec bash -c 'my_bash_function "$@"' _ {} +
This works ONLY in bash, and isn't without problems. The maximum length of the function code cannot exceed the max size of an environment variable, which is platform-specific. Functions from the environment can be a security risk as well because bash simply scans environment variables for values that fit the form of a shell function, and has no way of knowing who exported the function, or whether a value that happens to look like a function really is one. It is generally a better idea to retrieve the function definition and put it directly into the code. This technique is also more portable.
Note that ksh93 uses a completely different approach for sourcing functions. See the manpage for the FPATH variable. Bash doesn't use FPATH, but the source tree includes 3 different examples of how to emulate it:
This technique is also necessary when calling the shell function on a remote system (e.g. over ssh). Sourcing a file containing the function definition on the remote system will work, if such a file is available. If no such file is available, the only viable approach is to ask the current shell to spit out the function definition, and feed that to the remote shell over the ssh channel:
1 {
2 declare -f my_bash_function
3 echo "my_bash_function foo 'bar bar'"
4 } | ssh -T user@host bash
Care must be taken when writing a script to send through ssh. Ssh works like eval, with the same concerns; see that FAQ for details.
14. How can I concatenate two variables? How do I append a string to a variable?
There is no (explicit) concatenation operator for strings (either literal or variable dereferences) in the shell; you just write them adjacent to each other:
1 var=$var1$var2
If the right-hand side contains whitespace characters, it needs to be quoted:
1 var="$var1 - $var2"
If you're appending a string that doesn't "look like" part of a variable name, you just smoosh it all together:
1 var=$var1/.-
Otherwise, braces or quotes may be used to disambiguate the right-hand side:
CommandSubstitution can be used as well. The following line creates a log file name logname containing the current date, resulting in names like e.g. log.2004-07-26:
1 logname="log.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
There's no difference when the variable name is reused, either. A variable's value (the string it holds) may be reassigned at will:
1 string="$string more data here"
Bash 3.1 has a new += operator that you may see from time to time:
1 string+=" more data here" # EXTREMELY non-portable!
It's generally best to use the portable syntax.
15. How can I redirect the output of multiple commands at once?
Redirecting the standard output of a single command is as easy as:
1 date > file
To redirect standard error:
1 date 2> file
To redirect both:
1 date > file 2>&1
or, a fancier way:
1 # Bash only. Equivalent to date > file 2>&1 but non-portable.
2 date &> file
Redirecting an entire loop:
1 for i in "${list[@]}"; do
2 echo "Now processing $i"
3 # more stuff here...
4 done > file 2>&1
However, this can become tedious if the output of many programs should be redirected. If all output of a script should go into a file (e.g. a log file), the exec command can be used:
1 # redirect both standard output and standard error to "log.txt"
2 exec > log.txt 2>&1
3 # all output including stderr now goes into "log.txt"
(See FAQ 106 for more complex script logging techniques.)
Otherwise, command grouping helps:
In this example, the output of all commands within the curly braces is redirected to the file messages.log.
In-depth: Illustrated Tutorial
16. How can I run a command on all files with the extension .gz?
Often a command already accepts several files as arguments, e.g.
1 zcat -- *.gz
On some systems, you would use gzcat instead of zcat. If neither is available, or if you don't care to play guessing games, just use gzip -dc instead.
The -- prevents a filename beginning with a hyphen from causing unexpected results.
If an explicit loop is desired, or if your command does not accept multiple filename arguments in one invocation, the for loop can be used:
To do it recursively, use find:
1 # Bourne
2 find . -name '*.gz' -type f -exec do-something {} \;
If you need to process the files inside your shell for some reason, then read the find results in a loop:
This example uses ProcessSubstitution (see also FAQ #24), although a pipe may also be suitable in many cases. However, it does not correctly handle filenames that contain newlines. To handle arbitrary filenames, see FAQ #20.
17. How can I use a logical AND/OR/NOT in a shell pattern (glob)?
"Globs" are simple patterns that can be used to match filenames or strings. They're generally not very powerful. If you need more power, there are a few options available.
If you want to operate on all the files that match glob A or glob B, just put them both on the same command line:
1 rm -- *.bak *.old
If you want to use a logical OR in just part of a glob (larger than a single charcter -- for which square-bracketed character classes suffice), in Bash, you can use BraceExpansion:
1 rm -- *.{bak,old}
If you need something still more general/powerful, in KornShell or BASH you can use extended globs. In Bash, you'll need the extglob option to be set. It can be checked with:
1 shopt extglob
and set with:
1 shopt -s extglob
To warm up, we'll move all files starting with foo AND not ending with .d to directory foo_thursday.d:
1 mv foo!(*.d) foo_thursday.d
A more complex example -- delete all files containing Pink_Floyd AND not containing The_Final_Cut:
1 rm !(!(*Pink_Floyd*)|*The_Final_Cut*)
By the way: these kind of patterns can be used with the KornShell, too. They don't have to be enabled there, but are the default patterns.
18. How can I group expressions in an if statement, e.g. if (A AND B) OR C?
The portable (POSIX or Bourne) way is to use multiple test (or [) commands:
When they are shell operators between commands (as opposed to the [[...]] operators), && and || have equal precedence, so processing is left to right.
If we need explicit grouping, then we can use curly braces:
1 # Bourne
2 if commandA && { commandB || commandC; }; then
3 ...
What we should not do is try to use the -a or -o operators of the test command, because the results are undefined.
BASH, zsh and the KornShell have different, more powerful comparison commands with slightly different (easier) quoting:
ArithmeticExpression for arithmetic expressions, and
NewTestCommand for string (and file) expressions.
1 # Bash/ksh/zsh
2 if (( (n>0 && n<10) || n == -1 ))
3 then echo "0 < $n < 10, or n==-1"
4 fi
1 # Bash/ksh/zsh
2 if [[ ( -f $localconfig && -f $globalconfig ) || -n $noconfig ]]
3 then echo "configuration ok (or not used)"
4 fi
Note that contrary to the && and || shell operators, the && operator in ((...)) and [[...]] has precedence over the || operator (same goes for ['s -a over -o), so for instance:
1 [ a = a ] || [ b = c ] && [ c = d ]
is false because it's like:
1 { [ a = a ] || [ b = c ]; } && [ c = d ]
(left to right association, no precedence), while
1 [[ a = a || b = c && c = d ]]
is true because it's like:
1 [[ a = a || ( b = c && c = d ) ]]
(&& has precedence over ||).
Note that the distinction between numeric and string comparisons is strict. Consider the following example:
The output will be "ERROR: ....", because in a string comparision "3" is bigger than "10", because "3" already comes after "1", and the next character "0" is not considered. Changing the square brackets to double parentheses (( makes the example work as expected.
19. How can I use numbers with leading zeros in a loop, e.g. 01, 02?
As always, there are different ways to solve the problem, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Bash version 4 allows zero-padding and ranges in its BraceExpansion:
1 # Bash 4 / zsh
2 for i in {01..10}; do
3 ...
All of the other solutions on this page will assume Bash earlier than 4.0, or a non-Bash shell.
If there are not many numbers, BraceExpansion can be used:
In Bash 3, you can use ranges inside brace expansion (but not zero-padding). Thus, the same thing can be accomplished more concisely like this:
Another example, for output of 0000 to 0034:
This gets tedious for large sequences, but there are other ways, too. If you have the printf command (which is a Bash builtin, and is also POSIX standard), it can be used to format a number:
Also, unlike the C library printf, since printf will implicitly loop if given more arguments than format specifiers, you can simplify this enormously:
1 # Bash 3
2 printf '%03d\n' {1..300}
If you don't know in advance what the starting and ending values are:
1 # Bash 3
2 # start and end are variables containing integers
3 eval "printf '%03d\n' {$start..$end}"
The eval is required in Bash because for each command it performs an initial pass of evaluation, going through each word to process brace expansions prior to any other evaluation step. The traditional Csh implementation, which all other applicable shells follow, insert the brace expansion pass sometime between the processing of other expansions and pathname expansion, thus parameter expansion has already been performed by the time words are scanned for brace expansion. There are various pros and cons to Bash's implementation, this being probably the most frequently cited drawback. Given how messy that eval solution is, please give serious thought to using a for or while loop with shell arithmetic instead.
The ksh93 method for specifying field width for sequence expansion is to add a (limited) printf format string to the syntax, which is used to format each expanded word. This is somewhat more powerful, but unfortunately incompatible with bash, and ksh does not understand Bash's field padding scheme:
1 #ksh93
2 echo {0..10..2%02d}
ksh93 also has a variable attribute that specifies a field with to pad with leading zeros whenever the variable is referenced. The concept is similar to other attributes supported by Bash such as case modification. Note that ksh never interprets octal literals.
1 # ksh93 / mksh / zsh
2 $ typeset -Z3 i=4
3 $ echo $i
4 004
If the command seq(1) is available (it's part of GNU sh-utils/coreutils), you can use it as follows:
1 seq -w 1 10
or, for arbitrary numbers of leading zeros (here: 3):
1 seq -f "%03g" 1 10
Combining printf with seq(1), you can do things like this:
1 # POSIX shell, GNU utilities
2 printf "%03d\n" $(seq 300)
(That may be helpful if you are not using Bash, but you have seq(1), and your version of seq(1) lacks printf-style format specifiers. That's a pretty odd set of restrictions, but I suppose it's theoretically possible. Since seq is a nonstandard external tool, it's good to keep your options open.)
Be warned however that using seq might be considered bad style; it's even mentioned in Don't Ever Do These.
Some BSD-derived systems have jot(1) instead of seq(1). In accordance with the glorious tradition of Unix, it has a completely incompatible syntax:
Finally, the following example works with any BourneShell derived shell (which also has expr and sed) to zero-pad each line to three bytes:
In this example, the number of '.' inside the parentheses in the sed command determines how many total bytes from the echo command (at the end of each line) will be kept and printed.
But if you're going to rely on an external Unix command, you might as well just do the whole thing in awk in the first place:
Now, since the number one reason this question is asked is for downloading images in bulk, you can use the examples above with xargs(1) and wget(1) to fetch files:
1 almost any example above | xargs -i% wget $LOCATION/%
The xargs -i% will read a line of input at a time, and replace the % at the end of the command with the input.
Or, a simpler example using a for loop:
Or, avoiding the subshells (requires bash 3.1):
20. How can I split a file into line ranges, e.g. lines 1-10, 11-20, 21-30?
Some Unix systems provide the split utility for this purpose:
1 split --lines 10 --numeric-suffixes input.txt output-
For more flexibility you can use sed. The sed command can print e.g. the line number range 1-10:
1 sed -n -e '1,10p' -e '10q'
This stops sed from printing each line (-n). Instead it only processes the lines in the range 1-10 ("1,10"), and prints them ("p"). The command will quit after reading line 10 ("10q").
We can now use this to print an arbitrary range of a file (specified by line number):
1 # POSIX shell
2 file=/etc/passwd
3 range=10
4 cur=1
5 last=$(wc -l < "$file") # count number of lines
6 chunk=1
7 while [ $cur -lt $last ]
8 do
9 endofchunk=$(($cur + $range - 1))
10 sed -n -e "$cur,${endofchunk}p" -e "${endofchunk}q" "$file" > chunk.$(printf %04d $chunk)
11 chunk=$(($chunk + 1))
12 cur=$(($cur + $range))
13 done
The previous example uses POSIX arithmetic, which older Bourne shells do not have. In that case the following example should be used instead:
1 # legacy Bourne shell; assume no printf either
2 file=/etc/passwd
3 range=10
4 cur=1
5 last=`wc -l < "$file"` # count number of lines
6 chunk=1
7 while test $cur -lt $last
8 do
9 endofchunk=`expr $cur + $range - 1`
10 sed -n -e "$cur,${endofchunk}p" -e "${endofchunk}q" "$file" > chunk.$chunk
11 chunk=`expr $chunk + 1`
12 cur=`expr $cur + $range`
13 done
Awk can also be used to produce a more or less equivalent result:
1 awk -v range=10 '{print > FILENAME "." (int((NR -1)/ range)+1)}' file
21. How can I find and safely handle file names containing newlines, spaces or both?
First and foremost, to understand why you're having trouble, read Arguments to get a grasp on how the shell understands the statements you give it. It is vital that you grasp this matter well if you're going to be doing anything with the shell.
The preferred method to deal with arbitrary filenames is still to use find(1):
find ... -exec command {} \;
or, if you need to handle filenames en masse:
find ... -exec command {} +
xargs is rarely ever more useful than the above, but if you really insist, remember to use -0:
# Requires GNU/BSD find and xargs find ... -print0 | xargs -r0 command # Never use xargs without -0 or similar extensions!
Use one of these unless you really can't.
Another way to deal with files with spaces in their names is to use the shell's filename expansion (globbing). This has the disadvantage of not working recursively (except with zsh's extensions or bash 4's globstar), but if you just need to process all the files in a single directory, it works fantastically well.
For example, this code renames all the *.mp3 files in the current directory to use underscores in their names instead of spaces:
# Bash/ksh for file in ./*\ *.mp3; do mv "$file" "${file// /_}" done
For more examples of renaming files, see FAQ #30.
Remember, you need to quote all your Parameter Expansions using double quotes. If you don't, the expansion will undergo WordSplitting (see also argument splitting and BashPitfalls). Also, always prefix globs with "./"; otherwise, if there's a file with "-" as the first character, the expansions might be misinterpreted as options.
Another way to handle filenames recursively involves using the -print0 option of find (a GNU/BSD extension), together with bash's -d option for read:
# Bash unset a i while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do a[i++]="$file" # or however you want to process each file done < <(find /tmp -type f -print0)
The preceding example reads all the files under /tmp (recursively) into an array, even if they have newlines or other whitespace in their names, by forcing read to use the NUL byte (\0) as its line delimiter. Since NUL is not a valid byte in Unix filenames, this is the safest approach besides using find -exec. IFS= is required to avoid trimming leading/trailing whitespace, and -r is needed to avoid backslash processing. In fact, $'\0' is actually the empty string (bash doesn't support passing NUL bytes to commands even built-in ones) so we could also write it like this:
# Bash unset a i while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do a[i++]="$file" done < <(find /tmp -type f -print0)
So, why doesn't this work?
# DOES NOT WORK unset a i find /tmp -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do a[i++]="$file" done
Because of the pipeline, the entire while loop is executed in a SubShell and therefore the array assignments will be lost after the loop terminates. (For more details about this, see FAQ #24.)
22. How can I replace a string with another string in a variable, a stream, a file, or in all the files in a directory?
There are a number of techniques for this. Which one to use depends on many factors, the biggest of which is what we're editing.
22.1. Files
Editing files is tricky. The only standard tools that actually edit a file are ed and ex (vi is the visual mode for ex). Other methods could be used, but they involve a temp file and mv (or nonstandard tools, or extensions to POSIX).
ed is the standard UNIX command-based editor. ex is another standard command-line editor. Here are some commonly-used syntaxes for replacing the string by the string in a file named file. All four commands do the same thing, with varying degrees of portability and efficiency:
## Ex ex -sc '%s/olddomain\.com/|x' file ## Ed # Bash ed -s file <<< $'g/olddomain\\.com/s//\nw\nq' # Bourne (with printf) printf '%s\n' 'g/olddomain\.com/s//' w q | ed -s file printf 'g/olddomain\\.com/s//\nw\nq' | ed -s file # Bourne (without printf) ed -s file <<! g/olddomain\\.com/s// w q !
To replace a string in all files of the current directory, just wrap one of the above in a loop:
for file in ./*; do [[ -f $file ]] && ed -s "$file" <<< $'g/old/s//new/g\nw\nq' done
To do this recursively, the easy way would be to enable globstar in bash 4 (shopt -s globstar, a good idea to put this in your ~/.bashrc) and use:
# Bash 4+ (shopt -s globstar) for file in ./**; do [[ -f $file ]] && ed -s "$file" <<< $'g/old/s//new/g\nw\nq' done
If you don't have bash 4, you can use find. Unfortunately, it's a bit tedious to feed ed stdin for each file hit:
find . -type f -exec bash -c 'printf "%s\n" "g/old/s//new/g" w q | ed -s "$1"' _ {} \;
Since ex takes its commands from the command-line, it's less painful to invoke from find:
find . -type f -exec ex -sc '%s/old/new/g|x' {} \;
Beware though, if your ex is provided by vim, it may get stuck for files that don't contain an old. In that case, you'd add the e option to ignore those files. When vim is your ex, you can also use argdo and find's {} + to minimize the amount of ex processes to run:
# Bash 4+ (shopt -s globstar) ex -sc 'argdo %s/old/new/ge|x' ./** # Bourne find . -type f -exec ex -sc 'argdo %s/old/new/ge|x' {} +
If shell variables are used as the search and/or replace strings, ed is not suitable. Nor is sed, or any tool that uses regular expressions. Consider using the awk code at the bottom of this FAQ with redirections, and mv.
gsub_literal "$search" "$rep" < "$file" > tmp && mv tmp "$file"
22.1.1. Using nonstandard tools
sed is a Stream EDitor, not a file editor. Nevertheless, people everywhere tend to abuse it for trying to edit files. It doesn't edit files. GNU sed (and some BSD seds) have a -i option that makes a copy and replaces the original file with the copy. An expensive operation, but if you enjoy unportable code, I/O overhead and bad side effects (such as destroying symlinks), this would be an option:
sed -i 's/old/new/g' ./* # GNU sed -i '' 's/old/new/g' ./* # FreeBSD
Those of you who have perl 5 can accomplish the same thing using this code:
perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g' ./*
Recursively using find:
find . -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g' {} \; # if your find doesn't have + yet find . -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/old/new/g' {} + # if it does
If you want to delete lines instead of making substitutions:
# Deletes any line containing the perl regex foo perl -ni -e 'print unless /foo/' ./*
To replace for example all "unsigned" with "unsigned long", if it is not "unsigned int" or "unsigned long" ...:
find . -type f -exec perl -i.bak -pne \ 's/\bunsigned\b(?!\s+(int|short|long|char))/unsigned long/g' {} \;
All of the examples above use regular expressions, which means they have the same issue as the sed code earlier; trying to embed shell variables in them is a terrible idea, and treating an arbitrary value as a literal string is painful at best.
Moreover, perl can be used to pass variables into both search and replace strings with no unquoting or potential for conflict with sigil characters:
in="$search" out="$replace" perl -pi -e 's/\Q$ENV{"in"}/$ENV{"out"}/g' ./*
Or, wrapped in a useful shell function:
# Bash # usage: replace FROM TO [file ...] replace() { local in="$1" out="$2"; shift 2 in="$in" out="$out" perl -p ${1+-i} -e 's/\Q$ENV{"in"}/$ENV{"out"}/g' "$@" }
This wrapper passes perl's -i option if there are any filenames, so that they are "edited in-place" (or at least as far as perl does such a thing -- see the perl documentation for details).
22.2. Variables
If it's a variable, this can (and should) be done very simply with Bash's parameter expansion:
var='some string'; search=some; rep=another # Bash var=${var//"$search"/$rep}
It's a lot harder in POSIX:
# POSIX function # usage: string_rep SEARCH REPL STRING # replaces all instances of SEARCH with REPL in STRING string_rep() { # initialize vars in=$3 unset out # SEARCH must not be empty test -n "$1" || return while true; do # break loop if SEARCH is no longer in "$in" case "$in" in *"$1"*) : ;; *) break;; esac # append everything in "$in", up to the first instance of SEARCH, and REP, to "$out" out=$out${in%%"$1"*}$2 # remove everything up to and including the first instance of SEARCH from "$in" in=${in#*"$1"} done # append whatever is left in "$in" after the last instance of SEARCH to out, and print printf '%s%s\n' "$out" "$in" } var=$(string_rep "$search" "$rep" "$var") # Note: POSIX does not have a way to localize variables. Most shells (even dash and # busybox), however, do. Feel free to localize the variables if your shell supports # it. Even if it does not, if you call the function with var=$(string_rep ...), the # function will be run in a subshell and any assignments it makes will not persist.
In the bash example, the quotes around "$search" prevent the contents of the variable to be treated as a shell pattern (also called a glob). Of course, if pattern matching is intended, do not include the quotes. If "$rep" were quoted, however, the quotes would be treated as literal.
Parameter expansions like this are discussed in more detail in Faq #100.
22.3. Streams
If it's a stream, then use the stream editor:
some_command | sed 's/foo/bar/g'
sed uses regular expressions. In our example, foo and bar are literal strings. If they were variables (e.g. user input), they would have to be rigorously escaped in order to prevent errors. This is very impractical, and attempting to do so will make your code extremely prone to bugs. Embedding shell variables in sed commands is never a good idea.
You could also do it in Bash itself, by combining a parameter expansion with Faq #1:
search=foo; rep=bar while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s\n' "${line//"$search"/$rep}" done < <(some_command) some_command | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s\n' "${line//"$search"/$rep}" done
If you want to do more processing than just a simple search/replace, this may be the best option. Note that the last example runs the loop in a subshell. See Faq #24 for more information on that.
You may notice, however, that the bash loop above is very slow for large data sets. So how do we find something faster, that can replace literal strings? Well, you could use AWK. The following function replaces all instances of STR with REP, reading from stdin and writing to stdout.
# usage: gsub_literal STR REP # replaces all instances of STR with REP. reads from stdin and writes to stdout. gsub_literal() { # STR cannot be empty [[ $1 ]] || return # string manip needed to escape '\'s, so awk doesn't expand '\n' and such awk -v str="${1//\\/\\\\}" -v rep="${2//\\/\\\\}" ' # get the length of the search string BEGIN { len = length(str); } { # empty the output string out = ""; # continue looping while the search string is in the line while (i = index($0, str)) { # append everything up to the search string, and the replacement string out = out substr($0, 1, i-1) rep; # remove everything up to and including the first instance of the # search string from the line $0 = substr($0, i + len); } # append whatever is left out = out $0; print out; } ' } some_command | gsub_literal "$search" "$rep" # condensed as a one-liner: some_command | awk -v s="${search//\\/\\\\}" -v r="${rep//\\/\\\\}" 'BEGIN {l=length(s)} {o="";while (i=index($0, s)) {o=o substr($0,1,i-1) r; $0=substr($0,i+l)} print o $0}'
23. How can I calculate with floating point numbers instead of just integers?
BASH's builtin arithmetic uses integers only:
$ echo "$((10 / 3))" 3
For most operations involving non-integer numbers, an external program must be used, e.g. bc, AWK or dc:
$ echo 'scale=3; 10/3' | bc 3.333
The "scale=3" command notifies bc that three digits of precision after the decimal point are required.
Same example with dc (reverse polish calculator, lighter than bc):
$ echo '3 k 10 3 / p' | dc 3.333
k sets the precision to 3, and p prints the value of the top of the stack with a newline. The stack is not altered, though.
If you are trying to compare non-integer numbers (less-than or greater-than), and you have GNU bc, you can do this:
# Bash if (( $(bc <<<'1.4 < 2.5') )); then echo '1.4 is less than 2.5.' fi
However, x < y is not supported by all versions of bc:
# HP-UX 10.20. imadev:~$ bc <<<'1 < 2' syntax error on line 1,
If you want to be portable, you need something more subtle:
# POSIX case $(echo '1.4 - 2.5' | bc) in -*) echo '1.4 is less than 2.5';; esac
This example subtracts 2.5 from 1.4, and checks the sign of the result. If it is negative, the first number is less than the second. We aren't actually treating bc's output as a number; we're treating it as a string, and only looking at the first character.
Legacy (Bourne) version:
# Bourne case "`echo "1.4 - 2.5" | bc`" in -*) echo "1.4 is less than 2.5";; esac
AWK can be used for calculations, too:
$ awk 'BEGIN {printf "%.3f\n", 10 / 3}' 3.333
There is a subtle but important difference between the bc and the awk solution here: bc reads commands and expressions from standard input. awk on the other hand evaluates the expression as part of the program. Expressions on standard input are not evaluated, i.e. echo 10/3 | awk '{print $0}' will print 10/3 instead of the evaluated result of the expression.
ksh93 and zsh have support for non-integers in shell arithmetic. Newer versions of ksh93 additionally have support for all C99 math.h functions sin() or cos() as well as user-defined math functions callable using C syntax. So many of these calculations can be done natively in ksh:
# ksh93/zsh $ LC_NUMERIC=C; echo "$((3.00000000000/7))" 0.428571428571428571
(ksh93 is sensitive to locale. A dotted decimal used in locales where the decimal separator character is not dot will fail, like in German, Spanish, French locales...).
Comparing two non-integer numbers for equality is potentially an unwise thing to do. Similar calculations that are mathematically equivalent and which you would expect to give the same result on paper may give ever-so-slightly-different non-integer numeric results due to rounding/truncation and other issues. If you wish to determine whether two non-integer numbers are "the same", you may either:
- Round them both to a desired level of precision, and then compare the rounded results for equality; or
Subtract one from the other and compare the absolute value of the difference against an epsilon value of your choice.
Be sure to output adequate precision to fully express the actual value. Ideally, use hex float literals, which are supported by Bash.
$ ksh -c 'LC_NUMERIC=C printf "%-20s %f %.20f %a\n" "error accumulation:" .1+.1+.1+.1+.1+.1+.1+.1+.1+.1{,,} constant: 1.0{,,}' error accumulation: 1.000000 1.00000000000000000011 0x1.0000000000000002000000000000p+0 constant: 1.000000 1.00000000000000000000 0x1.0000000000000000000000000000p+0
One of the very few things that Bash actually can do with non-integer numbers is round them, using printf:
# Bash 3.1 # See if a and b are close to each other. # Round each one to two decimal places and compare results as strings. a=3.002 b=2.998 printf -v a1 %.2f "$a" printf -v b1 %.2f "$b" if [[ $a1 = "$b1" ]]; then echo 'a and b are roughly the same' fi
Many problems that look like non-integer arithmetic can in fact be solved using integers only, and thus do not require these tools -- e.g., problems dealing with rational numbers. For example, to check whether two numbers x and y are in a ratio of 4:3 or 16:9 you may use something along these lines:
# Bash # Variables x and y are integers if (( (x * 9 - y * 16) == 0 )) ; then echo 16:9. elif (( (x * 3 - y * 4) == 0 )) ; then echo 4:3. else echo 'Neither 16:9 nor 4:3.' fi
A more elaborate test could tell if the ratio is closest to 4:3 or 16:9 without using non-integer arithmetic. Note that this very simple example that apparently involves non-integer numbers and division is solved with integers and no division. If possible, it's usually more efficient to convert your problem to integer arithmetic than to use non-integer arithmetic.
24. I want to launch an interactive shell that has special aliases and functions, not the ones in the user's ~/.bashrc.
Just specify a different start-up file:
bash --rcfile /my/custom/bashrc
Variant question: I have a script that sets up an environment, and I want to give the user control at the end of it.
Put exec bash at the end of it to launch an interactive shell. This shell will inherit the environment (which does not include aliases, but that's OK, because aliases suck). Of course, you must also make sure that your script runs in a terminal -- otherwise, you must create one, for example, by using exec xterm -e bash.
25. I set variables in a loop that's in a pipeline. Why do they disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read?
In most shells, each command of a pipeline is executed in a separate SubShell. Non-working example:
# Works only in ksh88/ksh93, or bash 4.2 with lastpipe enabled # In other shells, this will print 0 linecount=0 printf '%s\n' foo bar | while read -r line do linecount=$((linecount + 1)) done echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
The reason for this potentially surprising behaviour, as described above, is that each SubShell introduces a new variable context and environment. The while loop above is executed in a new subshell with its own copy of the variable linecount created with the initial value of '0' taken from the parent shell. This copy then is used for counting. When the while loop is finished, the subshell copy is discarded, and the original variable linecount of the parent (whose value hasn't changed) is used in the echo command.
Different shells exhibit different behaviors in this situation:
BourneShell creates a subshell when the input or output of anything (loops, case etc..) but a simple command is redirected, either by using a pipeline or by a redirection operator ('<', '>').
BASH creates a new process only if the loop is part of a pipeline.
KornShell creates it only if the loop is part of a pipeline, but not if the loop is the last part of it. The read example above actually works in ksh88 and ksh93! (but not mksh)
POSIX specifies the bash behaviour, but as an extension allows any or all of the parts of the pipeline to run without a subshell (thus permitting the KornShell behaviour, as well).
More broken stuff:
# Bash 4 # The problem also occurs without a loop printf '%s\n' foo bar | mapfile -t line printf 'total number of lines: %s\n' "${#line[@]}" # prints 0
f() { if [[ -t 0 ]]; then echo "$1" else read -r var fi }; f 'hello' | f echo "$var" # prints nothing
Again, in both cases the pipeline causes read or some containing command to run in a subshell, so its effect is never witnessed in the parent process.
It should be stressed that this issue isn't specific to loops. It's a general property of all pipes, though the "while/read" loop might be considered the canonical example that crops up over and over when people read the help or manpage description of the read builtin and notice that it accepts data on stdin. They might recall that data redirected into a compound command is available throughout that command, but not understand why all the fancy process substitutions and redirects they run across in places like FAQ #1 are necessary. Naturally they proceed to put their funstuff directly into a pipeline, and confusion ensues.
25.1. Workarounds
- If the input is a file, a simple redirect will suffice:
# POSIX while read -r line; do linecount=$((linecount + 1)); done < file echo $linecount
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with a Bourne shell; see sh(1) from the Heirloom Bourne Shell for a workaround.
Use command grouping and do everything in the subshell:
# POSIX linecount=0 cat /etc/passwd | { while read -r line do linecount=$((linecount + 1)) done echo "total number of lines: $linecount" ; }
This doesn't really change the subshell situation, but if nothing from the subshell is needed in the rest of your code then destroying the local environment after you're through with it could be just what you want anyway.Use ProcessSubstitution (Bash only):
# Bash while read -r line do ((linecount++)) done < <(grep PATH /etc/profile) echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
This is essentially identical to the first workaround above. We still redirect a file, only this time the file happens to be a named pipe temporarily created by our process substitution to transport the output of grep.Use a named pipe:
# POSIX mkfifo mypipe grep PATH /etc/profile > mypipe & while read -r line do linecount=$((linecount + 1)) done < mypipe echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
Use a coprocess (ksh, even pdksh, oksh, mksh..):
# ksh grep PATH /etc/profile |& while read -r -p line do linecount=$((linecount + 1)) done echo "total number of lines: $linecount"
Bash 4 also has coproc, but its syntax is very different from ksh's syntax, and not really applicable for this task.Use a HereString (Bash only):
# Options: # -r Backslash does not act as an escape character; \n is not taken as LF. # -a The words are assigned to sequential indices of the array "words" read -ra words <<< 'hi ho hum' printf 'total number of words: %d' "${#words[@]}"
The <<< operator is specific to bash (2.05b and later), however it is a very clean and handy way to specify a small string of literal input to a command.
- With a POSIX shell, or for longer multi-line data, you can use a here document instead:
# Bash declare -i linecount while read -r; do ((linecount++)) done <<EOF hi ho hum EOF printf 'total number of lines: %d' "$linecount"
- Use lastpipe (Bash 4.2)
# Bash 4.2 # +m: Disable monitor mode (job control). Background processes display their # exit status upon completion when in monitor mode (we don't want that). set +m shopt -s lastpipe printf '%s\n' hi{,,,,,} | while read -r "lines[x++]"; do :; done printf 'total number of lines: %d' "${#lines[@]}"
Bash 4.2 introduces the aforementioned ksh-like behavior to Bash. The one caveat is that job control must not be enabled, thereby limiting its usefulness in an interactive shell.
For more related examples of how to read input and break it into words, see FAQ #1.
26. How can I access positional parameters after $9?
Use ${10} instead of $10. This works for BASH and KornShell, but not for older BourneShell implementations. Another way to access arbitrary positional parameters after $9 is to use for, e.g. to get the last parameter:
# Bourne for last do : # nothing done echo "last argument is: $last"
To get an argument by number, we can use a counter:
# Bourne n=12 # This is the number of the argument we are interested in i=1 for arg do if test $i -eq $n then argn=$arg break fi i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "argument number $n is: $argn"
This has the advantage of not "consuming" the arguments. If this is no problem, the shift command discards the first positional arguments:
shift 11 echo "the 12th argument is: $1"
and can be put into a helpful function:
# Bourne getarg() { # $1 is argno shift $1 && echo "$1" } arg12="`getarg 12 "$@"`"
In addition, bash and ksh93 treat the set of positional parameters as an array, and you may use parameter expansion syntax to address those elements in a variety of ways:
# Bash, ksh93 for x in "${@:(-2)}" # iterate over the last 2 parameters for y in "${@:2}" # iterate over all parameters starting at $2 # which may be useful if we don't want to shift
Although direct access to any positional argument is possible this way, it's seldom needed. The common alternative is to use getopts to process options (e.g. "-l", or "-o filename"), and then use either for or while to process all the remaining arguments in turn. An explanation of how to process command line arguments is available in FAQ #35, and another is found at
27. How can I randomize (shuffle) the order of lines in a file? Or select a random line from a file, or select a random file from a directory?
To randomize the lines of a file, here is one approach. This one involves generating a random number, which is prefixed to each line; then sorting the resulting lines, and removing the numbers.
RANDOM is supported by BASH and KornShell, but is not defined by POSIX.
Here's the same idea (printing random numbers in front of a line, and sorting the lines on that column) using other programs:
This is (possibly) faster than the previous solution, but will not work for very old AWK implementations (try nawk, or gawk, or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk if available). (Note that AWK uses the epoch time as a seed for srand(), which may or may not be random enough for you.)
Other non-portable utilities that can shuffle/randomize a file:
GNU shuf (in recent enough GNU coreutils)
GNU sort -R (coreutils 6.9)
For more details, please see their manuals.
27.1. Shuffling an array
A generalized version of this question might be, How can I shuffle the elements of an array? If we don't want to use the rather clumsy approach of sorting lines, this is actually more complex than it appears. A naive approach would give us badly biased results. A more complex (and correct) algorithm looks like this:
1 # Uses a global array variable. Must be compact (not a sparse array).
2 # Bash syntax.
3 shuffle() {
4 local i tmp size max rand
6 # $RANDOM % (i+1) is biased because of the limited range of $RANDOM
7 # Compensate by using a range which is a multiple of the array size.
8 size=${#array[*]}
9 max=$(( 32768 / size * size ))
11 for ((i=size-1; i>0; i--)); do
12 while (( (rand=$RANDOM) >= max )); do :; done
13 rand=$(( rand % (i+1) ))
14 tmp=${array[i]} array[i]=${array[rand]} array[rand]=$tmp
15 done
16 }
This function shuffles the elements of an array in-place using the Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.
If we just want the unbiased random number picking function, we can split that out separately:
This rand function is better than using $((RANDOM % n)). For simplicity, many of the remaining examples on this page may use the modulus approach. In all such cases, switching to the use of the rand function will give better results; this improvement is left as an exercise for the reader.
27.2. Selecting a random line/file
Another question we frequently see is, How can I print a random line from a file? You do not need to know how many lines are in a file in order to choose a random one, however the solutions that do this are left intact below.
27.2.1. Without counting lines first
If you happen to have GNU shuf you can use that, but it is not portable.
1 # example, 5 random lines from file
2 shuf -n 5 file
If we want n random lines we need to:
- accept the first n lines
- accept each further line with probability n/nl where nl is the number of lines read so far
- if we accepted the line in step 2, replace a random one of the n lines we already have
1 # WARNING: srand() without an argument seeds using the current time accurate to the second. If run more than once in a single second on the clock you will get the same output. Find a better way to seed this.
3 n=$1
4 shift
6 awk -vn="$n" '
7 BEGIN { srand() }
8 NR <= n { lines[NR - 1 ] = $0; next }
9 rand() < n / NR { lines[int(rand() * n)] = $0 }
10 END { for (k in lines) print lines[k] }
11 ' "$@"
Bash and POSIX sh solutions forthcoming.
27.2.2. With counting lines first
The problem here is that you need to know in advance how many lines the file contains. Lacking that knowledge, you have to read the entire file through once just to count them -- or, you have to suck the entire file into memory. Let's explore both of these approaches.
1 # Bash
2 n=$(wc -l <"$file") # Count number of lines.
3 r=$((RANDOM % n + 1)) # Random number from 1..n (see warnings above!)
4 sed -n "$r{p;q;}" "$file" # Print the r'th line.
6 # POSIX with (new) AWK
7 awk -v n="$(wc -l <"$file")" \
8 'BEGIN{srand();l=int((rand()*n)+1)} NR==l{print;exit}' "$file"
(See FAQ 11 for more info about printing the r'th line.)
The next example sucks the entire file into memory. This approach saves time rereading the file, but obviously uses more memory. (Arguably: on systems with sufficient memory and an effective disk cache, you've read the file into memory by the earlier methods, unless there's insufficient memory to do so, in which case you shouldn't, QED.)
Note that we don't add 1 to the random number in this example, because the array of lines is indexed counting from 0.
Also, some people want to choose a random file from a directory (for a signature on an e-mail, or to choose a random song to play, or a random image to display, etc.). A similar technique can be used:
27.3. Known bugs points out a surprising pitfall concerning the use of RANDOM without a leading $ in certain mathematical contexts. (Upshot: you should prefer n=$((...math...)); ((array[n]++)) over ((array[...math...]++)) in almost every case.)
- Behavior described appears reversed in current versions of mksh, ksh93, Bash, and Zsh. Still something to keep in mind for legacy. -ormaaj
27.4. Using external random data sources
Some people feel the shell's builtin RANDOM parameter is not sufficiently random for their applications. Typically this will be an interface to the C library's rand(3) function, although the Bash manual does not specify the implementation details. Some people feel their application requires cryptographically stronger random data, which would have to be supplied by some external source.
Before we explore this, we should point out that often people want to do this as a first step in writing some sort of random password generator. If that is your goal, you should at least consider using a password generator that has already been written, such as pwgen.
Now, if we're considering the use of external random data sources in a Bash script, we face several issues:
- The data source will probably not be portable. Thus, the script will only be usable in special environments.
- If we simply grab a byte (or a single group of bytes large enough to span the desired range) from the data source and do a modulus on it, we will run into the bias issue described earlier on this page. There is absolutely no point in using an expensive external data source if we're just going to bias the results with sloppy code! To work around that, we may need to grab bytes (or groups of bytes) repeatedly, until we get one that can be used without bias.
Bash can't handle raw bytes very well, so each time we grab a byte (or group) we need to do something to it to turn it into a number that Bash can read. This may be an expensive operation. So, it may be more efficient to grab several bytes (or groups), and do the conversion to readable numbers, all at once.
- Depending on the data source, these random bytes may be precious, so grabbing a lot of them all at once and discarding ones we don't use might be more expensive (by whatever metric we're using to measure such costs) than grabbing one byte at a time, even counting the conversion step. This is something you'll have to decide for yourself, taking into account the needs of your application, and the nature of your data source.
At this point you should be seriously rethinking your decision to do this in Bash. Other languages already have features that take care of all these issues for you, and you may be much better off writing your application in one of those languages instead.
You're still here? OK. Let's suppose we're going to use the /dev/urandom device (found on most Linux and BSD systems) as an external random data source in Bash. This is a character device which produces raw bytes of "pretty random" data. First, we'll note that the script will only work on systems where this is present. In fact, you should add an explicit check for this device somewhere early in the script, and abort if it's not found.
Now, how can we turn these bytes of data into numbers for Bash? If we attempt to read a byte into a variable, a NUL byte would give us a variable which appears to be empty. However, since no other input gives us that result, this may be acceptable -- an empty variable means we tried to read a NUL. We can work with this. The good news is we won't have to fork an od(1) or any other external program to read bytes. Then, since we're reading one byte at a time, this also means we don't have to write any prefetching or buffering code to save forks.
One other gotcha, however: reading bytes only works in the C locale. If we try this in en_US.utf8 we get an empty variable for every byte from 128 to 255, which is clearly no good.
So, let's put this all together and see what we've got:
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Requires Bash 3.1 or higher, and an OS with /dev/urandom (Linux, BSD, etc.)
4 export LANG=C
5 if [[ ! -e /dev/urandom ]]; then
6 echo "No /dev/urandom on this system" >&2
7 exit 1
8 fi
10 # Return an unbiased random number from 0 to ($1 - 1) in variable 'r'.
11 rand() {
12 if (($1 > 256)); then
13 echo "Argument larger than 256 currently unsupported" >&2
14 r=-1
15 return 1
16 fi
18 local max=$((256 / $1 * $1))
19 while IFS= read -r -n1 -d '' r < /dev/urandom
20 printf -v r %d "'$r"
21 ((r >= max))
22 do
23 :
24 done
25 r=$((r % $1))
26 }
This uses a trick from FAQ 71 for converting bytes to numbers. When the variable populated by read is empty (because of a NUL byte), we get 0, which is just what we want.
Extending this to handle ranges larger than 0..255 is left as an exercise for the reader.
28. How can two unrelated processes communicate?
Two unrelated processes cannot use the arguments, the environment or stdin/stdout to communicate; some form of inter-process communication (IPC) is required.
28.1. A file
Process A writes in a file, and Process B reads the file. This method is not synchronized and therefore is not safe if B can read the file while A writes in it. A lockdir or a signal can probably help.
28.2. A directory as a lock
mkdir can be used to test for the existence of a dir and create it in one atomic operation; it thus can be used as a lock, although not a very efficient one.
Script A:
until mkdir /tmp/dir;do # wait until we can create the dir sleep 1 done echo foo > file # write in the file this section is critical rmdir /tmp/dir # remove the lock
Script B:
until mkdir /tmp/dir;do #wait until we can create the dir sleep 1 done read var < file # read in the file this section is, critical echo "$var" # Script A cannot write in the file rmdir /tmp/dir # remove the lock
See Faq #45 and mutex for more examples with a lock directory.
28.3. Signals
Signals are probably the simplest form of IPC:
trap 'flag=go' USR1 #set up the signal handler for the USR1 signal # echo $$ > /tmp/ #if we want to save the pid in a file flag="" while [[ $flag != go ]]; do # wait for the green light from Script B sleep 1; done echo we received the signal
You must find or know the pid of the other script to send it a signal using kill:
#kill all the pkill -USR1 -f ScriptA #if ScriptA saved its pid in a file kill -USR1 $(</var/run/ #if ScriptA is a child: ScriptA & pid=$! kill -USR1 $pid
The first 2 methods are not bullet proof and will cause trouble if you run more than one instance of scriptA.
28.4. Named Pipes
Named pipes are a much richer form of IPC. They are described on their own page: NamedPipes.
29. How do I determine the location of my script? I want to read some config files from the same place.
There are two prime reasons why this issue comes up: either you want to externalize data or configuration of your script and need a way to find these external resources, or your script is intended to act upon a bundle of some sort (eg. a build script), and needs to find the resources to act upon.
It is important to realize that in the general case, this problem has no solution. Any approach you might have heard of, and any approach that will be detailed below, has flaws and will only work in specific cases. First and foremost, try to avoid the problem entirely by not depending on the location of your script!
Before we dive into solutions, let's clear up some misunderstandings. It is important to understand that:
Your script does not actually have a location! Wherever the bytes end up coming from, there is no "one canonical path" for it. Never.
$0 is NOT the answer to your problem. If you think it is, you can either stop reading and write more bugs, or you can accept this and read on.
29.1. I need to access my data/config files
Very often, people want to make their scripts configurable. The separation principle teaches us that it's a good idea to keep configuration and code separate. The problem then ends up being: how does my script know where to find the user's configuration file for it?
Too often, people believe the configuration of a script should reside in the same directory where they put their script. This is the root of the problem.
A UNIX paradigm exists to solve this problem for you: configuration artifacts of your scripts should exist in either the user's HOME directory or /etc. That gives your script an absolute path to look for the file, solving your problem instantly: you no longer depend on the "location" of your script:
if [[ -e ~/.myscript.conf ]]; then source ~/.myscript.conf elif [[ -e /etc/myscript.conf ]]; then source /etc/myscript.conf fi
The same holds true for other types of data files. Logs should be written to /var/log or the user's home directory. Support files should be installed to an absolute path in the file system or be made available alongside the configuration in /etc or the user's home directory.
29.2. I need to access files bundled with my script
Sometimes scripts are part of a "bundle" and perform certain actions within or upon it. This is often true for applications unpacked or contained within a bundle directory. The user may unpack or install the bundle anywhere; ideally, the bundle's scripts should work whether that's somewhere in a home dir, or /var/tmp, or /usr/local. The files are transient, and have no fixed or predictable location.
When a script needs to act upon other files it's bundled with, independently of its absolute location, we have two options: either we rely on PWD or we rely on BASH_SOURCE. Both approaches have certain issues; here's what you need to know.
29.2.1. Using BASH_SOURCE
The BASH_SOURCE internal bash variable is actually an array of pathnames. If you expand it as a simple string, e.g. "$BASH_SOURCE", you'll get the first element, which is the pathname of the currently executing function or script. Using the BASH_SOURCE method, you access files within your bundle like this:
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}" || exit # cd into the bundle and use relative paths read somevar < etc/somefile read somevar < "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/etc/somefile" # If you want an absolute pathname
Please note that when using BASH_SOURCE, the following caveats apply:
$BASH_SOURCE expands empty when bash does not know where the executing code comes from. Usually, this means the code is coming from standard input (e.g. ssh host 'somecode', or from an interactive session).
$BASH_SOURCE does not follow symlinks (when you run z from /x/y, you get /x/y/z, even if that is a symlink to /p/q/r). Often, this is the desired effect. Sometimes, though, it's not. Imagine your package links its start-up script into /usr/local/bin. Now that script's BASH_SOURCE will lead you into /usr/local and not into the package.
If you're not writing a bash script, the BASH_SOURCE variable is unavailable to you. There is a common convention, however, for passing the location of the script as the process name when it is started. Most shells do this, but not all shells do so reliably, and not all of them attempt to resolve a relative path to an absolute path. Relying on this behaviour is dangerous and fragile, but can be done by looking at $0. Again, consider all your options before doing this: you are likely creating more problems than you are solving.
29.2.2. Using PWD
Another option is to rely on PWD, the current working directory. In this case, you can assume the user has first cd'ed into your bundle and make all your pathnames relative. Using the PWD method, you access files within your bundle like this:
read somevar < etc/somefile # Using pathname relative to PWD read somevar < "$PWD/etc/somefile" # Expand PWD if you want an absolute pathname bundleDir=$PWD # Store PWD if you expect to cd in your script. read somefile < "$bundleDir/etc/somefile"
To reduce fragility, you could even test whether, for example, the relative path to the script name is correct, to make sure the user has indeed cd'ed into the bundle:
[[ -e bin/myscript ]] || { echo >&2 "Please cd into the bundle before running this script."; exit 1; }
You can also try some heuristics, just in case the user is sitting one directory above the bundle:
if [[ ! -e bin/myscript ]]; then if [[ -d mybundle-1.2.5 ]]; then cd mybundle-1.2.5 || { echo >&2 "Bundle directory exists but I can't cd there."; exit 1; } else echo >&2 "Please cd into the bundle before running this script."; exit 1; fi fi
If you ever do need an absolute path, you can always get one by prefixing the relative path with $PWD: echo "Saved to: $PWD/result.csv"
The only difficulty here is that you're forcing your user to change into your bundle's directory before your script can function. Regardless, this may well be your best option!
29.2.3. Using a configuration/wrapper
If neither the BASH_SOURCE or the PWD option sound interesting, you might want to consider going the route of configuration files instead (see the previous section). In this case, you require that your user set the location of your bundle in a configuration file, and have him put that configuration file in a location you can easily find. For example:
[[ -e ~/.myscript.conf ]] || { echo >&2 "First configure the product in ~/.myscript.conf"; exit 1; } source ~/.myscript.conf # ~/.myscript.conf defines something like bundleDir=/x/y [[ $bundleDir ]] || { echo >&2 "Please define bundleDir='/some/path' in ~/.myscript.conf"; exit 1; } cd "$bundleDir" || { echo >&2 "Could not cd to <$bundleDir>"; exit 1; } # Now you can use the PWD method: use relative paths.
A variant of this option is to use a wrapper that configures your bundle's location. Instead of calling your bundled script, you install a wrapper for your script in the standard system PATH, which changes directory into the bundle and calls the real script from there, which can then safely use the PWD method from above:
#!/usr/bin/env bash cd /path/to/where/bundle/was/installed exec "bin/realscript"
29.3. Why $0 is NOT an option
Common ways of finding a script's location depend on the name of the script, as seen in the predefined variable $0. Unfortunately, providing the script name via $0 is only a (common) convention, not a requirement. In fact, $0 is not at all the location of your script, it's the name of your process as determined by your parent. It can be anything.
The suspect answer is "in some shells, $0 is always an absolute path, even if you invoke the script using a relative path, or no path at all". But this isn't reliable across shells; some of them (including BASH) return the actual command typed in by the user instead of the fully qualified path. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
Consider that your script may not actually be on a locally accessible disk at all. Consider this:
ssh remotehost bash < ./myscript
The shell running on remotehost is getting its commands from a pipe. There's no script anywhere on any disk that bash can see.
Moreover, even if your script is stored on a local disk and executed, it could move. Someone could mv the script to another location in between the time you type the command and the time your script checks $0. Or someone could have unlinked the script during that same time window, so that it doesn't actually have a link within a file system any more.
(That may sound fanciful, but it's actually very common. Consider a script installed in /opt/foobar/bin, which is running at the time someone upgrades foobar to a new version. They may delete the entire /opt/foobar/ hierarchy, or they may move the /opt/foobar/bin/foobar script to a temporary name before putting a new version in place. For these reasons, even approaches like "use lsof to find the file which the shell is using as standard input" will still fail.)
Even in the cases where the script is in a fixed location on a local disk, the $0 approach still has some major drawbacks. The most important is that the script name (as seen in $0) may not be relative to the current working directory, but relative to a directory from the program search path $PATH (this is often seen with KornShell). Or (and this is most likely problem by far...) there might be multiple links to the script from multiple locations, one of them being a simple symlink from a common PATH directory like /usr/local/bin, which is how it's being invoked. Your script might be in /opt/foobar/bin/script but the naive approach of reading $0 won't tell you that -- it may say /usr/local/bin/script instead.
Some people will try to work around the symlink issue with readlink -f "$0". Again, this may work in some cases, but it's not bulletproof. Nothing that reads $0 will ever be bulletproof, because $0 itself is unreliable. Furthermore, readlink is nonstandard, and won't be available on all platforms.
For a more general discussion of the Unix file system and how symbolic links affect your ability to know where you are at any given moment, see this Plan 9 paper.
30. How can I display the target of a symbolic link?
The nonstandard external command readlink(1) can be used to display the target of a symbolic link:
$ readlink /bin/sh bash
If you don't have readlink, you can use Perl:
perl -le 'print readlink "/bin/sh"'
You can also use GNU find's -printf %l directive, which is especially useful if you need to resolve links in batches:
$ find /bin/ -type l -printf '%p points to %l\n' /bin/sh points to bash /bin/bunzip2 points to bzip2 ...
If your system lacks both readlink and Perl, you can use a function like this one:
# Bash readlink() { local path=$1 ll if [ -L "$path" ]; then ll=$(LC_ALL=C ls -ld -- "$path" 2>/dev/null) && printf '%s\n' "${ll#* -> }" else return 1 fi }
However, this can fail if a symbolic link contains " -> " in its name.
31. How can I rename all my *.foo files to *.bar, or convert spaces to underscores, or convert upper-case file names to lower case?
There are a bunch of different ways to do this, depending on which nonstandard tools you have available. Even with just standard POSIX tools, you can still perform most of the simple cases. We'll show the portable tool examples first.
You can do most non-recursive mass renames with a loop and some Parameter Expansions, like this:
# POSIX # Rename all *.foo to *.bar for f in *.foo; do mv -- "$f" "${}.bar"; done
To check what the command would do without actually doing it, you can add an echo before the mv. This applies to almost(?) every example on this page, so we won't mention it again.
# POSIX # This removes the extension .zip from all the files. for file in ./*.zip; do mv "$file" "${}"; done
The "--" and "./*" are to protect from problematic filenames that begin with "-". You only need one or the other, not both, so pick your favorite.
Here are some similar examples, using Bash-specific parameter expansions:
# Bash # Replace all spaces with underscores for f in *\ *; do mv -- "$f" "${f// /_}"; done
For more techniques on dealing with files with inconvenient characters in their names, see FAQ #20.
# Bash # Replace "foo" with "bar", even if it's not the extension for file in ./*foo*; do mv "$file" "${file//foo/bar}"; done
All the above examples invoke the external command mv(1) once for each file, so they may not be as efficient as some of the nonstandard implementations.
31.1. Recursively
If you want to rename files recursively, then it becomes much more challenging. This example renames *.foo to *.bar:
# Bash # Also requires GNU or BSD find(1) # Recursively change all *.foo files to *.bar find . -type f -name '*.foo' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do mv -- "$f" "${}.bar" done
This example uses Bash 4's globstar instead of GNU find:
# Bash 4 # Replace "foo" with "bar" in all files recursively. # "foo" must NOT appear in a directory name! shopt -s globstar for file in /path/to/**/*foo*; do mv -- "$file" "${file//foo/bar}" done
The trickiest part of recursive renames is ensuring that you do not change the directory component of a pathname, because something like this is doomed to failure:
mv "./FOO/BAR/FILE.TXT" "./foo/bar/file.txt"
Therefore, any recursive renaming command should only change the filename component of each pathname, like this:
mv "./FOO/BAR/FILE.TXT" "./FOO/BAR/file.txt"
If you need to rename the directories as well, those should be done separately. Furthermore, recursive directory renaming should either be done depth-first (changing only the last component of the directory name in each instance), or in several passes. Depth-first works better in the general case.
Here's an example script that uses depth-first recursion (changes spaces in names to underscores, but you just need to change the ren() function to do anything you want) to rename both files and directories. Again, it's easy to modify to make it act only on files or only on directories, or to act only on files with a certain extension, to avoid or force overwriting files, etc.:
# Bash ren() { local newname newname=${1// /_} [[ $1 != "$newname" ]] && mv -- "$1" "$newname" } traverse() { local file cd -- "$1" || exit for file in *; do [[ -d $file ]] && traverse "$file" ren "$file" done cd .. || exit } # main program shopt -s nullglob traverse /path/to/startdir
Here is another way to recursively rename all directories and files with spaces in their names:
find . -depth -name "* *" -exec bash -c 'dir=${1%/*} base=${1##*/}; mv "$1" "$dir/${base// /_}"' _ {} \;
or, if your version of find accepts it, this is more efficient as it runs one bash for many files instead of one bash per file:
find . -depth -name "* *" -exec bash -c 'for f; do dir=${f%/*} base=${f##*/}; mv "$f" "$dir/${base// /_}"; done' _ {} +
31.2. Upper- and lower-case
To convert filenames to lower-case with only standard tools, you need something that can take a mixed-case filename as input and give back the lowercase version as output. In Bash 4 and higher, there is a parameter expansion that can do it:
# Bash 4 for f in *[[:upper:]]*; do mv -- "$f" "${f,,}"; done
Otherwise, tr(1) may be helpful:
# tolower - convert file names to lower case # POSIX for file do [ -f "$file" ] || continue # ignore non-existing names newname=$(printf %s "$file" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # lower case [ "$file" = "$newname" ] && continue # nothing to do [ -f "$newname" ] && continue # don't overwrite existing files mv -- "$file" "$newname" done
This example will not handle filenames that end with newlines, because the CommandSubstitution will eat them. The workaround for that is to append a character in the command substitution, and remove it afterward. Thus:
newname=$(printf %sx "$file" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') newname=${newname%x}
We use the fancy range notation, because tr can behave very strangely when using the A-Z range on some locales:
imadev:~$ echo Hello | tr A-Z a-z hÉMMÓ
To make sure you aren't caught by surprise when using tr with ranges, either use the fancy range notations, or set your locale to C.
imadev:~$ echo Hello | LC_ALL=C tr A-Z a-z hello imadev:~$ echo Hello | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' hello # Either way is fine here.
Note that GNU tr doesn't support multi-byte characters (like non-ASCII UTF-8 ones). So on GNU systems, you may prefer:
# GNU sed 's/.*/\L&/g' # POSIX awk '{print tolower($0)}'
This technique can also be used to replace all unwanted characters in a file name, e.g. with '_' (underscore). The script is the same as above, with only the "newname=..." line changed.
# renamefiles - rename files whose name contain unusual characters # POSIX for file do [ -f "$file" ] || continue # ignore non-regular files, etc. newname=$(printf '%s\n' "$file" | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]_.]/_/g' | paste -sd _ -) [ "$file" = "$newname" ] && continue # nothing to do [ -f "$newname" ] && continue # do not overwrite existing files mv -- "$file" "$newname" done
The character class in [] contains all the characters we want to keep (after the ^); modify it as needed. The [:alnum:] range stands for all the letters and digits of the current locale. Note however that it will not replace bytes that don't form valid characters (like characters encoded in the wrong character set).
Here's an example that does the same thing, but this time using Parameter Expansion instead of sed:
# renamefiles (more efficient, less portable version) # Bash/Ksh/Zsh for file do [[ -f $file ]] || continue newname=${file//[![:alnum:]_.]/_} [[ $file = "$newname" ]] && continue [[ -e $newname ]] && continue [[ -L $newname ]] && continue mv -- "$file" "$newname" done
It should be noted that all these examples contain a race condition -- an existing file could be overwritten if it is created in between the [ -e "$newname" ... and mv "$file" ... commands. Solving this issue is beyond the scope of this page, however adding the -i and (GNU specific) -T option to mv can reduce its impact.
One final note about changing the case of filenames: when using GNU mv, on many file systems, attempting to rename a file to its lowercase or uppercase equivalent will fail. (This applies to Cygwin on DOS/Windows systems using FAT or NTFS file systems; to GNU mv on Mac OS X systems using HFS+ in case-insensitive mode; as well as to Linux systems which have mounted Windows/Mac file systems, and possibly many other setups.) GNU mv checks both the target names before attempting a rename, and due to the file system's mapping, it thinks that the destination "already exists":
mv README Readme # fails with GNU mv on FAT file systems, etc.
The workaround for this is to rename the file twice: first to a temporary name which is completely different from the original name, then to the desired name.
mv README tempfilename && mv tempfilename Readme
31.3. Nonstandard tools
To convert filenames to lower case, if you have the utility mmv(1) on your machine, you could simply do:
# convert all filenames to lowercase mmv "*" "#l1"
Some GNU/Linux distributions have a rename(1) command; however, the syntax differs from one distribution to the next. Debian uses the perl rename script (formerly included with Perl; now it is not), which it installs as prename(1) and rename(1). Red Hat uses a totally different rename(1) command.
The prename script is extremely flexible. For example, it can be used to change files to lower-case:
# convert all filenames to lowercase prename '$_=lc($_)' ./*
Alternatively, you can also use:
# convert all filenames to lowercase prename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' ./*
For prename to use Unicode instead of ASCII for files encoded in UTF-8:
# convert all filenames to lowercase using Unicode rules PERL_UNICODE=SA rename '$_=lc' ./*
To assume the current locale charset for filenames:
rename 'BEGIN{use Encode::Locale qw(decode_argv);decode_argv} $_=lc'
(note that it still doesn't use the locale's rules for case conversion. For instance, in a Turkish locale, I would be converted to i, not ı).
Or recursively:
# convert all filenames to lowercase, recursively (assumes a find # implementation with support for the non-standard -execdir predicate) # # Note: this will not change directory names. That's because -execdir # cd's to the parent directory before running the command. That means # however that (despite the +), one prename command is executed for # each file to rename. find . -type f -name '*[[:upper:]]*' -execdir prename '$_=lc($_)' {} +
A more efficient and portable approach:
find . -type f -name '*[[:upper:]]*' -exec prename 's{[^/]*$}{lc($&)}e' {} +
Or to replace all underscores with spaces:
prename 's/_/ /g' ./*_*
32. What is the difference between test, [ and [[ ?
[ ("test" command) and [[ ("new test" command) are used to evaluate expressions. [[ works only in Bash, Zsh and the Korn shell, and is more powerful; [ and test are available in POSIX shells. Here are some examples:
#POSIX [ "$variable" ] || echo 'variable is unset or empty!' >&2 [ -f "$filename" ] || printf 'File does not exist or is not a regular file: %s\n' "$filename" >&2
if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then echo "File doesn't exist or is in an inaccessible directory or is a symlink to a file that doesn't exist: $file" >&2 fi if [[ $file -nt ${file[1]} ]]; then printf 'file %s is newer than %s\n' "${file[@]}" fi
To cut a long story short: test implements the old, portable syntax of the command. In almost all shells (the oldest Bourne shells are the exception), [ is a synonym for test (but requires a final argument of ]). Although all modern shells have built-in implementations of [, there usually still is an external executable of that name, e.g. /bin/[. POSIX defines a mandatory feature set for [, but almost every shell offers extensions to it. So, if you want portable code, you should be careful not to use any of those extensions.
[[ is a new improved version of it, and is a keyword, not a program. This makes it easier to use, as shown below. [[ is understood by KornShell, Zsh and BASH (e.g. 2.03), but not by other POSIX shell implementations (like posh, yash or dash) or the BourneShell .
Although [ and [[ have much in common, and share many expression operators like "-f", "-s", "-n", "-z", there are some notable differences. Here is a comparison list:
Feature |
new test [[ |
old test [ |
Example |
string comparison |
> |
\> (*) |
[[ a > b ]] || echo "a does not come before b" |
< |
\< (*) |
[[ az < za ]] && echo "az comes before za" |
= (or ==) |
= |
[[ a = a ]] && echo "a equals a" |
!= |
!= |
[[ a != b ]] && echo "a is not equal to b" |
integer comparison |
-gt |
-gt |
[[ 5 -gt 10 ]] || echo "5 is not bigger than 10" |
-lt |
-lt |
[[ 8 -lt 9 ]] && echo "8 is less than 9" |
-ge |
-ge |
[[ 3 -ge 3 ]] && echo "3 is greater than or equal to 3" |
-le |
-le |
[[ 3 -le 8 ]] && echo "3 is less than or equal to 8" |
-eq |
-eq |
[[ 5 -eq 05 ]] && echo "5 equals 05" |
-ne |
-ne |
[[ 6 -ne 20 ]] && echo "6 is not equal to 20" |
conditional evaluation |
&& |
-a (**) |
[[ -n $var && -f $var ]] && echo "$var is a file" |
|| |
-o (**) |
[[ -b $var || -c $var ]] && echo "$var is a device" |
expression grouping |
(...) |
\( ... \) (**) |
[[ $var = img* && ($var = *.png || $var = *.jpg) ]] && |
Pattern matching |
= (or ==) |
(not available) |
[[ $name = a* ]] || echo "name does not start with an 'a': $name" |
RegularExpression matching |
=~ |
(not available) |
[[ $(date) =~ ^Fri\ ...\ 13 ]] && echo "It's Friday the 13th!" |
(*) This is an extension to the POSIX standard; some shells may have it, and some may not.
(**) The -a and -o operators, and ( ... ) grouping, are defined by POSIX but only for strictly limited cases, and are marked as deprecated. Use of these operators is discouraged; you should use multiple [ commands instead:
if [ "$a" = a ] && [ "$b" = b ]; then ...
if [ "$a" = a ] || { [ "$b" = b ] && [ "$c" = c ];}; then ...
Special primitives that [[ is defined to have, but [ may be lacking (depending on the implementation):
Description |
Primitive |
Example |
entry (file or directory) exists |
-e |
[[ -e $config ]] && echo "config file exists: $config" |
file is newer/older than other file |
-nt / -ot |
[[ $file0 -nt $file1 ]] && echo "$file0 is newer than $file1" |
two files are the same |
-ef |
[[ $input -ef $output ]] && { echo "will not overwrite input file: $input"; exit 1; } |
negation |
! |
[[ ! -u $file ]] && echo "$file is not a setuid file" |
But there are more subtle differences.
No WordSplitting or glob expansion will be done for [[ (and therefore many arguments need not be quoted):
file="file name" [[ -f $file ]] && echo "$file is a file"
will work even though $file is not quoted and contains whitespace. With [ the variable needs to be quoted:
file="file name" [ -f "$file" ] && echo "$file is a regular file"
This makes [[ easier to use and less error-prone.
Parentheses in [[ do not need to be escaped:
[[ -f $file1 && ( -d $dir1 || -d $dir2) ]] [ -f "$file1" -a \( -d "$dir1" -o -d "$dir2" \) ]
As of bash 4.1, string comparisons using < or > respect the current locale when done in [[, but not in [ or test. In fact, [ and test have never used locale collating order even though past man pages said they did. Bash versions prior to 4.1 do not use locale collating order for [[ either.
As a rule of thumb, [[ is used for strings and files. If you want to compare numbers, use an ArithmeticExpression, e.g.
# Bash i=0 while (( i < 10 )); do ...
When should the new test command [[ be used, and when the old one [? If portability to POSIX or the BourneShell is a concern, the old syntax should be used. If on the other hand the script requires BASH, Zsh or KornShell, the new syntax is much more flexible.
See the Tests and Conditionals chapter in the BashGuide.
32.1. Theory
The theory behind all of this is that [ is a simple command, whereas [[ is a compound command. [ receives its arguments as any other command would, but most compound commands introduce a special parsing context which is performed before any other processing. Typically this step looks for special reserved words or control operators specific to each compound command which split it into parts or affect control-flow. The Bash test expression's logical and/or operators can short-circuit because they are special in this way (as are e.g. ;;, elif, and else). Contrast with ArithmeticExpression, where all expansions are performed left-to-right in the usual way, with the resulting string being subject to interpretation as arithmetic.
- The arithmetic compound command has no special operators. It has only one evaluation context - a single arithmetic expression. Arithmetic expressions have operators too, some of which affect control flow during the arithmetic evaluation step (which happens last).
# Bash (( 1 + 1 == 2 ? 1 : $(echo "This doesn't do what you think..." >&2; echo 1) ))
- Test expressions on the other hand do have "operators" as part of their syntax, which lie on the other end of the spectrum (evaluated first).
# Bash [[ '1 + 1' -eq 2 && $(echo "...but this probably does what you expect." >&2) ]]
- Old-style tests have no way of controlling evaluation because its arguments aren't special.
# Bash [ $((1 + 1)) -eq 2 -o $(echo 'No short-circuit' >&2) ]
Different error handling is made possible by searching for special compound command tokens before performing expansions. [[ can detect the presence of expansions that don't result in a word yet still throw an error if none are specified. Ordinary commands can't.
# Bash ( set -- $(echo 'Unquoted null expansions do not result in "null" parameters.' >&2); echo $# ) [[ -z $(:) ]] && echo '-z was supplied an arg and evaluated empty.' [ -z ] && echo '-z wasn't supplied an arg, and no errors are reported. There's no possible way Bash could enforce specifying an argument here.' [[ -z ]] # This will cause an error that ordinary commands can't detect.
For the very same reason, because ['s operators are just "arguments", unlike [[, you can specify operators as parameters to an ordinary test command. This might be seen as a limitation of [[, but the downsides outweigh the good almost always.
# ksh93 args=(0 -gt 1) (( $(print '0 > 1') )) # Valid command, Exit status is 1 as expected. [ "${args[@]}" ] # Also exit 1. [[ ${args[@]} ]] # Valid command, but is misleading. Exit status 0. set -x reveals the resulting command is [[ -n '0 -gt 1' ]]
- Do keep in mind which operators belong to which shell constructs. Order of expansions can cause surprising results especially when mixing and nesting different evaluation contexts!
# ksh93 typeset -i x=0 ( print "$(( ++x, ${ x+=1; print $x >&2;}1, x ))" ) # Prints 1, 2 ( print "$(( $((++x)), ${ x+=1; print $x >&2;}1, x ))" ) # Prints 2, 2 - because expansions are performed first.
33. How can I redirect the output of 'time' to a variable or file?
Bash's time keyword uses special trickery, so that you can do things like
time find ... | xargs ...
and get the execution time of the entire pipeline, rather than just the simple command at the start of the pipe. (This is different from the behavior of the external command time(1), for obvious reasons.)
Because of this, people who want to redirect time's output often encounter difficulty figuring out where all the file descriptors are going. It's not as hard as most people think, though -- the trick is to call time in a SubShell or block, and then capture stderr of the subshell or block (which will contain time's results). If you need to redirect the actual command's stdout or stderr, you do that inside the subshell/block. For example:
- File redirection:
bash -c "time ls" 2>time.output # Explicit, but inefficient. ( time ls ) 2>time.output # Slightly more efficient. { time ls; } 2>time.output # Most efficient. # The general case: { time some command >stdout 2>stderr; } 2>time.output
foo=$( bash -c "time ls" 2>&1 ) # Captures *everything*. foo=$( { time ls; } 2>&1 ) # More efficient version. # Keep stdout unmolested. exec 3>&1 foo=$( { time bar 1>&3; } 2>&1 ) # Captures stderr and time. exec 3>&- # Keep both stdout and stderr unmolested. exec 3>&1 4>&2 foo=$( { time bar 1>&3 2>&4; } 2>&1 ) # Captures time only. exec 3>&- 4>&- # same thing without exec { foo=$( { time bar 1>&3- 2>&4-; } 2>&1 ); } 3>&1 4>&2
- Pipe:
# Make time only output elapsed time in seconds TIMEFORMAT=%R # Keep stdout and stderr unmolested exec 3>&1 4>&2 { time foo 1>&3 2>&4; } 2>&1 | awk '{ printf "The task took %d hours, %d minutes and %.3f seconds\n", $1/3600, $1%3600/60, $1%60 }' exec 3>&- 4>&-
A similar construct can be used to capture "core dump" messages, which are actually printed by the shell that launched a program, not by the program that just dumped core:
./coredump >log 2>&1 # Fails to capture the message { ./coredump; } >log 2>&1 # Captures the message
34. How can I find a process ID for a process given its name?
Usually a process is referred to using its process ID (PID), and the ps(1) command can display the information for any process given its process ID, e.g.
$ echo $$ # my process id 21796 $ ps -p 21796 PID TTY TIME CMD 21796 pts/5 00:00:00 ksh
But frequently the process ID for a process is not known, but only its name. Some operating systems, e.g. Solaris, BSD, and some versions of Linux have a dedicated command to search a process given its name, called pgrep(1):
$ pgrep init 1
Often there is an even more specialized program available to not just find the process ID of a process given its name, but also to send a signal to it:
$ pkill myprocess
Some systems also provide pidof(1). It differs from pgrep in that multiple output process IDs are only space separated, not newline separated.
$ pidof cron 5392
If these programs are not available, a user can search the output of the ps command using grep.
The major problem when grepping the ps output is that grep may match its own ps entry (try: ps aux | grep init). To make matters worse, this does not happen every time; the technical name for this is a RaceCondition. To avoid this, there are several ways:
- Using grep -v at the end
ps aux | grep name | grep -v grep
will throw away all lines containing "grep" from the output. Disadvantage: You always have the exit state of the grep -v, so you can't e.g. check if a specific process exists. - Using grep -v in the middle
ps aux | grep -v grep | grep name
This does exactly the same, except that the exit state of "grep name" is accessible and a representation for "name is a process in ps" or "name is not a process in ps". It still has the disadvantage of starting a new process (grep -v). - Using [] in grep
ps aux | grep [n]ame
This spawns only the needed grep-process. The trick is to use the []-character class (regular expressions). To put only one character in a character group normally makes no sense at all, because [c] will always match a "c". In this case, it's the same. grep [n]ame searches for "name". But as grep's own process list entry is what you executed ("grep [n]ame") and not "grep name", it will not match itself.
34.1. greycat rant: daemon management
All the stuff above is OK if you're at an interactive shell prompt, but it should not be used in a script. It's too unreliable.
Most of the time when someone asks a question like this, it's because they want to manage a long-running daemon using primitive shell scripting techniques. Common variants are "How can I get the PID of my foobard process.... so I can start one if it's not already running" or "How can I get the PID of my foobard process... because I want to prevent the foobard script from running if foobard is already active." Both of these questions will lead to seriously flawed production systems.
If what you really want is to restart your daemon whenever it dies, just do this:
while true; do mydaemon --in-the-foreground done
where --in-the-foreground is whatever switch, if any, you must give to the daemon to PREVENT IT from automatically backgrounding itself. (Often, -d does this and has the additional benefit of running the daemon with increased verbosity.) Self-daemonizing programs may or may not be the target of a future greycat rant....
If that's too simplistic, look into daemontools or runit, which are programs for managing services.
If what you really want is to prevent multiple instances of your program from running, then the only sure way to do that is by using a lock. For details on doing this, see ProcessManagement or FAQ 45.
ProcessManagement also covers topics like "I want to divide my batch job into 5 'threads' and run them all in parallel." Please read it.
35. Can I do a spinner in Bash?
i=0 sp='/-\|' n=${#sp} printf ' ' while true; do printf '\b%s' "${sp:i++%n:1}" done
Each time the loop iterates, it displays the next character in the sp string, wrapping around as it reaches the end. (i is the position of the current character to display and ${#sp} is the length of the sp string).
The \b string is replaced by a 'backspace' character. Alternatively, you could play with \r to go back to the beginning of the line.
If you want it to slow down, put a sleep command inside the loop (after the printf).
A POSIX equivalent would be:
sp='/-\|' printf ' ' while true; do printf '\b%.1s' "$sp" sp=${sp#?}${sp%???} done
If you already have a loop which does a lot of work, you can call the following function at the beginning of each iteration to update the spinner:
sp='/-\|' sc=0 spin() { printf "\b${sp:sc++:1}" ((sc==${#sp})) && sc=0 } endspin() { printf "\r%s\n" "$@" } until work_done; do spin some_work ... done endspin
A similar technique can be used to build progress bars.
36. How can I handle command-line arguments (options) to my script easily?
Well, that depends a great deal on what you want to do with them. There are several approaches, each with its strengths and weaknesses.
36.1. Manual loop
Manually parsing options without the use of a specialized function is the most flexible approach, and is sufficient for most simple scripts.
This example will handle a combination of short (POSIX) and long "GNU style" options with option arguments. Notice how both --file FILE and --file=FILE are handled. Typical scripts may also use functions and local variables, which can greatly improve your code. This example however illustrates a strictly POSIX conforming script.
1 #!/bin/sh
4 # Reset all variables that might be set
5 file=
6 verbose=0 # Variables to be evaluated as shell arithmetic should be initialized to a default or validated beforehand.
8 while :; do
9 case $1 in
10 -h|-\?|--help) # Call a "show_help" function to display a synopsis, then exit.
11 show_help
12 exit
13 ;;
14 -f|--file) # Takes an option argument, ensuring it has been specified.
15 if [ -n "$2" ]; then
16 file=$2
17 shift 2
18 continue
19 else
20 printf 'ERROR: "--file" requires a non-empty option argument.\n' >&2
21 exit 1
22 fi
23 ;;
24 --file=?*)
25 file=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder.
26 ;;
27 --file=) # Handle the case of an empty --file=
28 printf 'ERROR: "--file" requires a non-empty option argument.\n' >&2
29 exit 1
30 ;;
31 -v|--verbose)
32 verbose=$((verbose + 1)) # Each -v argument adds 1 to verbosity.
33 ;;
34 --) # End of all options.
35 shift
36 break
37 ;;
38 -?*)
39 printf 'WARN: Unknown option (ignored): %s\n' "$1" >&2
40 ;;
41 *) # Default case: If no more options then break out of the loop.
42 break
43 esac
45 shift
46 done
48 # Suppose --file is a required option. Ensure the variable "file" has been set and exit if not.
49 if [ -z "$file" ]; then
50 printf 'ERROR: option "--file FILE" not given. See --help.\n' >&2
51 exit 1
52 fi
54 # Rest of the program here.
55 # If there are input files (for example) that follow the options, they
56 # will remain in the "$@" positional parameters.
This parser does not handle separate options concatenated together (like -xvf being understood as -x -v -f). This could be added with effort, but this is left as an exercise for the reader.
36.2. getopts
Unless it's the version from util-linux, and you use its advanced mode, never use getopt(1). Traditional versions of getopt cannot handle empty argument strings, or arguments with embedded whitespace.
The POSIX shell (and others) offer getopts which is safe to use instead. Here is a simplistic getopts example:
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # Usage info
4 show_help() {
5 cat << EOF
6 Usage: ${0##*/} [-hv] [-f OUTFILE] [FILE]...
7 Do stuff with FILE and write the result to standard output. With no FILE
8 or when FILE is -, read standard input.
10 -h display this help and exit
11 -f OUTFILE write the result to OUTFILE instead of standard output.
12 -v verbose mode. Can be used multiple times for increased
13 verbosity.
14 EOF
15 }
17 # Initialize our own variables:
18 output_file=""
19 verbose=0
21 OPTIND=1 # Reset is necessary if getopts was used previously in the script. It is a good idea to make this local in a function.
22 while getopts "hvf:" opt; do
23 case "$opt" in
24 h)
25 show_help
26 exit 0
27 ;;
28 v) verbose=$((verbose+1))
29 ;;
30 f) output_file=$OPTARG
31 ;;
32 '?')
33 show_help >&2
34 exit 1
35 ;;
36 esac
37 done
38 shift "$((OPTIND-1))" # Shift off the options and optional --.
40 printf 'verbose=<%d>\noutput_file=<%s>\nLeftovers:\n' "$verbose" "$output_file"
41 printf '<%s>\n' "$@"
43 # End of file
The advantages of getopts are:
- It's portable, and will work in any POSIX shell e.g. dash.
It can handle things like -vf filename in the expected Unix way, automatically.
It understands -- as the option terminator and more generally makes sure, options are parsed like for any standard command.
- With some implementations, the error messages will be localised in the language of the user.
The disadvantage of getopts is that (except for ksh93 getopts) it can only handle short options (-h, not --help) without trickery and cannot handle options with optional arguments à la GNU.
There is a getopts tutorial which explains what all of the syntax and variables mean. In bash, there is also help getopts, which might be informative.
There is also still the disadvantage that options are coded in at least 2, probably 3 places - in the call to getopts, in the case statement that processes them and presumably in the help message that you are going to get around to writing one of these days. This is a classic opportunity for errors to creep in as the code is written and maintained - often not discovered till much, much later. This can be avoided by using callback functions, but this approach kind of defeats the purpose of using getopts at all.
For other, more complicated ways of option parsing, see ComplexOptionParsing.
37. How can I get all lines that are: in both of two files (set intersection) or in only one of two files (set subtraction).
Use the comm(1) command:
# Bash # Intersection of file1 and file2 # (i.e., only the lines that appear in both files) comm -12 <(sort file1) <(sort file2) # Subtraction of file1 from file2 # (i.e., only the lines unique to file2) comm -13 <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
Read the comm man page for details. Those are process substitutions you see up there.
If for some reason you lack the core comm program, or seek alternatives, you can use these other methods. The grep (#1) or awk (#4) methods are faster than the above comm + sort (multiple calls to sort + pipes slow it down), but #1 and #4 don't scale as well to very large files since one of the data files is loaded into memory.
- An amazingly simple and fast implementation, that took just 20 seconds to match a 30k line file against a 400k line file for me.
# intersection of file1 and file2 grep -xF -f file1 file2 # subtraction of file1 from file2 grep -vxF -f file1 file2
- It has grep read one of the sets as a pattern list from a file (-f), and interpret the patterns as plain strings not regexps (-F), matching only whole lines (-x).
- Note that the file specified with -f will be loaded into memory, so it doesn't scale for very large files.
It should work with any POSIX grep; on older systems you may need to use fgrep rather than grep -F.
- An implementation using sort and uniq:
# intersection of file1 and file2 sort file1 file2 | uniq -d (Assuming each of file1 or file2 does not have repeated content) # file1-file2 (Subtraction) sort file1 file2 file2 | uniq -u # same way for file2 - file1, change last file2 to file1 sort file1 file2 file1 | uniq -u
- Another implementation of subtraction:
sort file1 file1 file2 | uniq -c | awk '{ if ($1 == 2) { $1 = ""; print; } }'
- This may introduce an extra space at the start of the line; if that's a problem, just strip it away.
- Also, this approach assumes that neither file1 nor file2 has any duplicates in it.
- Finally, it sorts the output for you. If that's a problem, then you'll have to abandon this approach altogether. Perhaps you could use awk's associative arrays (or perl's hashes or tcl's arrays) instead.
- These are subtraction and intersection with awk, regardless of whether the input files are sorted or contain duplicates:
# prints lines only in file1 but not in file2. Reverse the arguments to get the other way round awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} !($0 in a)' file2 file1 # prints lines that are in both files; order of arguments is not important awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} $0 in a' file1 file2
For an explanation of how these work, see
See also:
38. How can I print text in various colors?
Do not hard-code ANSI color escape sequences in your program! The tput command lets you interact with the terminal database in a sane way:
# Bourne tput setaf 1; echo this is red tput setaf 2; echo this is green tput bold; echo "boldface (and still green)" tput sgr0; echo back to normal
Cygwin users: you need to install the ncurses package to get tput (see: Where did "tput" go in 1.7?)
tput reads the terminfo database which contains all the escape codes necessary for interacting with your terminal, as defined by the $TERM variable. For more details, see the terminfo(5) man page.
tput sgr0 resets the colors to their default settings. This also turns off boldface (tput bold), underline, etc.
If you want fancy colors in your prompt, consider using something manageable:
# Bash red=$(tput setaf 1) green=$(tput setaf 2) blue=$(tput setaf 4) reset=$(tput sgr0) PS1='\[$red\]\u\[$reset\]@\[$green\]\h\[$reset\]:\[$blue\]\w\[$reset\]\$ '
Note that we do not hard-code ANSI color escape sequences. Instead, we store the output of the tput command into variables, which are then used when $PS1 is expanded. Storing the values means we don't have to fork a tput process multiple times every time the prompt is displayed; tput is only invoked 4 times during shell startup. The \[ and \] symbols allow bash to understand which parts of the prompt cause no cursor movement; without them, lines will wrap incorrectly.
And here is a function to pick colors in a 256 color terminal
# Bash colors256() { local c i j printf "Standard 16 colors\n" for ((c = 0; c < 17; c++)); do printf "|%s%3d%s" "$(tput setaf "$c")" "$c" "$(tput sgr0)" done printf "|\n\n" printf "Colors 16 to 231 for 256 colors\n" for ((c = 16, i = j = 0; c < 232; c++, i++)); do printf "|" ((i > 5 && (i = 0, ++j))) && printf " |" ((j > 5 && (j = 0, 1))) && printf "\b \n|" printf "%s%3d%s" "$(tput setaf "$c")" "$c" "$(tput sgr0)" done printf "|\n\n" printf "Greyscale 232 to 255 for 256 colors\n" for ((; c < 256; c++)); do printf "|%s%3d%s" "$(tput setaf "$c")" "$c" "$(tput sgr0)" done printf "|\n" }
See also for an overview.
The following is a more extensive range of terminal sequence variables. Pick the ones you want:
# Variables for terminal requests. [[ -t 2 ]] && { alt=$( tput smcup || tput ti ) # Start alt display ealt=$( tput rmcup || tput te ) # End alt display hide=$( tput civis || tput vi ) # Hide cursor show=$( tput cnorm || tput ve ) # Show cursor save=$( tput sc ) # Save cursor load=$( tput rc ) # Load cursor bold=$( tput bold || tput md ) # Start bold stout=$( tput smso || tput so ) # Start stand-out estout=$( tput rmso || tput se ) # End stand-out under=$( tput smul || tput us ) # Start underline eunder=$( tput rmul || tput ue ) # End underline reset=$( tput sgr0 || tput me ) # Reset cursor blink=$( tput blink || tput mb ) # Start blinking italic=$( tput sitm || tput ZH ) # Start italic eitalic=$( tput ritm || tput ZR ) # End italic [[ $TERM != *-m ]] && { red=$( tput setaf 1|| tput AF 1 ) green=$( tput setaf 2|| tput AF 2 ) yellow=$( tput setaf 3|| tput AF 3 ) blue=$( tput setaf 4|| tput AF 4 ) magenta=$( tput setaf 5|| tput AF 5 ) cyan=$( tput setaf 6|| tput AF 6 ) } white=$( tput setaf 7|| tput AF 7 ) default=$( tput op ) eed=$( tput ed || tput cd ) # Erase to end of display eel=$( tput el || tput ce ) # Erase to end of line ebl=$( tput el1 || tput cb ) # Erase to beginning of line ewl=$eel$ebl # Erase whole line draw=$( tput -S <<< ' enacs smacs acsc rmacs' || { \ tput eA; tput as; tput ac; tput ae; } ) # Drawing characters back=$'\b' } 2>/dev/null ||:
The above leaves the variables unset when stderr isn't connected to a terminal and leaves the color variables unset for monochrome terminals. The alternative tput executions allow the code to keep working on systems where tput takes old termcap names instead ANSI capnames. It also uses 2>/dev/null ||: to silence potential errors and avoid ERR script abortion. That allows this code to be used in a range of edge cases such as scripts that use set -e and terminals or OS's that don't support certain sequences (the code is borrowed from
38.1. Discussion
This will be contentious, but I'm going to disagree and recommend you use hard-coded ANSI escape sequences because terminfo databases in the real world are too often broken.
tput setaf literally means "Set ANSI foreground" and shouldn't have any difference with a hard-coded ANSI escape sequence, except that it will actually work with broken terminfo databases so your colors will look correct in a VT with terminal type linux-16color or any terminal type so long as it really is a terminal capable of 16 ANSI colors.
So do consider setting those variables to hard-coded ANSI sequences such as:
# Bash white=$'\e[0;37m'
You assume the entire world of terminals that you will ever use always conforms to one single set of escape sequences. This is a very poor assumption. Maybe I'm showing my age, but in my first job after college, in 1993-1994, I worked with a wide variety of physical terminals (IBM 3151, Wyse 30, NCR something or other, etc.) all in the same work place. They all had different key mappings, different escape sequences, the works. If I were to hard-code a terminal escape sequence as you propose it would only work on ONE of those terminals, and then if I had to login from someone else's office, or from a server console, I'd be screwed. So, for personal use, if this makes you happy, I can't stop you. But the notion of writing a script that uses hard-coded escape sequences and then DISTRIBUTING that for other people should be discarded immediately. - GreyCat
I said it would be contentious, but there is an alternative view. A large number of people today will use Linux on their servers and their desktops and their profiles follow them around. The terminfo for linux-16color is broken. By doing it the "right" way, they will find their colors do not work correctly in a virtual terminal on one of the console tty's. Doing it the "wrong" way will result only in light red becoming bold if they use the real xterm or a close derivitve. If terminfo can't get it right for something as common as linux-16color, it's hard to recommend relying on it. People should be aware that it doesn't work correctly, try it yourself, go through the first 16 colours on A Linux VT with linux-16color. I know ANSI only specified names not hue's but setaf 7 is obviously not supposed to result in black text seeing as it is named white. I'd place money on a lot more people using Linux for their servers than any other UNIX based OS and if they are using another UNIX-based or true UNIX they are probably aware of the nuances. A Linux newbie would be very surprised to find after following the "right way" her colors did not work properly on a VT. Of course the correct thing to do is to fix terminfo, but that isn't in my power, although I have reported the bug for linux-16color in particular, how many other bugs are there in it? The only completely accurate thing to do is to hard-code the sequences for all the terminals you will encounter yourself, which is what terminfo is supposed to avoid the necessity of doing. However, it is buggy in at least this case (and a very common case), so relying on it to do it properly is also suspect. I will add here I have much respect for Greycat, and he is a very knowledgeable expert in many areas of IT; I fully admit I do not have the same depth of knowledge as he does, but will YOU ever be working on a Wyse 30? To be completely clear, I'm suggesting that you should consider hard-coded colors for your own profile and uses, if you are intending to write a completely portable script for others to use on foreign systems then you should rely on terminfo/termcap even if it is buggy.
- I've never heard of linux-16colors before. It's not an installed terminfo entry in Debian, at least not by default. If your vendor is shipping broken terminfo databases, file a bug report. Meanwhile, find a system where the entry you need is not broken, and copy it to your broken system(s) -- or write it yourself. That's what the rest of the world has always done. It's where the terminfo entries came from in the first place. Someone had to write them all.
-- GreyCat
41. How do I use dialog to get input from the user?
Here is an example:
# POSIX foo=$(dialog --inputbox "text goes here" 8 40 2>&1 >/dev/tty) echo "The user typed '$foo'"
The redirection here is a bit tricky.
The foo=$(command) is set up first, so the standard output of the command is being captured by bash.
Inside the command, the 2>&1 causes standard error to be sent to where standard out is going -- in other words, stderr will now be captured.
>/dev/tty sends standard output to the terminal, so the dialog box will be seen by the user. Standard error will still be captured, however.
Another common dialog(1)-related question is how to dynamically generate a dialog command that has items which must be quoted (either because they're empty strings, or because they contain internal white space). One can use eval for that purpose, but the cleanest way to achieve this goal is to use an array.
# Bash unset m; i=0 words=(apple banana cherry "dog droppings") for w in "${words[@]}"; do m[i++]=$w; m[i++]="" done dialog --menu "Which one?" 12 70 9 "${m[@]}"
In this example, the while loop that populates the m array could have been reading from a pipeline, a file, etc.
Recall that the construction "${m[@]}" expands to the entire contents of an array, but with each element implicitly quoted. It's analogous to the "$@" construct for handling positional parameters. For more details, see FAQ #50.
Newer versions of bash have a slightly prettier syntax for appending elements to an array:
# Bash 3.1 and up ... for w in "${words[@]}"; do m+=("$w" "") done ...
Here's another example, using filenames:
# Bash files=(*.mp3) # These may contain spaces, apostrophes, etc. cmd=(dialog --menu "Select one:" 22 76 16) i=0 n=${#cmd[*]} for f in "${files[@]}"; do cmd[n++]=$((i++)); cmd[n++]="$f" done choice=$("${cmd[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) echo "Here's the file you chose:" ls -ld -- "${files[choice]}"
A separate but useful function of dialog is to track progress of a process that produces output. Below is an example that uses dialog to track processes writing to a log file. In the dialog window, there is a tailbox where output is stored, and a msgbox with a clickable Quit. Clicking quit will cause trap to execute, removing the tempfile, and destroying the tail process.
# POSIX(?) # you cannot tail a nonexistent file, so always ensure it pre-exists! rm -f dialog-tail.log; echo Initialize log >> dialog-tail.log date >> dialog-tail.log tempfile=`tempfile 2>/dev/null` || tempfile=/tmp/test$$ trap 'rm -f $tempfile; stty sane; exit 1' 1 2 3 15 dialog --title "TAIL BOXES" \ --begin 10 10 --tailboxbg dialog-tail.log 8 58 \ --and-widget \ --begin 3 10 --msgbox "Press OK " 5 30 \ 2>$tempfile & mypid=$! for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i >> dialog-tail.log; sleep 1; done echo Done. >> dialog-tail.log wait $mypid rm -f $tempfile
For an example of creating a progress bar using dialog --gauge, see FAQ #44.
42. How do I determine whether a variable contains a substring?
# Bash if [[ $foo = *bar* ]]
The above works in virtually all versions of Bash. Bash version 3 (and up) also allows regular expressions:
# Bash my_re='ab*c' if [[ $foo =~ $my_re ]] # bash 3, matches abbbbcde, or ac, etc.
For more hints on string manipulations in Bash, see FAQ #100.
If you are programming in the POSIX sh syntax or for the BourneShell instead of Bash, there is a more portable (but less pretty) syntax:
# Bourne case $foo in *bar*) .... ;; esac
case allows you to match variables against globbing-style patterns (including extended globs, if your shell offers them). If you need a portable way to match variables against regular expressions, use expr.
# Bourne/POSIX if expr "x$foo" : 'x.*bar' >/dev/null; then ...
43. How can I find out if a process is still running?
The kill command is used to send signals to a running process. As a convenience function, the signal "0", which does not exist, can be used to find out if a process is still running:
# Bourne myprog & # Start program in the background daemonpid=$! # ...and save its process id while sleep 60 do if kill -0 $daemonpid # Is the process still alive? then echo >&2 "OK - process is still running" else echo >&2 "ERROR - process $daemonpid is no longer running!" break fi done
NOTE: Anything you do that relies on PIDs to identify a process is inherently flawed. If a process dies, the meaning of its PID is UNDEFINED. Another process started afterward may take the same PID as the dead process. That would make the previous example think that the process is still alive (its PID exists!) even though it is dead and gone. It is for this reason that nobody other than the parent of a process should try to manage the process. Read ProcessManagement.
This is one of those questions that usually masks a much deeper issue. It's rare that someone wants to know whether a process is still running simply to display a red or green light to an operator.
More often, there's some ulterior motive, such as the desire to ensure that some daemon which is known to crash frequently is still running. If this is the case, the best course of action is to fix the program or its configuration so that it stops crashing. If you can't do that, then just restart it when it dies:
# POSIX while true do myprog && break sleep 1 done
This piece of code will restart myprog if it terminates with an exit code other than 0 (indicating something went wrong). If the exit code is 0 (successfully shut down) the loop ends. (If your process is crashing but also returning exit status 0, then adjust the code accordingly.) Note that myprog must run in the foreground. If it automatically "daemonizes" itself, you are screwed.
For a much better discussion of these issues, see ProcessManagement or FAQ #33.
44. Why does my crontab job fail? 0 0 * * * some command > /var/log/mylog.`date +%Y%m%d`
In many versions of crontab, the percent sign (%) is treated specially, and therefore must be escaped with backslashes:
0 0 * * * some_user some_command >"/var/log/mylog.$(date '+\%Y\%m\%d')"
See your system's manual (crontab(5) or crontab(1)) for details. Note: on systems which split the crontab manual into two parts, you may have to type man 5 crontab or man -s 5 crontab to read the part you need.
45. How do I create a progress bar? How do I see a progress indicator when copying/moving files?
The easiest way to add a progress bar to your own script is to use dialog --gauge. Here is an example, which relies heavily on BASH features:
# Bash # Process all of the *.zip files in the current directory. files=(*.zip) dialog --gauge "Working..." 20 75 < <( n=${#files[*]}; i=0 for f in "${files[@]}"; do # process "$f" in some way (for testing, "sleep 1") echo $((100*(++i)/n)) done )
Here's an explanation of what it's doing:
An array named files is populated with all the files we want to process.
dialog is invoked, and its input is redirected from a ProcessSubstitution. (A pipe could also be used here; we'd simply have to reverse the dialog command and the loop.)
- The processing loop iterates over the array.
Every time a file is processed, it increments a counter (i), and writes the percent complete to stdout.
For more examples of using dialog, see FAQ #40.
A simple progress bar can also be programmed without dialog. There are lots of different approaches, depending on what kind of presentation you're looking for.
One traditional approach is the spinner which shows a whirling line segment to indicate "busy". This is not really a "progress meter" since there is no information presented about how close the program is to completion.
The next step up is presenting a numeric value without scrolling the screen. Using a carriage return to move the cursor to the beginning of the line (on a graphical terminal, not a teletype...), and not writing a newline until the very end:
i=0 while ((i < 100)); do printf "\r%3d%% complete" $i ((i += RANDOM%5+2)) # Of course, in real life, we'd be getting i from somewhere meaningful. sleep 1 done echo
Of note here is the %3d in the printf format specifier. It's important to use a fixed-width field for displaying the numbers, especially if the numbers may count downward (first displaying 10 and then 9). Of course we're counting upwards here, but that may not always be the case in general. If a fixed-width field is not desired, then printing a bunch of spaces at the end may help remove any clutter from previous lines.
If an actual "bar" is desired, rather than a number, then one may be drawn using ASCII characters:
bar="==================================================" barlength=${#bar} i=0 while ((i < 100)); do # Number of bar segments to draw. n=$((i*barlength / 100)) printf "\r[%-${barlength}s]" "${bar:0:n}" ((i += RANDOM%5+2)) # Of course, in real life, we'd be getting i from somewhere meaningful. sleep 1 done echo
Naturally one may choose a bar of a different length, or composed of a different set of characters, e.g., you can have a colored progress bar
files=(*) width=${COLUMNS-$(tput cols)} rev=$(tput rev) n=${#files[*]} i=0 printf "$(tput setab 0)%${width}s\r" for f in "${files[@]}"; do # process "$f" in some way (for testing, "sleep 1") printf "$rev%$((width*++i/n))s\r" " " done tput sgr0 echo
45.1. When copying/moving files
You can't get a progress indicator with cp(1), but you can either:
You may want to use pv(1) since it's packaged for many systems. In that case, it's convenient if you create a function or script to wrap it.
For example:
pv "$1" > "$2/${1##*/}"
This lacks error checking and support for moving files.
you can also use rsync:
rsync -avx --progress --stats "$1" "$2"
Please note that the "total" of files can change each time rsync enters a directory and finds more/less files that it expected, but at least is more info than cp. Rsync progress is good for big transfers with small files.
46. How can I ensure that only one instance of a script is running at a time (mutual exclusion)?
We need some means of mutual exclusion. One way is to use a "lock": any number of processes can try to acquire the lock simultaneously, but only one of them will succeed.
How can we implement this using shell scripts? Some people suggest creating a lock file, and checking for its presence:
# locking example -- WRONG lockfile=/tmp/myscript.lock if [ -f "$lockfile" ] then # lock is already held echo >&2 "cannot acquire lock, giving up: $lockfile" exit 0 else # nobody owns the lock > "$lockfile" # create the file #...continue script fi
This example does not work, because there is a RaceCondition: a time window between checking and creating the file, during which other programs may act. Assume two processes are running this code at the same time. Both check if the lockfile exists, and both get the result that it does not exist. Now both processes assume they have acquired the lock -- a disaster waiting to happen. We need an atomic check-and-create operation, and fortunately there is one: mkdir, the command to create a directory:
# locking example -- CORRECT # Bourne lockdir=/tmp/myscript.lock if mkdir "$lockdir" then # directory did not exist, but was created successfully echo >&2 "successfully acquired lock: $lockdir" # continue script else echo >&2 "cannot acquire lock, giving up on $lockdir" exit 0 fi
Here, even when two processes call mkdir at the same time, only one process can succeed at most. This atomicity of check-and-create is ensured at the operating system kernel level.
Instead of using mkdir we could also have used the program to create a symbolic link, ln -s. A third possibility is to have the program delete a preexisting lock file with rm. The lock is released by recreating the file on exit.
Note that we cannot use mkdir -p to automatically create missing path components: mkdir -p does not return an error if the directory exists already, but that's the feature we rely upon to ensure mutual exclusion.
Now let's spice up this example by automatically removing the lock when the script finishes:
# POSIX (maybe Bourne?) lockdir=/tmp/myscript.lock if mkdir "$lockdir" then echo >&2 "successfully acquired lock" # Remove lockdir when the script finishes, or when it receives a signal trap 'rm -rf "$lockdir"' 0 # remove directory when script finishes # Optionally create temporary files in this directory, because # they will be removed automatically: tmpfile=$lockdir/filelist else echo >&2 "cannot acquire lock, giving up on $lockdir" exit 0 fi
This example is much better. There is still the problem that a stale lock could remain when the script is terminated with a signal not caught (or signal 9, SIGKILL), or could be created by a user (either accidentally or maliciously), but it's a good step towards reliable mutual exclusion. Charles Duffy has contributed an example that may remedy the "stale lock" problem.
If you're using a GNU/Linux distribution, you can also get the benefit of using flock(1). flock(1) ties a file descriptor to a lock file. There are multiple ways to use it; one possibility to solve the multiple instance problem is:
exec 9>/path/to/lock/file if ! flock -n 9 ; then echo "another instance is running"; exit 1 fi # this now runs under the lock until 9 is closed (it will be closed automatically when the script ends)
flock can also be used to protect only a part of your script, see the man page for more information.
46.1. Discussion
46.1.1. Alternative Solution
I believe using if (set -C; >$lockfile); then ... is equally safe if not safer. The Bash source uses open(filename, flags|O_EXCL, mode); which should be atomic on almost all platforms (with the exception of some versions of NFS where mkdir may not be atomic either). I haven't traced the path of the flags variable, which must contain O_CREAT, nor have I looked at any other shells. I wouldn't suggest using this until someone else can backup my claims. --Andy753421
- Using set -C does not work with ksh88. Ksh88 does not use O_EXCL, when you set noclobber (-C). --jrw32982
Are you sure mkdir has problems with being atomic on NFS? I thought that affected only open, but I'm not really sure. -- BeJonas 2008-07-24 01:22:59
46.1.2. Removal of locking mechanism
Shouldn't the example code blocks above include a rm "$lockfile" or rmdir "lockdir" directly after the #...continue script line? - AnthonyGeoghegan
The lock can't be safely removed while the script is still doing its work -- that would allow another instance to run. The longer example includes a trap that removes the lock when the script exits.
46.1.3. flock file descriptor uniqueness
The example uses file descriptor 9 with flock, i.e.
exec 9>/path/to/lock/file
- if ! flock -n 9...
Note, file descriptors are unique per-process. FD 0,1, and 2 are used for stdin,stdout, and stderr so picking a generally high value is sufficient. (source: )
However, what if this file descriptor is already in use by a completely different process? Are we then locking on the file descriptor and not the lock file? How can we ensure we use something that is not already being used?
For more discussion on these issues, see ProcessManagement.
This example was contributed by Charles Duffy (who is now more than a little embarassed by same, and suggests using flock instead). It has been separated from the parent page because the code has several issues that make it dubious.
Are we sure this code's correct? There seems to be a discrepancy between the names LOCK_DEFAULT_NAME and DEFAULT_NAME; and it checks for processes in what looks to be a race condition; and it uses the Linux-specific /proc file system and the GNU-specific egrep -o to do so.... I don't trust it. It looks overly complex and fragile. And quite non-portable. -- GreyCat
LOCK_DEFAULT_NAME=$0 LOCK_HOSTNAME="$(hostname -f)" ## function to take the lock if free; will fail otherwise function grab-lock { local PROGRAMNAME="${1:-$LOCK_DEFAULT_NAME}" local PID=${2:-$$} ( umask 000; mkdir -p "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock" mkdir "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held" || return 1 mkdir "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held/${LOCK_HOSTNAME}--pid-${PID}" && return 0 || return 1 ) 2>/dev/null return $? } ## function to nicely let go of the lock function release-lock { local PROGRAMNAME="${1:-$LOCK_DEFAULT_NAME}" local PID=${2:-$$} ( rmdir "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held/${LOCK_HOSTNAME}--pid-${PID}" || true rmdir "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held" && return 0 || return 1 ) 2>/dev/null return $? } ## function to force anyone else off of the lock function break-lock { local PROGRAMNAME="${1:-$LOCK_DEFAULT_NAME}" ( [ -d "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held" ] || return 0 for DIR in "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held/${LOCK_HOSTNAME}--pid-"* ; do OTHERPID="$(egrep -o '[0-9]+$' <<<"$DIR")" [ -d "/proc/${OTHERPID}" ] || rmdir "$DIR" done rmdir "/tmp/${PROGRAMNAME}-lock/held" && return 0 || return 1 ) 2>/dev/null return $? } ## function to take the lock nicely, freeing it first if needed function get-lock { break-lock "$@" && grab-lock "$@" }
47. I want to check to see whether a word is in a list (or an element is a member of a set).
If your real question was How do I check whether one of my parameters was -v? then please see FAQ #35 instead. Otherwise, read on....
First of all, let's get the terminology straight. Bash has no notion of "lists" or "sets" or any such. Bash has strings and arrays. Strings are a "list" of characters, arrays are a "list" of strings.
NOTE: In the general case, a string cannot possibly contain a list of other strings because there is no reliable way to tell where each substring begins and ends.
Given a traditional array, the only proper way to do this is to loop over all elements in your array and check them for the element you are looking for. Say what we are looking for is in bar and our list is in the array foo:
# Bash for element in "${foo[@]}"; do [[ $element = $bar ]] && echo "Found $bar." done
If you need to perform this several times in your script, you might want to extract the logic into a function:
# Bash isIn() { local pattern="$1" element shift for element do [[ $element = $pattern ]] && return 0 done return 1 } if isIn "jacob" "${names[@]}" then echo "Jacob is on the list." fi
Or, if you want your function to return the index at which the element was found:
# Bash 3.0 or higher indexOf() { local pattern=$1 local index list shift list=("$@") for index in "${!list[@]}" do [[ ${list[index]} = $pattern ]] && { echo $index return 0 } done echo -1 return 1 } if index=$(indexOf "jacob" "${names[@]}") then echo "Jacob is the ${index}th on the list." else echo "Jacob is not on the list." fi
If your "list" is contained in a string, and for some half-witted reason you choose not to heed the warnings above, you can use the following code to search through "words" in a string. (The only real excuse for this would be that you're stuck in Bourne shell, which has no arrays.)
# Bourne set -f for element in $foo; do if test x"$element" = x"$bar"; then echo "Found $bar." fi done set +f
Here, a "word" is defined as any substring that is delimited by whitespace (or more specifically, the characters currently in IFS). The set -f prevents glob expansion of the words in the list. Turning glob expansions back on (set +f) is optional.
If you're working in bash 4 or ksh93, you have access to associative arrays. These will allow you to restructure the problem -- instead of making a list of words that are allowed, you can make an associative array whose keys are the words you want to allow. Their values could be meaningful, or not -- depending on the nature of the problem.
# Bash 4 declare -A good for word in "goodword1" "goodword2" ...; do good["$word"]=1 done # Check whether $foo is allowed: if ((${good[$foo]})); then ...
Here's a hack that you shouldn't use, but which is presented for the sake of completeness:
# Bash if [[ " $foo " = *" $bar "* ]]; then echo "Found $bar." fi
(The problem here is that is assumes space can be used as a delimiter between words. Your elements might contain spaces, which would break this!)
That same hack, for Bourne shells:
# Bourne case " $foo " in *" $bar "*) echo "Found $bar.";; esac
You can also use extended glob with printf to search for a word in an array. I haven't tested it enough, so it might break in some cases --sn18
# Bash shopt -s extglob #convert array to glob printf -v glob '%q|' "${array[@]}" glob=${glob%|} [[ $word = @($glob) ]] && echo "Found $word"
It will break when an array element contains a | character. Hence, I moved it down here with the other hacks that work in a similar fashion and have a similar limitation. -- GreyCat
printf %q quotes a | character too, so it probably should not --sn18
GNU's grep has a \b feature which allegedly matches the edges of words (word "boundaries"). Using that, one may attempt to replicate the shorter approach used above, but it is fraught with peril:
# Is 'foo' one of the positional parameters? egrep '\bfoo\b' <<<"$@" >/dev/null && echo yes # This is where it fails: is '-v' one of the positional parameters? egrep '\b-v\b' <<<"$@" >/dev/null && echo yes # Unfortunately, \b sees "v" as a separate word. # Nobody knows what the hell it's doing with the "-". # Is "someword" in the array 'array'? egrep '\bsomeword\b' <<<"${array[@]}" # Obviously, you can't use this if someword is '-v'!
Since this "feature" of GNU grep is both non-portable and poorly defined, we recommend not using it. It is simply mentioned here for the sake of completeness.
48. Bulk comparison
This method tries to compare the desired string to the entire contents of the array. It can potentially be very efficient, but it depends on a delimiter that must not be in the sought value or the array. Here we use $'\a', the BEL character, because it's extremely uncommon.
# usage: if has "element" list of words; then ...; fi has() { local IFS=$'\a' t="$1" shift [[ $'\a'"$*"$'\a' == *$'\a'$t$'\a'* ]] }
49. Enumerated types
In ksh93t or later, one may create enum types/variables/constants using the enum builtin. These work similarly to C enums (and the equivalent feature of other languages). These may be used to restrict which values may be assigned to a variable so as to avoid the need for an expensive test each time an array variable is set or referenced. Like types created using typeset -T, the result of an enum command is a new declaration command that can be used to instantiate objects of that type.
# ksh93 $ enum colors=(red green blue) $ colors foo=green $ foo=yellow ksh: foo: invalid value yellow
typeset -a can also be used in combination with an enum type to allow enum constants as subscripts.
# ksh93 $ typeset -a [colors] bar $ bar[blue]=test1 $ typeset -p bar typeset -a [colors] bar=([blue]=test) $ bar[orange]=test ksh: colors: invalid value orange
See src/cmd/ksh93/tests/ in the AST source for more examples.
50. How can I redirect stderr to a pipe?
A pipe can only carry standard output (stdout) of a program. To pipe standard error (stderr) through it, you need to redirect stderr to the same destination as stdout. Optionally you can close stdout or redirect it to /dev/null to only get stderr. Some sample code:
# Bourne # Assume 'myprog' is a program that writes to both stdout and stderr. # version 1: redirect stderr to the pipe while stdout survives (both come # mixed) myprog 2>&1 | grep ... # version 2: redirect stderr to the pipe without getting stdout (it's # redirected to /dev/null) myprog 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep ... # same idea, this time storing stdout in a file myprog 2>&1 >file | grep ...
Another simple example of redirection stdout and stderr:
# Bourne { command | stdout_reader; } 2>&1 | stderr_reader
For further explanation of how redirections and pipes interact, see FAQ #55.
This has an obvious application with programs like dialog, which draws (using ncurses) windows onto the screen (stdout), and returns results on stderr. One way to deal with this would be to redirect stderr to a temporary file. But this is not necessary -- see FAQ #40 for examples of using dialog specifically!
In the examples above (as well as FAQ #40), we either discarded stdout altogether, or sent it to a known device (/dev/tty for the user's terminal). One may also pipe stderr only but keep stdout intact (without a priori knowledge of where the script's output is going). This is a bit trickier.
# Bourne # Redirect stderr to a pipe, keeping stdout unaffected. exec 3>&1 # Save current "value" of stdout. myprog 2>&1 >&3 | grep ... # Send stdout to FD 3. exec 3>&- # Now close it for the remainder of the script. # Thanks to
The same can be done without exec:
# POSIX $ myfunc () { echo "I'm stdout"; echo "I'm stderr" >&2; } $ { myfunc 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | cat > stderr.file 3>&-; } 3>&1 I'm stdout $ cat stderr.file I'm stderr
The fd 3 is closed (3>&-) so that the commands do not inherit it. Note bash allows to duplicate and close in one redirection: 1>&3- You can check the difference on linux trying the following:
# Bash { bash <<< 'lsof -a -p $$ -d1,2,3' ;} 3>&1 { bash <<< 'lsof -a -p $$ -d1,2,3' 3>&- ;} 3>&1
To show a dialog one-liner:
# Bourne exec 3>&1 dialog --menu Title 0 0 0 FirstItem FirstDescription 2>&1 >&3 | sed 's/First/Only/' exec 3>&-
This will have the dialog window working properly, yet it will be the output of dialog (returned to stderr) being altered by the sed.
A similar effect can be achieved with ProcessSubstitution:
# Bash perl -e 'print "stdout\n"; warn "stderr\n"' 2> >(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
This will pipe standard error through the tr command.
See this redirection tutorial (with an example that redirects stdout to one pipe and stderr to another pipe).
51. Eval command and security issues
The eval command is extremely powerful and extremely easy to abuse.
It causes your code to be parsed twice instead of once; this means that, for example, if your code has variable references in it, the shell's parser will evaluate the contents of that variable. If the variable contains a shell command, the shell might run that command, whether you wanted it to or not. This can lead to unexpected results, especially when variables can be read from untrusted sources (like users or user-created files).
51.1. Examples of bad use of eval
"eval" is a common misspelling of "evil".
One of the most common reasons people try to use eval is because they want to pass the name of a variable to a function. Consider:
# This code is evil and should never be used! fifth() { _fifth_array=$1 eval echo "\"The fifth element is \${$_fifth_array[4]}\"" # DANGER! } a=(zero one two three four five) fifth a
This breaks if the user is allowed to pass arbitary arguments to the function:
$ fifth 'x}"; date; #' The fifth element is Thu Mar 27 16:13:47 EDT 2014
We've just allowed arbitary code execution. Bash 4.3 introduced name references to try to solve this problem, but unfortunately they don't solve the problem! We'll discuss those in depth later.
Now let's consider a more complicated example. The section of this FAQ dealing with spaces in file names used to include the following "helpful tool (which is probably not as safe as the \0 technique)".
Syntax : nasty_find_all <path> <command> [maxdepth]
# This code is evil and must never be used! export IFS=" " [ -z "$3" ] && set -- "$1" "$2" 1 FILES=`find "$1" -maxdepth "$3" -type f -printf "\"%p\" "` # warning, BAD code eval FILES=($FILES) for ((I=0; I < ${#FILES[@]}; I++)) do eval "$2 \"${FILES[I]}\"" done unset IFS
This script was supposed to recursively search for files and run a user-specified command on them, even if they had newlines and/or spaces in their names. The author thought that find -print0 | xargs -0 was unsuitable for some purposes such as multiple commands. It was followed by an instructional description of all the lines involved, which we'll skip.
To its defense, it worked:
$ ls -lR .: total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 vidar users 4096 Nov 12 21:51 dir with spaces -rwxr-xr-x 1 vidar users 248 Nov 12 21:50 nasty_find_all ./dir with spaces: total 0 -rw-r--r-- 1 vidar users 0 Nov 12 21:51 file?with newlines $ ./nasty_find_all . echo 3 ./nasty_find_all ./dir with spaces/file with newlines $
But consider this:
$ touch "\"); ls -l $'\x2F'; #"
You just created a file called "); ls -l $'\x2F'; #
Now FILES will contain ""); ls -l $'\x2F'; #. When we do eval FILES=($FILES), it becomes
FILES=(""); ls -l $'\x2F'; #"
Which becomes the two statements FILES=(""); and ls -l / . Congratulations, you just allowed execution of arbitrary commands.
$ touch "\"); ls -l $'\x2F'; #" $ ./nasty_find_all . echo 3 total 1052 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1018530 Apr 6 2005 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 bin drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 boot drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 29500 Nov 12 20:52 dev drwxr-xr-x 68 root root 4096 Nov 12 20:54 etc drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Oct 5 11:37 home drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 lib drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 4 00:14 lost+found drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Nov 4 18:22 mnt drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 opt dr-xr-xr-x 82 root root 0 Nov 4 00:41 proc drwx------ 26 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 root drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 4 00:34 sbin drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 0 Nov 4 00:41 sys drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 4096 Nov 12 21:55 tmp drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 usr drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Oct 26 22:05 var ./nasty_find_all ./dir with spaces/file with newlines ./ $
It doesn't take much imagination to replace ls -l with rm -rf or worse.
One might think these circumstances are obscure, but one should not be tricked by this. All it takes is one malicious user, or perhaps more likely, a benign user who left the terminal unlocked when going to the bathroom, or wrote a funny PHP uploading script that doesn't sanity check file names, or who made the same mistake as oneself in allowing arbitrary code execution (now instead of being limited to the www-user, an attacker can use nasty_find_all to traverse chroot jails and/or gain additional privileges), or uses an IRC or IM client that's too liberal in the filenames it accepts for file transfers or conversation logs, etc.
51.2. The problem with bash's name references
Bash 4.3 introduced declare -n ("name references") to mimic Korn shell's nameref feature, which permits variables to hold references to other variables (see FAQ 006 to see these in action). Unfortunately, the implementation used in Bash has some issues.
First, Bash's declare -n doesn't actually avoid the name collision issue:
$ foo() { declare -n v=$1; } $ bar() { declare -n v=$1; foo v; } $ bar v bash: warning: v: circular name reference
In other words, there is no safe name we can give to the name reference. If the caller's variable happens to have the same name, we're screwed.
Second, Bash's name reference implementation still allows arbitrary code execution:
$ foo() { declare -n var=$1; echo "$var"; } $ foo 'x[i=$(date)]' bash: i=Thu Mar 27 16:34:09 EDT 2014: syntax error in expression (error token is "Mar 27 16:34:09 EDT 2014")
It's not an elegant example, but you can clearly see that the date command was actually executed. This is not at all what one wants.
Now, despite these shortcomings, the declare -n feature is a step in the right direction. But you must be careful to select a name that the caller won't use (which means you need some control over the caller, if only to say "don't use variables that begin with _my_pkg"), and you must reject unsafe inputs.
51.3. Examples of good use of eval
The most common correct use of eval is reading variables from the output of a program which is specifically designed to be used this way. For example,
# On older systems, one must run this after resizing a window: eval "`resize`" # Less primitive: get a passphrase for an SSH private key. # This is typically executed from a .xsession or .profile type of file. # The variables produced by ssh-agent will be exported to all the processes in # the user's session, so that an eventual ssh will inherit them. eval "`ssh-agent -s`"
eval has other uses especially when creating variables out of the blue (indirect variable references). Here is an example of one way to parse command line options that do not take parameters:
# POSIX # # Create option variables dynamically. Try call: # # sh -x --verbose --test --debug for i; do case $i in --test|--verbose|--debug) shift # Remove option from command line name=${i#--} # Delete option prefix eval "$name=\$name" # make *new* variable ;; esac done echo "verbose: $verbose" echo "test: $test" echo "debug: $debug"
So, why is this version acceptable? It's acceptable because we have restricted the eval command so that it will only be executed when the input is one of a finite set of known values. Therefore, it can't ever be abused by the user to cause arbitrary command execution -- any input with funny stuff in it wouldn't match one of the three predetermined possible inputs.
Note that this is still frowned upon: It is a slippery slope and some later maintenance can easily turn this code into something dangerous. Eg. You want to add a feature that allows a bunch of different --test-xyz's to be passed. You change --test to --test-*, without going through the trouble of checking the implementation of the rest of the script. You test your use case and it all works. Unfortunately, you've just introduced arbitrary command execution:
$ ./foo --test-'; ls -l /etc/passwd;x=' -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 943 2007-03-28 12:03 /etc/passwd
Once again: by permitting the eval command to be used on unfiltered user input, we've permitted arbitrary command execution.
AVOID PASSING DATA TO EVAL AT ALL COSTS, even if your code seems to handle all the edge cases today.
If you have thought really hard and asked #bash for an alternative way but there isn't any, skip ahead to "Robust eval usage".
51.4. The problem with declare
Could this not be done better with declare?
for i in "$@" do case "$i" in --test|--verbose|--debug) shift # Remove option from command line name=${i#--} # Delete option prefix declare $name=Yes # set default value ;; --test=*|--verbose=*|--debug=*) shift name=${i#--} value=${name#*=} # value is whatever's after first word and = name=${name%%=*} # restrict name to first word only (even if there's another = in the value) declare $name="$value" # make *new* variable ;; esac done
Note that --name for a default, and --name=value are the required formats.
declare does work better for some inputs:
griffon:~$ name='foo=x;date;x' griffon:~$ declare $name=Yes griffon:~$ echo $foo x;date;x=Yes
But it can still cause arbitary code execution with array variables:
attoparsec:~$ echo $BASH_VERSION 4.2.24(1)-release attoparsec:~$ danger='( $(printf "%s!\n" DANGER >&2) )' attoparsec:~$ declare safe=${danger} attoparsec:~$ declare -a unsafe attoparsec:~$ declare unsafe=${danger} DANGER!
51.5. Robust eval usage
Almost always (at least 99% or more of the time in Bash, but also in more minimal shells), the correct way to use eval is to produce abstractions hidden behind functions used in library code. This allows the function to:
- present a well-defined interface to the function's caller that specifies which inputs must be strictly controlled by the programmer, and which may be unpredictable, such as side-effects influenced by user input. It's important to document which options and arguments are unsafe if left uncontrolled.
- perform input validation on certain kinds of inputs where it's feasible to do so, such as integers -- where it's easy to bail out and return an error status which can be handled by the function caller.
create abstractions that hide ugly implementation details involving eval.
Generally, eval is correct when at least all of the following are satisfied:
All possible arguments to eval are guaranteed not to produce harmful side-effects or result in execution of arbitrary code under any circumstance. The inputs are statically coded, free from interaction with uncontrolled dynamic code, and/or validated throughly. This is why functions are important, because YOU don't necessarily have to make that guarantee yourself. So long as your function documents what inputs can be dangerous, you can delegate that task to the function's caller.
The eval usage presents a clean interface to the user or programmer.
The eval makes possible what would otherwise be impossible without far more large, slow, complex, dangerous, ugly, less useful code.
If for some reason you still need to dynamically build bash code and evaluate it, make certain you take these precautions:
Always quote the eval expression: eval 'a=b'
Always single-quote code and expand your data into it using printf's %q: eval "$(printf 'myvar=%q' "$value")"
Do NOT use dynamic variable names. Even with careful %q usage, this can be exploited.
Why take heed? Here's how your scripts can be exploited if they fail to take the above advice:
If you don't single-quote your code, you run the risk of expanding data into it that isn't %q'ed. Which means free executable reign for that data:
name='Bob; echo I am arbitrary code'; eval "user=$name"
Even if you %q input data before treating it as a variable name, illegal variable names in assignments cause bash to search PATH for a command:
echo 'echo I am arbitrary code' > /usr/local/bin/a[1]=b; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/a[1]=b; var='a[1]' value=b; eval "$(printf '%q=%q' "$var" "$value")"
For a list of ways to reference or to populate variables indirectly without using eval, please see BashFAQ/006.
For a list of ways to reference or to populate variables indirectly with eval, please see BashFAQ/006#eval.
52. How can I view periodic updates/appends to a file? (ex: growing log file)
tail -f will show you the growing log file. On some systems (e.g. OpenBSD), this will automatically track a rotated log file to the new file with the same name (which is usually what you want). To get the equivalent functionality on GNU systems, use tail -F instead.
This is helpful if you need to view only the updates to the file after your last view.
# Start by setting n=1 tail -n $n testfile; n="+$(( $(wc -l < testfile) + 1 ))"
Every invocation of this gives the update to the file from where we stopped last. If you know the line number from where you want to start, set n to that.
53. I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!
Variables hold data. Functions hold code. Don't put code inside variables! There are many situations in which people try to shove commands, or command arguments, into variables and then run them. Each case needs to be handled separately.
I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!
- Things that do not work
- I'm trying to save a command so I can run it later without having to repeat it each time
- I only want to pass options if the runtime data needs them
- I want to generalize a task, in case the low-level tool changes later
- I'm constructing a command based on information that is only known at run time
- I want a log of my script's actions
53.1. Things that do not work
Some people attempt to do things like this:
# Example of BROKEN code, DON'T USE THIS. args=$address1 if [[ $subject ]]; then args+=" -s $subject" fi mail $args < "$body"
Adding quotes won't help, either:
# Example of BROKEN code, DON'T USE THIS. args="$address1 $address2" if [[ $subject ]]; then args+=" -s '$subject'"; fi mail $args < "$body"
This fails because of WordSplitting and because the single quotes inside the variable are literal, not syntactical. If $subject contains internal whitespace, it will be split at those points. The mail command will receive -s as one argument, then the first word of the subject (with a literal ' in front of it) as the next argument, and so on.
Read Arguments to get a better understanding of how the shell figures out what the arguments in your statement are.
Here's another thing that won't work:
# BROKEN code. Do not use! redirs=">/dev/null 2>&1" if ((debug)); then redirs=; fi some command $redirs
Here's yet another thing that won't work:
# BROKEN code. Do not use! runcmd() { if ((debug)); then echo "$@"; fi; "$@"; }
The runcmd function can only handle simple commands with no redirections. It can't handle redirections, pipelines, for/while loops, if statements, etc.
Now let's look at how we can perform some of these tasks.
53.2. I'm trying to save a command so I can run it later without having to repeat it each time
Just use a function:
pingMe() { ping -q -c1 "$HOSTNAME" } [...] if pingMe; then ..
53.3. I only want to pass options if the runtime data needs them
You can use the ${var:+..} parameter expansion for this:
ping -q ${count:+-c "$count"} "$HOSTNAME"
Now the -c option (with its "$count" argument) is only added to the command when $count is not empty. Notice the quoting: No quotes around ${var:+...} but quotes on expansions INSIDE!
This would also work well for our mail example:
addresses=("$address1" "$address2") mail ${subject:+-s "$subject"} "${addresses[@]}" < body
53.4. I want to generalize a task, in case the low-level tool changes later
Again, variables hold data; functions hold code.
In the mail example, we've got hard-coded dependence on the syntax of the Unix mail command. The version in the previous section is an improvement over the original broken code, but what if the internal company mail system changes? Having several calls to mail scattered throughout the script complicates matters in this situation.
What you probably should be doing, paying very close attention at how to quote your expansions, is this:
# Bash 3.1 # Send an email to someone. # Reads the body of the mail from standard input. # # sendto subject address [address ...] # sendto() { # Used to be standard mail, but the fucking HR department # said we have to use this crazy proprietary shit.... # mailx -s "$@" local subject=$1 shift local addr addrs=() for addr; do addrs+=(--recipient="$addr"); done MailTool --subject="$subject" "${addrs[@]}" } sendto "The Subject" "$address" <"$bodyfile"
The original implementation uses mailx(1), a standard Unix command. Later, this is commented out and replaced by something called MailTool, which was made up on the spot for this example. But it should serve to illustrate the concept: the function's invocation is unchanged, even though the back-end tool changes.
53.5. I'm constructing a command based on information that is only known at run time
The root of the issue described above is that you need a way to maintain each argument as a separate word, even if that argument contains spaces. Quotes won't do it, but an array will. (We saw a bit of this in the previous section, where we constructed the addrs array on the fly.)
If you need to create a command dynamically, put each argument in a separate element of an array. A shell with arrays (like Bash) makes this much easier. POSIX sh has no arrays, so the closest you can come is to build up a list of elements in the positional parameters. Here's a POSIX sh version of the sendto function from the previous section:
# POSIX sh # Usage: sendto subject address [address ...] sendto() { subject=$1 shift first=1 for addr; do if [ "$first" = 1 ]; then set --; first=0; fi set -- "$@" --recipient="$addr" done if [ "$first" = 1 ]; then echo "usage: sendto subject address [address ...] return 1 fi MailTool --subject="$subject" "$@" }
Note that we overwrite the positional parameters inside a loop that is iterating over the previous set of positional parameters (because we can't make a second array, not even to hold a copy of the original parameters). This appears to work in at least 3 different /bin/sh implementations (tested in Debian's dash, HP-UX's sh and OpenBSD's sh).
Another example of this is using dialog to construct a menu on the fly. The dialog command can't be hard-coded, because its parameters are supplied based on data only available at run time (e.g. the number of menu entries). For an example of how to do this properly, see FAQ #40.
It's worth noting that you cannot put anything other than a list of arguments into an array variable when using the "${array[@]}" technique to evaluate a command. Pipelines, redirection, assignments, and any other shell keywords or syntax will not be evaluated correctly.
In bash, the only ways to generate, manipulate, or store code more complex than a simple command at runtime involve storing the code's plain text in a variable, file, stream, or function, and then using eval or sh to evaluate the stored code. Directly manipulating raw code strings is among the least robust of metaprogramming techniques and most common sources of bugs and security issues. That's because predicting all possible ways code might come together to form a valid construct and restricting it to never operate outside of what's expected requires great care and detailed knowledge of language quirks. Bash lacks all the usual kinds of abstractions that allow doing this safely. Excessive use can also obfuscate your code.
53.6. I want a log of my script's actions
Another reason people attempt to stuff commands into variables is because they want their script to print each command before it runs it. If that's all you want, then simply use set -x command, or invoke your script with #!/bin/bash -x or bash -x ./myscript.
if ((DEBUG)); then set -x; fi mysql -u me -p somedbname < file ...
Note that you can turn it off and back on inside the script with set +x and set -x.
Some people get into trouble because they want to have their script print their commands including redirections. set -x shows the command without redirections. People try to work around this by doing things like:
# Non-working example command="mysql -u me -p somedbname < file" ((DEBUG)) && echo "$command" "$command"
(This is so common that I include it here explicitly.)
Once again, this does not work. You can't make it work. Even the array trick won't work here.
One way to log the whole command, without resorting to the use of eval or sh (don't do that!), is the DEBUG trap. A practical code example:
trap 'printf %s\\n "$BASH_COMMAND" >&2' DEBUG
Assuming you're logging to standard error.
Note that redirect representation by BASH_COMMAND may still be affected by this bug.
If you STILL think you need to write out every command you're about to run before you run it, AND that you must include all redirections, AND you can't use a DEBUG trap, then just do this:
# Working example echo "mysql -u me -p somedbname < file" mysql -u me -p somedbname < file
Don't use a variable at all. Just copy and paste the command, wrap an extra layer of quotes around it (can be tricky -- that's why we do not recommend trying to use eval here), and stick an echo in front of it.
However, consider that echoing your commands verbatim is really ugly. Why are you doing this? Are you debugging the script? If so, how is the output of set -x insufficient? All you have to do is find the bug and fix it. Surely you won't leave this debugging code in place once the bug has been fixed.
If you intend to create a log of your script's actions, every time it is run, for accountability or other reasons, then that log should be human-readable. In that case, don't just echo your commands (especially if you have to bend over backwards to do so)! Write out meaningful (possibly even date-stamped) lines describing what you're doing.
echo "Populating database table" mysql -u me -p somedbname < file
54. I want history-search just like in tcsh. How can I bind it to the up and down keys?
Just add the following to /etc/inputrc or your ~/.inputrc:
"\e[A":history-search-backward "\e[B":history-search-forward
Then restart bash (either by logging out and back in, or by running exec bash).
Readline (the part of bash that handles terminal input) doesn't understand key names such as "up arrow". Instead, you must manually discern the escape sequence that the key sends on your particular terminal (usually by pressing Ctrl-V and then the key in question), and insert it into the .inputrc as shown above. \e denotes the Escape character in readline. The Ctrl-V trick shows Escape as ^[. You must recognize that the leading ^[ is an Escape character, and make the substitution yourself.
55. How do I convert a file from DOS format to UNIX format (remove CRs from CR-LF line terminators)?
Carriage return characters (CRs) are used in line ending markers on some systems. There are three different kinds of line endings in common use:
- Unix systems use Line Feeds (LFs) only.
- MS-DOS and Windows systems use CR-LF pairs.
- Old Macintosh systems use CRs only.
If you're running a script on a Unix system, the line endings need to be Unix ones (LFs only), or you will have problems.
55.1. Testing for line terminator type
A simple check is to simply look at the output of sed -n l:
sed -n l yourscript
If you see something like this, then you're dealing with CRLF style newlines:
command\r$ \r$ another command\r$
Another method is to use the file utility if available to guess at the file type:
file yourscript
The output tells you whether the ASCII text has some CR, if that's the case. Note: this is only true on GNU/Linux. On other operating systems, the result of file is unpredictable, except that it should contain the word "text" somewhere in the output if the result "kind of looks like a text file of some sort, maybe".
imadev:~$ printf 'DOS\r\nline endings\r\n' > foo imadev:~$ file foo foo: commands text arc3:~$ file foo foo: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
In a script, it's more difficult to say what the most reliable method should be. Anything you do is going to be a heuristic. In theory a non-corrupt file created by a non-broken UNIX utility should only contain LFs, and by a DOS utility, there should be no bare LFs not preceded by a CR.
# Bash / Ksh /Zsh if grep -qv $'\r$' < File; then echo 'File contains at least one newline not preceded by a CR' else echo 'File contains only CRLFs (or is empty)' fi
55.2. Converting files
ex is a good standard way to convert CRLF to LF, and probably one of the few reasonable methods for doing it in-place from a script:
# works with vim's ex but not vi's ex ex -sc $'%s/\r$//e|x' file # works with vi's ex but not vim's ex ex -sc $'%s/\r$//|x' file
Of course, Any of the more powerful dynamic languages to do this with relative ease.
perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/' filename
Some systems have special conversion tools available to do this automatically. dos2unix, recode, and fromdos are some examples.
It be done manually with an editor like nano:
nano -w yourscript
Type Ctrl-O and before confirming, type Alt-D (DOS) or Alt-M (Mac) to change the format.
Or in Vim, use :set fileformat=unix and save with :w. Ensure the value of fenc is correct (probably utf-8).
To simply strip all CRs from some input stream, you can use tr -d '\r' <infile >outfile. Of course, you must ensure these are not the same file.
56. I have a fancy prompt with colors, and now bash doesn't seem to know how wide my terminal is. Lines wrap around incorrectly.
56.1. Escape the colors with \[ \]
You must put \[ and \] around any non-printing escape sequences in your prompt. Thus:
Without the \[ \], bash will think the bytes which constitute the escape sequences for the color codes will actually take up space on the screen, so bash won't be able to know where the cursor actually is.
56.2. Escape the colors with \001 \002 (dynamic prompt or read -p)
The \[ \] are only special when you assign PS1, if you print them inside a function that runs when the prompt is displayed it doesn't work. In this case you need to use the bytes \001 and \002:
If you want to use colors in the "read -p" prompt, the wrapping problem also occurs and you cannot use \[ \], you must also use \001 \002 instead:
1 blue=$(tput setaf 4)
2 reset=$(tput sgr0)
3 read -p $'\001'"$blue"$'\002'"what is your favorite color?"$'\001'"$reset"$'\002' answer
If you still have problems, e.g. when going through your command history with the Up/Down arrows, make sure you have the checkwinsize option set:
1 shopt -s checkwinsize
Refer to the Wikipedia article for ANSI escape codes.
More generally, you should avoid writing terminal escape sequences directly in your prompt, because they are not necessarily portable across all the terminals you will use, now or in the future. Use tput to generate the correct sequences for your terminal (it will look things up in your terminfo or termcap database).
Since tput is an external command, you want to run it as few times as possible, which is why we suggest storing its results in variables, and using those to construct your prompt (rather than putting $(tput ...) in PS1 directly, which would execute tput every time the prompt is displayed). The code that constructs a prompt this way is much easier to read than the prompt itself, and it should work across a wide variety of terminals. (Some terminals may not have the features you are trying to use, such as colors, so the results will never be 100% portable in the complex cases. But you can get close.)
Personal note: I still prefer this answer:
Toggle line numbers1 BLUE=$(tput setaf 4) 2 PURPLE=$(tput setaf 5) 3 RESET=$(tput sgr0) 4 PS1='\[$BLUE\]\h:\[$PURPLE\]\w\[$RESET\]\$ '
I understand that people like to avoid polluting the variable namespace; hence the function and the local part, which in turn forces the use of double quotes, which in turn forces the need to double up some but not all backslashes (and to know which ones -- oy!). I find that unnecessarily complicated. Granted, there's a tiny risk of collision if someone overrides BLUE or whatever, but on the other hand, the double-quote solution also carries the risk that a terminal will have backslashes in its escape sequences. And since the contents of the escape sequences are being parsed in the double-quote solution, but not in the single-quote solution, such a terminal could mess things up. Example of the difference:
Toggle line numbers1 imadev:~$ FOO='\w'; PS1='$FOO\$ ' 2 \w$ FOO='\w'; PS1="$FOO\\$ " 3 ~$
Suppose our terminal uses \w in an escape sequence. A \w inside a variable that's referenced in a single-quoted PS1 is only expanded out to a literal \w when the prompt is printed, which is what we want. But in the double-quoted version, the \w is placed directly into the PS1 variable, and gets evaluated by bash when the prompt is printed. Now, I don't actually know of any terminals that use this notation -- it's entirely a theoretical objection. But then again, so is the objection to the use of variables like BLUE. And some people might actually want to echo "$BLUE" in their shells anyway. So, I'm not going to say the single-quote answer is better, but I'd like to see it retained here as an alternative. -- GreyCat
Fair enough. I initially just intended to change the BLACK= to a RESET= (since not everyone uses white on black), but then I thought it would be better if the prompt did not depend on variables being available. I obviously was not aware about the possibility of such terminal escape sequences, so I think mentioning the single-quote version first would be a better idea and also mention what happens if those vars change.
I guess one could also make the variables readonly to prevent accidentally changing them and mess up the prompt, though that'll probably have other drawbacks..? -- ~~~
57. How can I tell whether a variable contains a valid number?
First, you have to define what you mean by "number". The most common case when people ask this seems to be "a non-negative integer, with no leading + sign". Or in other words, a string of all digits. Other times, people want to validate a floating-point input, with optional sign and optional decimal point.
57.1. Hand parsing
If you're validating a simple "string of digits", you can do it with a glob:
# Bash if [[ $foo != *[!0-9]* ]]; then echo "'$foo' is strictly numeric" else echo "'$foo' has a non-digit somewhere in it" fi
The same thing can be done in Korn and POSIX shells as well, using case:
# POSIX case $var in '') printf 'var is empty\n';; *[!0-9]*) printf '%s has a non-digit somewhere in it\n' "$var";; *) printf '%s is strictly numeric\n' "$var";; esac >&2
Of course, if all you care about is vald vs. invalid, you can combine cases:
# POSIX case $var in '' | *[!0-9]*) echo "$0: $var: invalid digit" >&2; exit 1;; esac
If you need to allow a leading negative sign, or if want a valid floating-point number or something else more complex, then there are a few possible ways. Standard globs aren't expressive enough to do this, but you can trim off any sign and then compare:
# POSIX case ${var#[-+]} in # notice ${var#prefix} substitution to trim sign '') printf 'var is empty\n';; *.*.*) printf '%s has more than one decimal point in it\n' "$var";; *[!0-9.]*) printf '%s has a non-digit somewhere in it\n' "$var";; *) printf '%s looks like a valid float\n' "$var";; esac >&2
Or in Bash, we can use extended globs:
# Bash -- extended globs must be enabled explicitly in versions prior to 4.1. # Check whether the variable is all digits. shopt -s extglob [[ $var = +([0-9]) ]]
A more complex case:
# Bash / ksh shopt -s extglob if [[ $foo = @(*[0-9]*|!([+-]|)) && $foo = ?([+-])*([0-9])?(.*([0-9])) ]]; then echo 'foo is a floating-point number' fi
Optionally, case..esac may have been used in shells with extended pattern matching. The leading test of $foo is to ensure that it contains at least one digit, isn't empty, and contains more than just + or - by itself.
If your definition of "a valid number" is even more complex, or if you need a solution that works in legacy Bourne shells, you might prefer to use an external tool's regular expression syntax. Here is a portable version (explained in detail here), using egrep:
# Bourne if echo "$foo" | grep -qE '^[-+]?([0-9]+\.?|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)$'; then echo "'$foo' is a number" else echo "'$foo' is not a number" fi
Bash version 3 and above have regular expression support in the [[ command.
# Bash # The regexp must be stored in a var and expanded for backward compatibility with versions < 3.2 regexp='^[-+]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?$' if [[ $foo = *[0-9]* && $foo =~ $regexp ]]; then echo "'$foo' looks rather like a number" else echo "'$foo' doesn't look particularly numeric to me" fi
57.2. Using the parsing done by [ and printf (or "using eq")
# fails with ksh if [ "$foo" -eq "$foo" ] 2>/dev/null; then echo "$foo is an integer" fi
[ parses the variable and interprets it as an integer because of the -eq. If the parsing succeeds the test is trivially true; if it fails [ prints an error message that 2>/dev/null hides and sets a status different from 0. However this method fails if the shell is ksh, because ksh evaluates the variable as an arithmetic expression.
Be careful: the following trick with printf (no supported by all shells)
# BASH if printf %f "$foo" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$foo is a float" fi
is broken: about the arguments of the a, A, e, E, f, F, g, or G format modifiers, POSIX specifies that if the leading character is a single-quote or double-quote, the value shall be the numeric value in the underlying codeset of the character following the single-quote or double-quote. Hence this fails when foo expands to a string with a leading single-quote or double-quote: the previous command will happily validate the string as a float.
You can use %d to parse an integer. Take care that the parsing might be (is supposed to be?) locale-dependent.
58. Tell me all about 2>&1 -- what's the difference between 2>&1 >foo and >foo 2>&1, and when do I use which?
Bash processes all redirections from left to right, in order. And the order is significant. Moving them around within a command may change the results of that command.
If all you want is to send both standard output and standard error to the same file, use this:
# Bourne foo >file 2>&1 # Sends both stdout and stderr to file.
Here's a simple demonstration of what's happening:
# POSIX foo() { echo "This is stdout" echo "This is stderr" 1>&2 } foo >/dev/null 2>&1 # produces no output foo 2>&1 >/dev/null # writes "This is stderr" on the screen
Why do the results differ? In the first case, >/dev/null is performed first, and therefore the standard output of the command is sent to /dev/null. Then, the 2>&1 is performed, which causes standard error to be sent to the same place that standard output is already going. So both of them are discarded.
In the second example, 2>&1 is performed first. This means standard error is sent to wherever standard output happens to be going -- in this case, the user's terminal. Then, standard output is sent to /dev/null and is therefore discarded. So when we run foo the second time, we see only its standard error, not its standard output.
The redirection chapter in the guide explains why we use a duplicate file descriptor rather than opening /dev/null twice. In the specific case of /dev/null it doesn't actually matter because all writes are discarded, but when we write to a log file, it matters very much indeed.
There are times when we really do want 2>&1 to appear first -- for one example of this, see FAQ #40.
There are other times when we may use 2>&1 without any other redirections. Consider:
# Bourne find ... 2>&1 | grep "some error"
In this example, we want to search find's standard error (as well as its standard output) for the string "some error". The 2>&1 in the piped command forces standard error to go into the pipe along with standard output. (When pipes and redirections are mixed in this way, remember: the pipe is done first, before any redirections. So find's standard output is already set to point to the pipe before we process the 2>&1 redirection.)
If we wanted to read only standard error in the pipe, and discard standard output, we could do it like this:
# Bourne find ... 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep "some error"
The redirections in that example are processed thus:
First, the pipe is created. find's output is sent to it.
Next, 2>&1 causes find's standard error to go to the pipe as well.
Finally, >/dev/null causes find's standard output to be discarded, leaving only stderr going into the pipe.
A related question is FAQ #47, which discusses how to send stderr to a pipeline.
See Making sense of the copy descriptor operator for a more graphical explanation.
58.1. If you're still confused...
If you're still confused at this point, it's probably because you started out with a misconception about how FDs work, and you haven't been able to drop that misconception yet. Don't worry -- it's an extremely common misconception, and you're not alone. Let me try to explain....
Many people think that 2>&1 somehow "unites" or "ties together" or "marries" the two FDs, so that any change to one of them becomes a change to the other. This is not the case. And this is where the confusion comes from, for many people.
2>&1 only changes FD2 to point to "that which FD1 points to at the moment"; it does not actually make FD2 point to FD1 itself. Note that "2" and "1" have different meanings due to the way they are used: "2", which occurs before ">&" means the actual FD2, but "1", which occurs after ">&", means "that which FD1 currently points to", rather than FD1 itself. (If reversed, as in "1>&2", then 1 means FD1 itself, and 2 means "that which FD2 currently points to".)
Analogies may help. One analogy is to think of FDs as being like C pointers.
int some_actual_integer; int *fd1, *fd2; fd1 = &some_actual_integer; /* Analogous to 1>file */ fd2 = fd1; /* Analogous to 2>&1 */ fd1 = NULL; /* Analogous to 1>&- */ /* At this point, fd2 is still pointing to the actual memory location. The fact that fd1 and fd2 both *used to* point to the same place is not relevant. We can close or repoint one of them, without affecting the other. */
Another analogy is to think of them like hardlinks in a file system.
touch some_real_file ln some_real_file fd1 # Make fd1 a link to our file ln fd1 fd2 # Make fd2 another link to our file rm fd1 # Remove the fd1 link, but fd2 is not # affected # At this point we still have a file with two links: "some_real_file" # and "fd2".
Or like symbolic links -- but we have to be careful with this analogy.
touch some_real_file ln -s some_real_file fd1 # Make fd1 a SYMlink to our file ln -s "$(readlink fd1)" fd2 # Make fd2 symlink to the same thing that # fd1 is a symlink to. rm fd1 # Remove fd1, but fd2 is untouched. # Requires the nonstandard "readlink" program. # Result is: lrwxrwxrwx 1 wooledg wooledg 14 Mar 25 09:19 fd2 -> some_real_file -rw-r--r-- 1 wooledg wooledg 0 Mar 25 09:19 some_real_file # If we had attempted to use "ln -s fd1 fd2" in this analogy, we would have # FAILED badly. This isn't how FDs work; rather, it's how some people # THINK they work. And it's wrong.
Other analogies include thinking of FDs as hoses. Think of files as barrels full of water (or empty, or half full). You can put a hose in a barrel in order to dump more water into it. You can put two hoses into the same barrel, and they can both dump water into the same barrel. You can then remove one of those hoses, and that doesn't cause the other hose to go away. It's still there.
58.2. See Also
59. How can I untar (or unzip) multiple tarballs at once?
As the tar command was originally designed to read from and write to tape devices (tar - Tape ARchiver), you can specify only filenames to put inside an archive (write to tape) or to extract out of an archive (read from tape).
There is an option to tell tar that the archive is not on some tape, but in a file: -f. This option takes exactly one argument: the filename of the file containing the archive. All other (following) filenames are taken to be archive members:
tar -x -f backup.tar myfile.txt # OR (more common syntax IMHO) tar xf backup.tar myfile.txt
Now here's a common mistake -- imagine a directory containing the following archive-files you want to extract all at once:
$ ls backup1.tar backup2.tar backup3.tar
Maybe you think of tar xf *.tar. Let's see:
$ tar xf *.tar tar: backup2.tar: Not found in archive tar: backup3.tar: Not found in archive tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
What happened? The shell replaced your *.tar by the matching filenames. You really wrote:
tar xf backup1.tar backup2.tar backup3.tar
And as we saw earlier, it means: "extract the files backup2.tar and backup3.tar from the archive backup1.tar", which will of course only succeed when there are such filenames stored in the archive.
The solution is relatively easy: extract the contents of all archives one at a time. As we use a UNIX shell and we are lazy, we do that with a loop:
for tarname in ./*.tar; do tar xf "$tarname" done
What happens? The for-loop will iterate through all filenames matching *.tar and call tar xf for each of them. That way you extract all archives one-by-one and you even do it automagically.
The second common archive type in these days is ZIP. The command to extract contents from a ZIP file is unzip (who would have guessed that!). The problem here is the very same: unzip takes only one option specifying the ZIP-file. So, you solve it the very same way:
for zipfile in ./*.zip; do unzip "$zipfile" done
Not enough? Ok. There's another option with unzip: it can take shell-like patterns to specify the ZIP-file names. And to avoid interpretation of those patterns by the shell, you need to quote them. unzip itself and not the shell will interpret *.zip in this case:
unzip "*.zip" # OR, to make more clear what we do: unzip \*.zip
(This feature of unzip derives mainly from its origins as an MS-DOS program. MS-DOS's command interpreter does not perform glob expansions, so every MS-DOS program must be able to expand wildcards into a list of filenames. This feature was left in the Unix version, and as we just demonstrated, it can occasionally be useful.)
60. How can I group entries (in a file by common prefixes)?
As in, one wants to convert:
foo: entry1 bar: entry2 foo: entry3 baz: entry4
foo: entry1 entry3 bar: entry2 baz: entry4
There are two simple general methods for this:
- sort the file, and then iterate over it, collecting entries until the prefix changes, and then print the collected entries with the previous prefix
- iterate over the file, collect entries for each prefix in an array indexed by the prefix
A basic implementation of a in bash:
old=xxx ; stuff= (sort file ; echo xxx) | while read prefix line ; do if [[ $prefix = $old ]] ; then stuff="$stuff $line" else echo "$old: $stuff" old="$prefix" stuff= fi done
And a basic implementation of b in awk, using a true multi-dimensional array:
{ a[$1,++b[$1]] = $2; } END { for (i in b) { printf("%s", i); for (j=1; j<=b[i]; j++) { printf(" %s", a[i,j]); } print ""; } }
Written out as a shell command:
awk '{a[$1,++b[$1]]=$2} END {for (i in b) {printf("%s", i); for (j=1; j<=b[i]; j++) printf(" %s", a[i,j]); print ""}}' file
61. Can bash handle binary data?
The answer is, basically, no....
While bash won't have as many problems with it as older shells, it still can't process arbitrary binary data, and more specifically, shell variables are not 100% binary clean, so you can't store binary files in them.
You can store uuencoded ASCII data within a variable such as
var=$(uuencode /bin/ls ls) cd /somewhere/else uudecode <<<"$var" # don't forget the quotes!
Note: there is a huge difference between GNU and Unix uuencode/uudecode. With Unix uudecode, you cannot specify the output file; it always uses the filename encoded in the ASCII data. I've fixed the previous example so that it works on Unix systems. If you make further changes, please don't use GNUisms. Thanks. --GreyCat
One instance where such would sometimes be handy is storing small temporary bitmaps while working with netpbm... here I resorted to adding an extra pnmnoraw to the pipe, creating (larger) ASCII files that bash has no problems storing.
If you are feeling adventurous, consider this experiment:
# bindec.bash, attempt to decode binary data to ascii decimals IFS= while read -n1 x ;do case "$x" in '') echo empty ;; # insert the 256 lines generated by the following oneliner here: # for x in $(seq 0 255) ;do echo " $'\\$(printf %o $x)') echo $x;;" ;done esac done
and then pipe binary data into it, maybe like so:
for x in $(seq 0 255) ;do echo -ne "\\$(printf %o $x)" ;done | bash bindec.bash | nl | less
This suggests that the 0 character is skipped entirely, because we can't create it with the input generation, enough to conveniently corrupt most binary files we try to process.
Yes, Bash is written in C, and uses C semantics for handling strings -- including the NUL byte as string terminator -- in its variables. You cannot store NUL in a Bash variable sanely. It simply was never intended to be used for this. - GreyCat
Note that this refers to storing them in variables... moving data between programs using pipes is always binary clean. Temporary files are also safe, as long as appropriate precautions are taken when creating them.
To cat binary file with just bash builtins when no external command is available (had to use this trick once when /lib/ was renamed, saved the day):
# simulate cat with just bash builtins, binary safe IFS= while read -d '' -r -n1 x ; do case "$x" in '') printf "\x00";; *) printf "%s" "$x";; esac done
I'd rather just use cat. Also, is the -n1 really needed? -GreyCat
without -n1 you have to be careful to deal with the data after the last \0, something like [[ $x ]] && printf "%s" "%x" after the loop. I haven't tested this to know if it works or if it is enough. Also I don't know what happens if you read a big file without any \0 --pgas
62. I saw this command somewhere: :(){ :|:& } (fork bomb). How does it work?
This is a potentially dangerous command. Don't run it! The "trigger" is omitted from the question above, leaving only the part that sets up the function.
A fork bomb is a simple form of denial of service (DoS) named after the Unix fork(2) system call. It is a program which rapidly consumes resources by repeatedly forking copies of itself, whose children do the same, recursively. On many systems without proper resource limits, this may leave you in an irrecoverably unresponsive state.
This particular definition of a Bash fork bomb is for some reason so well-known that it's sometimes just known as "the forkbomb".
Here is the code in the most common popularized format:
:(){ :|:& };:
And again, following good conventions for readability:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
:() {
: | : &
This defines a function named :. The body of the function sets up a pipeline, which in Bash consists of two subshells, the stdout of the first connected to the stdin of the second by a pipe. The function (parent shell of the pipeline) backgrounds the pipeline, the function returns, and the shell terminates, leaving behind the background job. The end result is two new processes that each call : to repeat the process.
: is actually an illegal function name in most contexts (described below). Here, bomb is used instead of :, which is both portable and more readable.
bomb() { bomb | bomb & } bomb
Theoretically, anybody that has shell access to your computer can use such a technique to consume all the resources to which he/she has access. A chroot(2) won't help here. If the user's resources are unlimited then in a matter of seconds all the resources of your system (processes, virtual memory, open files, etc.) will be used, and it will probably deadlock itself. Any attempt made by the kernel to free more resources will just allow more instances of the function to be created.
As a result, the only way to protect yourself from such abuse is by limiting the maximum allowed use of resources for your users. Such resources are governed by the setrlimit(2) system call. The interface to this functionality in Bash and KornShell is the ulimit command. Your operating system may also have special configuration files to help manage these resources (for example, /etc/security/limits.conf in Debian, or /etc/login.conf in OpenBSD). Consult your documentation for details.
62.1. Why '':(){ :|:& };:'' is a bad way to define a fork bomb
This popular definition works because of an unusual combination of details that (of the shells I have to test with) only occur in Bash's non-POSIX mode, and Zsh (all emulation modes).
The shell must allow defining function names beyond those required by a POSIX "Name". This immediately rules out ksh93, Bash POSIX mode, Dash, Posh (segfault on definition, Posh is an old pdksh fork that's no longer maintained), and Busybox sh.
- The shell must either:
Incorrectly resolve functions that overload special builtins ahead of the builtin itself. See Command search and execution. mksh fails (correctly) at this step, simply executing the : builtin. It is impossible to call the function even if you've successfully defined it. Bash non-POSIX mode and Zsh (even POSIX emulation) meet this criteria.
- Provide a means of disabling the builtin. Bash and Ksh93 do. Bash fails (correctly according to its documentation). Ksh93 succeeds (incorrectly according to its documentation).
$ bash -c 'enable -d :; type -p :' bash: line 0: enable: :: not dynamically loaded $ ksh -c 'builtin -d :; whence -v :' ksh: whence: :: not found
Probably a bug:-d Deletes each of the specified built-ins. **Special built-ins cannot be deleted**.
In any event, it's irrelevant because ksh93 already failed at step 1. Now you just have an inaccessible builtin.
So in a nutshell, this forkbomb isn't very interesting. It's basically the canonical definition that's been trivially obfuscated by giving it a strange name that breaks almost everywhere. Ironic given the supposed original author's claim that one may
type in :(){ :|:& };: on any UNIX terminal
- -- sure, I guess you can type it.
63. I'm trying to write a script that will change directory (or set a variable), but after the script finishes, I'm back where I started (or my variable isn't set)!
Consider this:
#!/bin/sh cd /tmp
If one executes this simple script, what happens? Bash forks, resulting in a parent (the interactive shell in which you typed the command) and a child (a new shell that reads and executes the script). The child runs, while the parent waits for it to finish. The child reads and executes the script, changes its current directory to /tmp, and then exits. The parent, which was waiting for the child, harvests the child's exit status (presumably 0 for success), and then carries on with the next command. Nowhere in this process has the parent's current working directory changed -- only the child's.
A child process can never affect any part of the parent's environment, which includes its variables, its current working directory, its open files, its resource limits, etc.
So, how does one go about changing the current working directory of the parent? You can still have the cd command in an external file, but you can't run it as a script. That would cause the forking explained earlier. Instead, you must source it with . (or the Bash-only synonym, source). Sourcing basically means you execute the commands in a file using the current shell, not in a forked shell (child shell):
echo 'cd /tmp' > "$HOME/mycd" # Create a file that contains the 'cd /tmp' command. . "$HOME/mycd" # Source that file, executing the 'cd /tmp' command in the current shell. pwd # Now, we're in /tmp
The same thing applies to setting variables. . ("dot in") the file that contains the commands; don't try to run it.
If the command you execute is a function, not a script, it will be executed in the current shell. Therefore, it's possible to define a function to do what we tried to do with an external file in the examples above, without needing to "dot in" or "source" anything. Define the following function and then call it simply by typing mycd:
mycd() { cd /tmp; }
Put it in ~/.bashrc or similar if you want the function to be available automatically in every new shell you open.
64. Is there a list of which features were added to specific releases (versions) of Bash?
Here are some links to official Bash documentation:
NEWS: a file tersely listing the notable changes between the current and previous versions
CHANGES: a "complete" bash change history (back to 2.0 only)
COMPAT: compatibility issues between bash3 and previous versions
A more extensive, partial list than the one below can be found at
Here's a partial list of the changes, in a more compact format:
Feature |
Added in version |
mapfile -d |
4.4 (not released yet) |
wait -n |
4.3-alpha |
test -R |
4.3-alpha |
declare/typeset -n and associated changes to ${!ref} and |
4.3-alpha |
array[-idx] (in assignments, read, unset, etc) |
4.3-alpha |
4.2-alpha |
declare -g |
4.2-alpha |
test -v |
4.2-alpha |
printf %(fmt)T |
4.2-alpha |
${array[-idx]} and ${var:start:-len} |
4.2-alpha |
lastpipe (shopt) |
4.2-alpha |
read -N |
4.1-alpha |
{var}> or {var}< etc. (FD variable assignment) |
4.1-alpha |
syslog history (compile option) |
4.1-alpha |
4.1-alpha |
;& and ;;& fall-throughs for case |
4.0-alpha |
associative arrays |
4.0-alpha |
&>> and |& |
4.0-alpha |
command_not_found_handle |
4.0-alpha |
coproc |
4.0-alpha |
globstar |
4.0-alpha |
mapfile/readarray |
4.0-alpha |
${var,[,]} and ${var^[^]} |
4.0-alpha |
{009..012} (leading zeros in brace expansions) |
4.0-alpha |
{x..y..incr} |
4.0-alpha |
read -t 0 |
4.0-alpha |
read -i |
4.0-alpha |
x+=string array+=(string) |
3.1-alpha1 |
printf -v var |
3.1-alpha1 |
{x..y} |
3.0-alpha |
${!array[@]} |
3.0-alpha |
[[ =~ |
3.0-alpha |
printf %q produces $'...' |
2.05b-alpha1 |
<<< |
2.05b-alpha1 |
i++ |
2.04-devel |
for ((;;)) |
2.04-devel |
/dev/fd/N, /dev/tcp/host/port, etc. |
2.04-devel |
read -t, -n, -d and -s |
2.04-devel |
a=(*.txt) file expansion |
2.03-alpha |
extglob |
2.02-alpha1 |
[[ |
2.02-alpha1 |
builtin printf |
2.02-alpha1 |
$(< filename) |
2.02-alpha1 |
** (exponentiation) |
2.02-alpha1 |
\xNNN |
2.02-alpha1 |
(( )) |
2.0-beta2 |
65. How do I create a temporary file in a secure manner?
There does not appear to be any single command that simply works everywhere. tempfile is not portable. mktemp exists more widely (but still not ubiquitously), but it may require a -c switch to create the file in advance; or it may create the file by default and barf if -c is supplied. Some systems don't have either command (Solaris, POSIX).
The traditional answer has usually been something like this:
# Do not use! Race condition! tempfile=/tmp/myname.$$ trap 'rm -f "$tempfile"; exit 1' 1 2 3 15 rm -f "$tempfile" touch "$tempfile"
The problem with this is: if the file already exists (for example, as a symlink to /etc/passwd), then the script may write things in places they should not be written. Even if you remove the file immediately before using it, you still have a RaceCondition: someone could re-create a malicious symlink in the interval between your shell commands.
The best portable answer is to put your temporary files in your home directory (or some other private directory) where nobody else has write access. Then at least you don't have to worry about malicious users. Simplistic PID-based schemes (or hostname + PID for shared file systems) should be enough to prevent conflicts with your own scripts.
Unfortunately, people don't seem to like that answer. They demand that their temporary files should be in /tmp or /var/tmp. For those people, there is no clean answer, so they must choose a hack they can live with.
65.1. Making a temporary directory
In some systems (like Linux):
You have available the mktemp command and you can use its -d option so that it creates temporary directores only accessible for you, with random characters inside their names to make it almost impossible for an attacker to guess the directory name beforehand.
You can create filenames longer than 14 characters in /tmp.
# POSIX # Set $TMPDIR to "/tmp" only if it didn't have a value previously : ${TMPDIR:=/tmp} # We can find about $TMPDIR in # Create a private temporary directory inside $TMPDIR # Remove the temporary directory when the script finishes unset temporary_dir trap '[ -n "$temporary_dir" ] && rm -rf "$temporary_dir"' EXIT save_mask=$(umask) umask 077 temporary_dir=$(mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") || { echo "ERROR creating a temporary file" >&2; exit 1; } umask "$save_mask"
And then you can create your particular files inside the temporary folder.
A different suggestion which does not require a mktemp command: a temporary directory can be created that is unlikely to match an existing directory using the RANDOM variable as follows:
temp_dir=/tmp/$RANDOM mkdir "$temp_dir"
This will make a directory of the form: /tmp/20445/. To decrease the chance of collision with an existing directory, the RANDOM variable can be used a number of times, or combined with the process ID:
temp_dir=/tmp/$RANDOM-$$ mkdir -m 700 "$temp_dir" || { echo "failed to create temp_dir" >&2; exit 1; }
This will make a directory of the form /tmp/24953-2875/. This avoids a race condition because the mkdir is atomic, as we see in FAQ #45. It is imperative that you check the result of mkdir; if it fails to create the directory, obviously you cannot proceed.
(Some systems have a 14-character filename limit, so avoid the temptation to string $RANDOM together more than twice. You're relying on the atomicity of mkdir for your security, not the obscurity of your random name. If someone fills up /tmp with hundreds of thousands of random-number files to thwart you, you've got bigger issues.)
Instead of RANDOM, awk can be used to generate a random number in a POSIX compatible way:
temp_dir=/tmp/$(awk 'BEGIN { srand (); print rand() }') mkdir -m 700 "$temp_dir"
Note, however that "srand()" seeds the random number generator using seconds since the epoch which is fairly easy for an adversary to predict and perform a denial of service attack.
Combining the above we can use:
# POSIX temp_dir=${TMPDIR:=/tmp}/$(awk -v p=$$ 'BEGIN { srand(); s = rand(); sub(/^0./, "", s); printf("%X_%X", p, s) }') trap '[ -n "$temp_dir" ] && rm -fr "$temp_dir"' EXIT mkdir -m 700 "$temp_dir" || { echo '!! unable to create a tempdir' >&2; temp_dir=; exit 1; }
Since the default awk numeric format is %g which equates to 6 digits after the decimal point, we have a 6 digit trail. 999,999 is F423F which gives us one character back, another for the _ and 8 available for a prefixed pid on a 14-char filesystem. An unsigned 32-bit pid will be a maximum of 8 hex digits, so the above should stand a chance in most places one might encounter such an fs. And of course we bail out as greycat mentioned when the creation fails.
Isn't this getting just a bit silly? -- GreyCat
No more so than the unportable approach given above. It answers your repeated point about a 14-char limit on filenames, and allows for use of /tmp, which some admins prefer, and can be useful if your script is not a defined program with a specific name, where I agree the better approach is to have a defined directory, under $HOME or elsewhere. As a minor point, the pid prefix enables a degree of control over/ knowledge of any tempdirs created. Personally I'd rather have this, portable to POSIX sh, than a mktemp invocation which I can't rely on. -- igli
65.2. Other approaches
I reiterate that the best solution is to use your $HOME directory to hold your private files. If you're implementing a daemon or something, which runs under a user account with no home directory, why not simply make a private directory for your daemon at the same time you're installing the code?
Another not-quite-serious suggestion is to include C code in the script that implements a mktemp(1) command based on the mktemp(3) library function, compile it, and use that in the script. But this has a couple problems:
- The useless Solaris systems where we would need this probably don't have a C compiler either.
- Chicken and egg problem: we need a temporary file name to hold the compiler's output.
66. My ssh client hangs when I try to logout after running a remote background job!
The following will not do what you expect:
ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 &' # Client hangs for 120 seconds
This is a "feature" of OpenSSH. The client will not close the connection as long as the remote end's terminal still is still in use -- and in the case of sleep 120 &, stdout and stderr are still connected to the terminal.
The simplest solution is to tell OpenSSH to disconnect as soon as authentication is complete:
ssh -f me@remotehost 'sleep 120'
The immediate answer to your question -- "How do I get the client to disconnect so I can get my shell back?" -- is to kill the ssh client. You can do this with the kill or pkill commands, of course; or by sending the INT signal (usually Ctrl-C) for a non-interactive ssh session (as above); or by pressing <Enter><~><.> (Enter, Tilde, Period) in the client's terminal window for an interactive remote shell.
The problem is that the stdout and stderr file descriptors are still connected to the terminal, preventing the exit of ssh. So the long-term workaround for this is to ensure that all these file descriptors are either closed or redirected to a log file (or /dev/null) on the remote side.
ssh me@remotehost 'sleep 120 >/dev/null 2>&1 &' # Client should return immediately
This also applies to restarting daemons on some legacy Unix systems.
ssh root@hp-ux-box # Interactive shell ... # Discover that the problem is stale NFS handles /sbin/init.d/nfs.client stop # autofs is managed by this script and /sbin/init.d/nfs.client start # killing it on HP-UX is OK (unlike Linux) exit # Client hangs -- use Enter ~ . to kill it.
Please note that allowing root to log in over SSH is a very bad security practice. If you must do this, then create a single script that does all the commands you want, with no command line options, and then configure the sudoers file to grant a single user the right to run the mentioned script with no password required. This will ensure that you know which commands need run regularly, and that if the regular account is compromised, the damage which can be incurred is quantified.
The legacy Unix /sbin/init.d/nfs.client script runs daemons in the background but leaves their stdout and stderr attached to the terminal (and they don't fully self-daemonize). The solution is either to fix the Unix vendor's broken init script, or to kill the ssh client process after this happens. The author of this article uses the latter approach.
67. Why is it so hard to get an answer to the question that I asked in #bash?
Maybe nobody knows the answer (or the people who know the answer are busy). Maybe you haven't given enough detail about the problem, or you haven't presented the problem clearly. Maybe the question you asked is answered in this FAQ, or in BashPitfalls, or in the BashGuide.
This is a big one: don't just post a URL and say "here is my script, fix it!" Only post code as a last resort, if you have a small piece of code that you don't understand. Instead, you should state what you're trying to do.
Shell scripting is largely a collection of hacks and tricks that do not generalize very well. The optimal answer to one problem may be quite different from the optimal answer to a similar-looking problem, so it's extremely important that you tell us the exact problem you want to solve.
Moreover, if you've attempted to solve a problem yourself, there's a really high probability that you've gone about it using a technique that doesn't work (or, at least, doesn't work for that particular problem). Any code you already have is probably going to be thrown away. Posting your non-working code as a substitute for a description of the problem you want to solve is usually a waste of time, and is nearly always irritating.
See NetEtiquette for more general suggestions. Try to avoid the infamous XyProblem.
#bash aphorism 1: The questioner's first description of the problem/question will be misleading.
#bash corollary 1.1: The questioner's second description of the problem/question will also be misleading.
#bash aphorism 2: The questioner will keep changing the original question until it drives the helpers in the channel insane.
The aphorisms given here are intended to be humorous, but with a touch of realism underlying them. Several have been suggested over time, but only the ones shown above have remained largely untouched. Others include:
- The data is never formatted in the way that makes it easiest to manipulate.
- 30 to 40 percent of the conversations in #bash will be about aphorisms #1 and #2.
- The questioner will never tell you what they are really doing the first time they ask.
- The questioner's third description of the problem will clarify two previously misdescribed elements of the problem, but will add two new irrelevant issues that will be even more difficult to unravel from the actual problem.
- Offtopicness will continue until someone asks a bash question that falls under bashphorisms 1 and/or 2, and greycat gets pissed off.
- The questioner will not read and apply the answers he is given but will instead continue to practice b1 and b2.
- The ignorant will continually mis-educate the other noobies.
- When given a choice of two solutions, the newbie will always choose the more complicated, or less portable, solution.
- When given a choice of solutions, the newbie will always choose the wrong one.
- The newbie will always find a reason to say, "It doesn't work."
- If you don't know to whom the bashphorism's referring, it's you.
- All examples given by the questioner will be broken, misleading, wrong, and/or not representative of the actual question.
- Everyone ignores greycat when he is right. When he is wrong, it is !b1.
- The newbie doesn't actually know what he's asking. If he did, he wouldn't need to ask.
- The more advanced you are, the more likely you are to be overcomplicating it.
- The more of a beginner you are, the more likely you are to be overcomplicating it.
- A newbie comes to #bash to get his script confirmed. He leaves disappointed.
- The newbie will not accept the answer you give, no matter how right it is.
- The newbie is a bloody loon.
- The newbie will always have some excuse for doing it wrong.
If When the newbie's question is ambiguous, the proper interpretation will be whichever one makes the problem the hardest to solve.
- The newcomer will abuse the bot's factoid triggers for their own entertainment until someone gets annoyed enough to ask them to message it privately instead.
- Everyone is a newcomer.
- The newcomer will address greybot as if it were human.
- The newbie won't accept any answer that uses practical or standard tools.
- The newbie will not TELL you about this restriction until you have wasted half an hour.
- The newbie will lie.
- When the full horror of the newbie's true goal is revealed, the newbie will try to restate the goal to trick you into answering. Newbies are stupid.
68. Is there a "PAUSE" command in bash like there is in MSDOS batch scripts? To prompt the user to press any key to continue?
Use the following to wait until the user presses enter:
# Bash read -p "Press [enter] to continue..." # Bourne echo "Press [enter] to continue..." read junk
Or use the following to wait until the user presses any key to continue:
# Bash read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..."
Sometimes you need to wait until the user presses any key to continue, but you are already using the "standard input" because (for example) you are using a pipe to feed your script. How do you tell read to read from the keyboard? Unix flexibility is helpful here, you can add "< /dev/tty"
# Bash read -rsn 1 -p "Press any key to continue..." < /dev/tty
If you want to put a timeout on that, use the -t option to read:
# Bash printf 'WARNING: You are about to do something stupid.\n' printf 'Press a key within 5 seconds to cancel.' if ! read -rsn 1 -t 5 then something_stupid fi
If you just want to pause for a while, regardless of the user's input, use sleep:
echo "The script is tired. Please wait a minute." sleep 60
If you want a fancy countdown on your timed read:
# Bash # This function won't handle multi-digit counts. countdown() { local i printf %s "$1" sleep 1 for ((i=$1-1; i>=1; i--)); do printf '\b%d' "$i" sleep 1 done } printf 'Warning!!\n' printf 'Five seconds to cancel: ' countdown 5 & pid=$! if ! read -s -n 1 -t 5; then printf '\nboom\n' else kill "$pid"; printf '\nphew\n' fi
(If you test that code in an interactive shell, you'll get "chatter" from the job control system when the child process is created, and when it's killed. But in a script, there won't be any such noise.)
69. I want to check if [[ $var == foo || $var == bar || $var == more ]] without repeating $var n times.
The portable solution uses case:
# Bourne case $var in foo|bar|more) ... ;; esac
In Bash and ksh, Extended globs can also do this within a [[ command:
# bash/ksh if [[ $var == @(foo|bar|more) ]]; then ... fi
Alternatively, you may loop over a list of patterns, checking each individually.
# bash/ksh93 [[ -v BASH_VERSION ]] && shopt -s extglob # usage: pmatch string pattern [ pattern ... ] function any { [[ -n $1 ]] || return typeset pat match=$1 shift for pat; do [[ $match == $pat ]] && return done return 1 } var='foo bar' if any "$var" '@(bar|baz)' foo\* blarg; then echo 'var matched at least one of the patterns!' fi
For logical conjunction (return true if $var matches all patterns), ksh93 can use the & pattern delimiter.
# ksh93 only [[ $var == @(foo&bar&more) ]] && ...
For shells that support only the ksh88 subset (extglob patterns), you may DeMorganify the logic using the negation sub-pattern operator.
# bash/ksh88/etc... [[ $var == !(!(foo)|!(bar)|!(more)) ]] && ...
But this is quite unclear and not much shorter than just writing out separate expressions for each pattern.
70. How can I trim leading/trailing white space from one of my variables?
There are a few ways to do this. Some involve special tricks that only work with whitespace. Others are more general, and can be used to strip leading zeroes, etc.
For simple variables, you can trim whitespace (or other characters) using this trick:
# POSIX junk="${var##*[! ]}" # match prefixed spaces var="${var%"$junk"}" # trim the match junk="${var%%[! ]*}" # match affixed spaces var="${var#"$junk"}" # trim the match
Bash can do the same thing, but without the need for a throw-away variable, by using extglob's more advanced pattern matching:
# Bash shopt -s extglob var="${var##*( )}" # trim the left var="${var%%*( )}" # trim the right
Here's one that only works for whitespace. It relies on the fact that read strips all leading and trailing whitespace (tab or space character) when IFS isn't set:
# POSIX, but fails if the variable contains newlines read -r var << EOF $var EOF
Bash can do something similar with a "here string":
# Bash read -rd '' x <<< "$x"
Using an empty string as a delimiter means the read consumes the whole string, as NUL is used. (Remember: BASH only does C-string variables.) This is entirely safe for any text, including newlines (which will also be stripped from the beginning and end of the variable with the default value of IFS).
Here's a solution using extglob together with parameter expansion:
# Bash shopt -s extglob x=${x##+([[:space:]])} x=${x%%+([[:space:]])}
(where [[:space:]] includes space, tab and all other horizontal and vertical spacing characters, the list of which varies with the current locale).
This also works in KornShell, without needing the explicit extglob setting:
# ksh x=${x##+([[:space:]])} x=${x%%+([[:space:]])}
This solution isn't restricted to whitespace like the first few were. You can remove leading zeroes as well:
# Bash shopt -s extglob x=${x##+(0)}
Another way to remove leading zeroes from a number in bash is to treat it as a decimal integer, in a math context:
# Bash x=$((10#$x)) # However, this fails if x contains anything other than decimal digits.
If you need to remove leading zeroes in a POSIX shell, you can use a loop:
# POSIX while true; do case "$var" in 0*) var=${var#0};; *) break;; esac done
Or this trick (covered in more detail in FAQ #100):
# POSIX zeroes=${var%%[!0]*} var=${var#"$zeroes"}
There are many, many other ways to do this, using sed for instance:
# POSIX, suppress the trailing and leading whitespace on every line x=$(printf '%s\n' "$x" | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')
Solutions based on external programs like sed are better suited to trimming large files, rather than shell variables.
71. How do I run a command, and have it abort (timeout) after N seconds?
FIRST check whether the command you're running can be told to timeout directly. The methods described here are "hacky" workarounds to force a command to terminate after a certain time has elapsed. Configuring your command properly is always preferable to the alternatives below.
If the command has no native support for stopping after a specified time, then the best alternatives are some external commands called timeout and doalarm. Some Linux distributions offer the tct version of timeout as a package. There is also a GNU version of timeout, included in recent coreutils releases.
Beware: by default, some implementations of timeout issue a SIGKILL (kill -9), which is roughly the same as pulling out the power cord (leaving no chance for the program to commit its work, often resulting in corruption of its data). You should use a signal that allows the program to shut itself down instead (SIGTERM). See ProcessManagement for more information on SIGKILL.
The primary difference between doalarm and timeout is that doalarm "execs" the program after setting up the alarm, which makes it wonderful in a WrapperScript; while timeout launches the program as a child and then hangs around (both processes exist simultaneously), which gives it the opportunity to send more than one signal if necessary.
If you don't have or don't want one of the above programs, you can use a perl one-liner to set an ALRM and then exec the program you want to run under a time limit. In any case, you must understand what your program does with SIGALRM; programs with periodic updates usually use ALRM for that purpose and update rather than dying when they receive that signal.
doalarm() { perl -e 'alarm shift; exec @ARGV' -- "$@"; } doalarm ${NUMBER_OF_SECONDS_BEFORE_ALRMING} program arg arg ...
If you can't or won't use one of these programs (which really should have been included with the basic core Unix utilities 30 years ago!), then the best you can do is an ugly hack like:
command & pid=$! { sleep 10; kill $pid; } &
This will, as you will soon discover, produce quite a mess regardless of whether the timeout condition kicked in or not, if it's run in an interactive shell. Cleaning it up is not something worth my time. Also, it can't be used with any command that requires a foreground terminal, like top.
It is possible to do something similar, but to keep command in the foreground:
bash -c '(sleep 10; kill $$) & exec command'
kill $$ would kill the shell, except that exec causes the command to take over the shell's PID. It is necessary to use bash -c so that the calling shell isn't replaced; in bash 4, it is possible to use a subshell instead:
( cmdpid=$BASHPID; (sleep 10; kill $cmdpid) & exec command )
The shell-script "timeout" (not to be confused with the command 'timeout') uses the second approach above. It has the advantage of working immediately (no need for compiling a program), but has problems e.g. with programs reading standard input.
Just use timeout or doalarm instead. Really.
72. I want to automate an ssh (or scp, or sftp) connection, but I don't know how to send the password....
First of all, if you actually were to embed your password in a script somewhere, it would be visible to the entire world (or at least, anyone who can read files on your system). This would defeat the entire purpose of having a password on your remote account.
If all you want is for the user to be prompted for a password by ssh, simply make sure your script is executed in a terminal and that your ssh command is executed in the foreground ("normally"). ssh will prompt the user for a password if the remote server requires one for authentication. Your script doesn't need to get involved.
Specifically, do not ask the user for their password yourself, store it in a variable, and then try to pass it along to ssh. That reduces your security enormously.
If you want to bypass the password authentication entirely, then you should use public key authentication instead. Read and understand the man page for ssh-keygen(1), or see SshKeys for a brief overview. This will tell you how to generate a public/private key pair (in either RSA or DSA format), and how to use these keys to authenticate to the remote system without sending a password at all.
Here is a brief summary of the procedure:
test -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa || ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id me@remote ssh me@remote hostname # should not prompt for a passWORD, # but your key may have a passPHRASE
If your key has a passphrase on it, and you want to avoid typing it every time, look into ssh-agent(1). It's beyond the scope of this document, though. If your script has to run unattended, then you may need to remove the passphrase from the key. This reduces your security, because then anyone who grabs the key can log in to the remote server as you (it's equivalent to putting a password in a file). However, sometimes this is deemed an acceptable risk.
If you're being prompted for a password even with the public key inserted into the remote authorized_keys file, chances are you have a permissions problem on the remote system. See SshKeys for a discussion of such problems.
If that's not it, then make sure you didn't spell it authorised_keys. SSH uses the US spelling, authorized_keys.
If you really want to store a password in a variable and then pass it to a program, instead of using public keys, first have your head examined. Then, if you still want to use a password, use expect(1) (or the less classic but maybe more bash friendly empty(1)). But don't ask us for help with it.
expect also applies to the telnet or FTP variations of this question. However, anyone who's still running telnetd without a damned good reason needs to be fired and replaced.
73. How do I convert Unix (epoch) times to human-readable values?
The only sane way to handle time values within a program is to convert them into a linear scale. You can't store "January 17, 2005 at 5:37 PM" in a variable and expect to do anything with it....
Therefore, any competent program is going to use time stamps with semantics such as "the number of seconds since point X". These are called epoch timestamps. If the epoch is January 1, 1970 at midnight UTC, then it's also called a "Unix timestamp", because this is how Unix stores all times (such as file modification times).
The closest tool to deal with Unix timestamps in Standard Unix, is only the command date. (Ironic, eh?) GNU date, and later BSD date, has a %s extension to generate output in Unix timestamp format:
# GNU/BSD date date +%s # Prints the current time in Unix format, e.g. 1164128484 date -u +%s # Seconds from Epoch AT UTC. This clears local Daytime savings or local time corrections.
This is commonly used in scripts when one requires the interval between two events:
# POSIX shell, with GNU/BSD date start=$(date -u +%s) ... end=$(date -u +%s) echo "Operation took $(($end - $start)) seconds."
Now, to convert those Unix timestamps back into human-readable values, we need to use date in a special way. The GNU date could perform simple adition and substraction :
# GNU date date -u -d "1970-01-01" +"%s seconds" # Prints "0 seconds" date -u -d "1970-01-01" +"%D %T" # Prints "01/01/70 00:00:00" date -u -d "1970-01-01 14415 sec" +"%D %T" # Prints "01/01/70 04:00:15", or 4 hours and 15 seconds ahead. date -u -d "1970-01-01 14415 sec - 3605 sec" +"%D %T" # Prints "01/01/70 03:00:10", that is, 4 hours 15 seconds ahead and 2 hours 5 seconds back.
So, we can do in just one command (provided start and end vars are values in seconds):
# Assuming start is "1418347200" and end is "1418350815" (for example): date -u -d "1970-01-01 $end sec - $start sec" +"%T" # Prints the time difference in the usual (human readable) time format: 01:00:15 # the output format could be easily adjusted as needed.
Note that this works only for less than 24 hours. Bigger time spans will require some external math.
If you don't have GNU date available, you can use Perl:
perl -le "print scalar localtime 1164128484" # Prints "Tue Nov 21 12:01:24 2006"
I used double quotes in these examples so that the time constant could be replaced with a variable reference. See the documentation for date(1) and Perl for details on changing the output format.
Newer versions of Tcl (such as 8.5) have very good support of date and clock functions. See the tclsh man page for usage details. For example:
echo 'puts [clock format [clock scan "today"]]' | tclsh # Prints today's date (the format can be adjusted with parameters to "clock format"). echo 'puts [clock format [clock scan "fortnight"]]' | tclsh # Prints the date two weeks from now. echo 'puts [clock format [clock scan "5 years + 6 months ago"]]' | tclsh # Five and a half years ago, compensating for leap days and daylight savings time.
A convenient way of calculating seconds elapsed since 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS' is to use awk.
echo "2008 02 27 18 50 23" | awk '{print systime() - mktime($0)}' # This uses systime() to return the current time in epoch format # It then performs mktime() on the input string to return the epoch time of the input string
To make this more human readable, GNU awk (gawk) can be used: The format string is similar to date, and is specifed exactly here at
echo "YYYY MM DD HH MM SS" | gawk '{print strftime("%M Minutes, %S Seconds",systime() - mktime($0))}' # The gawk-specific strftime() function converts the difference into a human readable format
74. How do I convert an ASCII character to its decimal (or hexadecimal) value and back?
If you have a known octal or hexadecimal value (at script-writing time), you can just use printf:
2 printf '\x27\047\n'
This prints two literal ' characters (27 is the hexadecimal ASCII value of the character, and 47 is the octal value) and a newline.
1 ExpandedString=$'\x27\047\u0027\U00000027\n'
2 echo -n "$ExpandedString"
Another approach $'...' strings are escaped before evaluation and can be embedded directly in code.
If you need to convert characters (or numeric ASCII values) that are not known in advance (i.e., in variables), you can use something a little more complicated:
Even better to avoid using a subshell is to pass the value inside a variable instead of the command output. faster as it avoids the subshell
1 chr () {
2 [ ${1} -lt 256 ] || return 1
3 printf -v val '%03o' $1 ; printf \\$val
4 }
If you need to quote the var (recomended), use:
1 ord() {
2 LC_CTYPE=C printf '%d' "'$1"
3 }
5 # hex() - converts ASCII character to a hexadecimal value
6 # unhex() - converts a hexadecimal value to an ASCII character
8 hex() {
9 LC_CTYPE=C printf '%x' "'$1"
10 }
12 unhex() {
13 printf \\x"$1"
14 }
16 # examples:
18 chr $(ord A) # -> A
19 ord $(chr 65) # -> 65
The ord function above is quite tricky.
Tricky? Rather, it's using a feature that I can't find documented anywhere -- putting a single quote in front of an integer. Neat effect, but how on earth did you find out about it? Source diving? -- GreyCat
It validates The Single Unix Specification: "If the leading character is a single-quote or double-quote, the value shall be the numeric value in the underlying codeset of the character following the single-quote or double-quote." (see printf() to know more) -- mjf
74.1. More complete examples (with UTF-8 support)
The following example was submitted quite recently and needs to be cleaned up and validated.
74.1.1. Note about Ext Ascii and UTF-8 encoding
- for values 0x00 - 0x7f Identical
for values 0x80 - 0xff conflict between UTF-8 & ExtAscii
- for values 0x100 - 0xffff Only UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-32
- for values 0x100 - 0x7FFFFFFF Only UTF-8 UTF-32
1 ###########################################################################
2 ## ord family
3 ###########################################################################
4 # ord <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
5 # ord_hex <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert>
6 # ord_oct <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert>
7 # ord_utf8 <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
8 # ord_eascii <Return Variable Name> <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
9 # ord_echo <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
10 # ord_hex_echo <Char to convert>
11 # ord_oct_echo <Char to convert>
12 # ord_utf8_echo <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
13 # ord_eascii_echo <Char to convert> [Optional Format String]
14 #
15 # Description:
16 # converts character using native encoding to its decimal value and stores
17 # it in the Variable specified
18 #
19 # ord
20 # ord_hex output in hex
21 # ord_hex output in octal
22 # ord_utf8 forces UTF8 decoding
23 # ord_eascii forces eascii decoding
24 # ord_echo prints to stdout
25 function ord {
26 printf -v "${1?Missing Dest Variable}" "${3:-%d}" "'${2?Missing Char}"
27 }
28 function ord_oct {
29 ord "${@:1:2}" "0%c"
30 }
31 function ord_hex {
32 ord "${@:1:2}" "0x%x"
33 }
34 function ord_utf8 {
35 LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 ord "${@}"
36 }
37 function ord_eascii {
38 LC_CTYPE=C ord "${@}"
39 }
40 function ord_echo {
41 printf "${2:-%d}" "'${1?Missing Char}"
42 }
43 function ord_oct_echo {
44 ord_echo "${1}" "0%o"
45 }
46 function ord_hex_echo {
47 ord_echo "${1}" "0x%x"
48 }
49 function ord_utf8_echo {
50 LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 ord_echo "${@}"
51 }
52 function ord_eascii_echo {
53 LC_CTYPE=C ord_echo "${@}"
54 }
56 ###########################################################################
57 ## chr family
58 ###########################################################################
59 # chr_utf8 <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
60 # chr_eascii <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
61 # chr <Return Variale Name> <Integer to convert>
62 # chr_oct <Return Variale Name> <Octal number to convert>
63 # chr_hex <Return Variale Name> <Hex number to convert>
64 # chr_utf8_echo <Integer to convert>
65 # chr_eascii_echo <Integer to convert>
66 # chr_echo <Integer to convert>
67 # chr_oct_echo <Octal number to convert>
68 # chr_hex_echo <Hex number to convert>
69 #
70 # Description:
71 # converts decimal value to character representation an stores
72 # it in the Variable specified
73 #
74 # chr Tries to guess output format
75 # chr_utf8 forces UTF8 encoding
76 # chr_eascii forces eascii encoding
77 # chr_echo prints to stdout
78 #
79 function chr_utf8_m {
80 local val
81 #
82 # bash only supports \u \U since 4.2
83 #
85 # here is an example how to encode
86 # manually
87 # this will work since Bash 3.1 as it uses -v.
88 #
89 if [[ ${2:?Missing Ordinal Value} -le 0x7f ]]; then
90 printf -v val "\\%03o" "${2}"
91 elif [[ ${2} -le 0x7ff ]]; then
92 printf -v val "\\%03o\\%03o" \
93 $(( (${2}>> 6) |0xc0 )) \
94 $(( ( ${2} &0x3f)|0x80 ))
95 elif [[ ${2} -le 0xffff ]]; then
96 printf -v val "\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o" \
97 $(( ( ${2}>>12) |0xe0 )) \
98 $(( ((${2}>> 6)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
99 $(( ( ${2} &0x3f)|0x80 ))
100 elif [[ ${2} -le 0x1fffff ]]; then
101 printf -v val "\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o" \
102 $(( ( ${2}>>18) |0xf0 )) \
103 $(( ((${2}>>12)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
104 $(( ((${2}>> 6)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
105 $(( ( ${2} &0x3f)|0x80 ))
106 elif [[ ${2} -le 0x3ffffff ]]; then
107 printf -v val "\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o" \
108 $(( ( ${2}>>24) |0xf8 )) \
109 $(( ((${2}>>18)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
110 $(( ((${2}>>12)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
111 $(( ((${2}>> 6)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
112 $(( ( ${2} &0x3f)|0x80 ))
113 elif [[ ${2} -le 0x7fffffff ]]; then
114 printf -v val "\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o\\%03o" \
115 $(( ( ${2}>>30) |0xfc )) \
116 $(( ((${2}>>24)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
117 $(( ((${2}>>18)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
118 $(( ((${2}>>12)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
119 $(( ((${2}>> 6)&0x3f)|0x80 )) \
120 $(( ( ${2} &0x3f)|0x80 ))
121 else
122 printf -v "${1:?Missing Dest Variable}" ""
123 return 1
124 fi
125 printf -v "${1:?Missing Dest Variable}" "${val}"
126 }
127 function chr_utf8 {
128 local val
129 [[ ${2?Missing Ordinal Value} -lt 0x80000000 ]] || return 1
131 if [[ ${2} -lt 0x100 && ${2} -ge 0x80 ]]; then
133 # bash 4.2 incorrectly encodes
134 # \U000000ff as \xff so encode manually
135 printf -v val "\\%03o\%03o" $(( (${2}>>6)|0xc0 )) $(( (${2}&0x3f)|0x80 ))
136 else
137 printf -v val '\\U%08x' "${2}"
138 fi
139 printf -v ${1?Missing Dest Variable} ${val}
140 }
141 function chr_eascii {
142 local val
143 # Make sure value less than 0x100
144 # otherwise we end up with
145 # \xVVNNNNN
146 # where \xVV = char && NNNNN is a number string
147 # so chr "0x44321" => "D321"
148 [[ ${2?Missing Ordinal Value} -lt 0x100 ]] || return 1
149 printf -v val '\\x%02x' "${2}"
150 printf -v ${1?Missing Dest Variable} ${val}
151 }
152 function chr {
153 if [ "${LC_CTYPE:-${LC_ALL:-}}" = "C" ]; then
154 chr_eascii "${@}"
155 else
156 chr_utf8 "${@}"
157 fi
158 }
159 function chr_dec {
160 # strip leading 0s otherwise
161 # interpreted as Octal
162 chr "${1}" "${2#${2%%[!0]*}}"
163 }
164 function chr_oct {
165 chr "${1}" "0${2}"
166 }
167 function chr_hex {
168 chr "${1}" "0x${2#0x}"
169 }
170 function chr_utf8_echo {
171 local val
172 [[ ${1?Missing Ordinal Value} -lt 0x80000000 ]] || return 1
174 if [[ ${1} -lt 0x100 && ${1} -ge 0x80 ]]; then
176 # bash 4.2 incorrectly encodes
177 # \U000000ff as \xff so encode manually
178 printf -v val '\\%03o\\%03o' $(( (${1}>>6)|0xc0 )) $(( (${1}&0x3f)|0x80 ))
179 else
180 printf -v val '\\U%08x' "${1}"
181 fi
182 printf "${val}"
183 }
184 function chr_eascii_echo {
185 local val
186 # Make sure value less than 0x100
187 # otherwise we end up with
188 # \xVVNNNNN
189 # where \xVV = char && NNNNN is a number string
190 # so chr "0x44321" => "D321"
191 [[ ${1?Missing Ordinal Value} -lt 0x100 ]] || return 1
192 printf -v val '\\x%x' "${1}"
193 printf "${val}"
194 }
195 function chr_echo {
196 if [ "${LC_CTYPE:-${LC_ALL:-}}" = "C" ]; then
197 chr_eascii_echo "${@}"
198 else
199 chr_utf8_echo "${@}"
200 fi
201 }
202 function chr_dec_echo {
203 # strip leading 0s otherwise
204 # interpreted as Octal
205 chr_echo "${1#${1%%[!0]*}}"
206 }
207 function chr_oct_echo {
208 chr_echo "0${1}"
209 }
210 function chr_hex_echo {
211 chr_echo "0x${1#0x}"
212 }
214 #
215 # Simple Validation code
216 #
217 function test_echo_func {
218 local Outcome _result
219 _result="$( "${1}" "${2}" )"
220 [ "${_result}" = "${3}" ] && Outcome="Pass" || Outcome="Fail"
221 printf "# %-20s %-6s => " "${1}" "${2}" "${_result}" "${3}"
222 printf "[ "%16q" = "%-16q"%-5s ] " "${_result}" "${3}" "(${3//[[:cntrl:]]/_})"
223 printf "%s\n" "${Outcome}"
226 }
227 function test_value_func {
228 local Outcome _result
229 "${1}" _result "${2}"
230 [ "${_result}" = "${3}" ] && Outcome="Pass" || Outcome="Fail"
231 printf "# %-20s %-6s => " "${1}" "${2}" "${_result}" "${3}"
232 printf "[ "%16q" = "%-16q"%-5s ] " "${_result}" "${3}" "(${3//[[:cntrl:]]/_})"
233 printf "%s\n" "${Outcome}"
234 }
235 test_echo_func chr_echo "$(ord_echo "A")" "A"
236 test_echo_func ord_echo "$(chr_echo "65")" "65"
237 test_echo_func chr_echo "$(ord_echo "ö")" "ö"
238 test_value_func chr "$(ord_echo "A")" "A"
239 test_value_func ord "$(chr_echo "65")" "65"
240 test_value_func chr "$(ord_echo "ö")" "ö"
241 # chr_echo 65 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
242 # ord_echo A => [ 65 = 65 (65) ] Pass
243 # chr_echo 246 => [ $'\303\266' = $'\303\266' (ö) ] Pass
244 # chr 65 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
245 # ord A => [ 65 = 65 (65) ] Pass
246 # chr 246 => [ $'\303\266' = $'\303\266' (ö) ] Pass
247 #
250 test_echo_func chr_echo "65" A
251 test_echo_func chr_echo "065" 5
252 test_echo_func chr_dec_echo "065" A
253 test_echo_func chr_oct_echo "65" 5
254 test_echo_func chr_hex_echo "65" e
255 test_value_func chr "65" A
256 test_value_func chr "065" 5
257 test_value_func chr_dec "065" A
258 test_value_func chr_oct "65" 5
259 test_value_func chr_hex "65" e
260 # chr_echo 65 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
261 # chr_echo 065 => [ 5 = 5 (5) ] Pass
262 # chr_dec_echo 065 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
263 # chr_oct_echo 65 => [ 5 = 5 (5) ] Pass
264 # chr_hex_echo 65 => [ e = e (e) ] Pass
265 # chr 65 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
266 # chr 065 => [ 5 = 5 (5) ] Pass
267 # chr_dec 065 => [ A = A (A) ] Pass
268 # chr_oct 65 => [ 5 = 5 (5) ] Pass
269 # chr_hex 65 => [ e = e (e) ] Pass
271 #test_value_func chr 0xff $'\xff'
272 test_value_func chr_eascii 0xff $'\xff'
273 test_value_func chr_utf8 0xff $'\uff' # Note this fails because bash encodes it incorrectly
274 test_value_func chr_utf8 0xff $'\303\277'
275 test_value_func chr_utf8 0x100 $'\u100'
276 test_value_func chr_utf8 0x1000 $'\u1000'
277 test_value_func chr_utf8 0xffff $'\uffff'
278 # chr_eascii 0xff => [ $'\377' = $'\377' (�) ] Pass
279 # chr_utf8 0xff => [ $'\303\277' = $'\377' (�) ] Fail
280 # chr_utf8 0xff => [ $'\303\277' = $'\303\277' (ÿ) ] Pass
281 # chr_utf8 0x100 => [ $'\304\200' = $'\304\200' (Ä€) ] Pass
282 # chr_utf8 0x1000 => [ $'\341\200\200' = $'\341\200\200' (က) ] Pass
283 # chr_utf8 0xffff => [ $'\357\277\277' = $'\357\277\277' (���) ] Pass
284 test_value_func ord_utf8 "A" 65
285 test_value_func ord_utf8 "ä" 228
286 test_value_func ord_utf8 $'\303\277' 255
287 test_value_func ord_utf8 $'\u100' 256
291 #########################################################
292 # to help debug problems try this
293 #########################################################
294 printf "%q\n" $'\xff' # => $'\377'
295 printf "%q\n" $'\uffff' # => $'\357\277\277'
296 printf "%q\n" "$(chr_utf8_echo 0x100)" # => $'\304\200'
297 #
298 # This can help a lot when it comes to diagnosing problems
299 # with read and or xterm program output
300 # I use it a lot in error case to create a human readable error message
301 # i.e.
302 echo "Enter type to test, Enter to continue"
303 while read -srN1 ; do
304 ord asciiValue "${REPLY}"
305 case "${asciiValue}" in
306 10) echo "Goodbye" ; break ;;
307 20|21|22) echo "Yay expected input" ;;
308 *) printf ':( Unexpected Input 0x%02x %q "%s"\n' "${asciiValue}" "${REPLY}" "${REPLY//[[:cntrl:]]}" ;;
309 esac
310 done
312 #########################################################
313 # More exotic approach 1
314 #########################################################
315 # I used to use this before I figured out the LC_CTYPE=C approach
316 # printf "EAsciiLookup=%q" "$(for (( x=0x0; x<0x100 ; x++)); do printf '%b' $(printf '\\x%02x' "$x"); done)"
317 EAsciiLookup=$'\001\002\003\004\005\006\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\016\017\020\021\022\023'
318 EAsciiLookup+=$'\024\025\026\027\030\031\032\E\034\035\036\037 !"#$%&\'()*+,-'
319 EAsciiLookup+=$'./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghi'
320 EAsciiLookup+=$'jklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\177\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\210'
321 EAsciiLookup+=$'\211\212\213\214\215\216\217\220\221\222\223\224\225\226\227'
322 EAsciiLookup+=$'\230\231\232\233\234\235\236\237\240\241\242\243\244\245\246'
323 EAsciiLookup+=$'\247\250\251\252\253\254\255\256\257\260\261\262\263\264\265'
324 EAsciiLookup+=$'\266\267\270\271\272\273\274\275\276\277\300\301\302\303\304'
325 EAsciiLookup+=$'\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323'
326 EAsciiLookup+=$'\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342'
327 EAsciiLookup+=$'\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361'
328 EAsciiLookup+=$'\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\377'
329 function ord_eascii2 {
330 local idx="${EAsciiLookup%%${2:0:1}*}"
331 eval ${1}'=$(( ${#idx} +1 ))'
332 }
334 #########################################################
335 # More exotic approach 2
336 #########################################################
337 #printf "EAsciiLookup2=(\n %s\n)" "$(for (( x=0x1; x<0x100 ; x++)); do printf '%-18s' "$(printf '[_%q]="0x%02x"' "$(printf "%b" "$(printf '\\x%02x' "$x")")" $x )" ; [ "$(($x%6))" != "0" ] || echo -en "\n " ; done)"
338 typeset -A EAsciiLookup2
339 EAsciiLookup2=(
340 [_$'\001']="0x01" [_$'\002']="0x02" [_$'\003']="0x03" [_$'\004']="0x04"
341 [_$'\005']="0x05" [_$'\006']="0x06" [_$'\a']="0x07" [_$'\b']="0x08"
342 [_$'\t']="0x09" [_'']="0x0a" [_$'\v']="0x0b" [_$'\f']="0x0c"
343 [_$'\r']="0x0d" [_$'\016']="0x0e" [_$'\017']="0x0f" [_$'\020']="0x10"
344 [_$'\021']="0x11" [_$'\022']="0x12" [_$'\023']="0x13" [_$'\024']="0x14"
345 [_$'\025']="0x15" [_$'\026']="0x16" [_$'\027']="0x17" [_$'\030']="0x18"
346 [_$'\031']="0x19" [_$'\032']="0x1a" [_$'\E']="0x1b" [_$'\034']="0x1c"
347 [_$'\035']="0x1d" [_$'\036']="0x1e" [_$'\037']="0x1f" [_\ ]="0x20"
348 [_\!]="0x21" [_\"]="0x22" [_\#]="0x23" [_\$]="0x24"
349 [_%]="0x25" [_\&]="0x26" [_\']="0x27" [_\(]="0x28"
350 [_\)]="0x29" [_\*]="0x2a" [_+]="0x2b" [_\,]="0x2c"
351 [_-]="0x2d" [_.]="0x2e" [_/]="0x2f" [_0]="0x30"
352 [_1]="0x31" [_2]="0x32" [_3]="0x33" [_4]="0x34"
353 [_5]="0x35" [_6]="0x36" [_7]="0x37" [_8]="0x38"
354 [_9]="0x39" [_:]="0x3a" [_\;]="0x3b" [_\<]="0x3c"
355 [_=]="0x3d" [_\>]="0x3e" [_\?]="0x3f" [_@]="0x40"
356 [_A]="0x41" [_B]="0x42" [_C]="0x43" [_D]="0x44"
357 [_E]="0x45" [_F]="0x46" [_G]="0x47" [_H]="0x48"
358 [_I]="0x49" [_J]="0x4a" [_K]="0x4b" [_L]="0x4c"
359 [_M]="0x4d" [_N]="0x4e" [_O]="0x4f" [_P]="0x50"
360 [_Q]="0x51" [_R]="0x52" [_S]="0x53" [_T]="0x54"
361 [_U]="0x55" [_V]="0x56" [_W]="0x57" [_X]="0x58"
362 [_Y]="0x59" [_Z]="0x5a" [_\[]="0x5b" #[_\\]="0x5c"
363 #[_\]]="0x5d"
364 [_\^]="0x5e" [__]="0x5f" [_\`]="0x60"
365 [_a]="0x61" [_b]="0x62" [_c]="0x63" [_d]="0x64"
366 [_e]="0x65" [_f]="0x66" [_g]="0x67" [_h]="0x68"
367 [_i]="0x69" [_j]="0x6a" [_k]="0x6b" [_l]="0x6c"
368 [_m]="0x6d" [_n]="0x6e" [_o]="0x6f" [_p]="0x70"
369 [_q]="0x71" [_r]="0x72" [_s]="0x73" [_t]="0x74"
370 [_u]="0x75" [_v]="0x76" [_w]="0x77" [_x]="0x78"
371 [_y]="0x79" [_z]="0x7a" [_\{]="0x7b" [_\|]="0x7c"
372 [_\}]="0x7d" [_~]="0x7e" [_$'\177']="0x7f" [_$'\200']="0x80"
373 [_$'\201']="0x81" [_$'\202']="0x82" [_$'\203']="0x83" [_$'\204']="0x84"
374 [_$'\205']="0x85" [_$'\206']="0x86" [_$'\207']="0x87" [_$'\210']="0x88"
375 [_$'\211']="0x89" [_$'\212']="0x8a" [_$'\213']="0x8b" [_$'\214']="0x8c"
376 [_$'\215']="0x8d" [_$'\216']="0x8e" [_$'\217']="0x8f" [_$'\220']="0x90"
377 [_$'\221']="0x91" [_$'\222']="0x92" [_$'\223']="0x93" [_$'\224']="0x94"
378 [_$'\225']="0x95" [_$'\226']="0x96" [_$'\227']="0x97" [_$'\230']="0x98"
379 [_$'\231']="0x99" [_$'\232']="0x9a" [_$'\233']="0x9b" [_$'\234']="0x9c"
380 [_$'\235']="0x9d" [_$'\236']="0x9e" [_$'\237']="0x9f" [_$'\240']="0xa0"
381 [_$'\241']="0xa1" [_$'\242']="0xa2" [_$'\243']="0xa3" [_$'\244']="0xa4"
382 [_$'\245']="0xa5" [_$'\246']="0xa6" [_$'\247']="0xa7" [_$'\250']="0xa8"
383 [_$'\251']="0xa9" [_$'\252']="0xaa" [_$'\253']="0xab" [_$'\254']="0xac"
384 [_$'\255']="0xad" [_$'\256']="0xae" [_$'\257']="0xaf" [_$'\260']="0xb0"
385 [_$'\261']="0xb1" [_$'\262']="0xb2" [_$'\263']="0xb3" [_$'\264']="0xb4"
386 [_$'\265']="0xb5" [_$'\266']="0xb6" [_$'\267']="0xb7" [_$'\270']="0xb8"
387 [_$'\271']="0xb9" [_$'\272']="0xba" [_$'\273']="0xbb" [_$'\274']="0xbc"
388 [_$'\275']="0xbd" [_$'\276']="0xbe" [_$'\277']="0xbf" [_$'\300']="0xc0"
389 [_$'\301']="0xc1" [_$'\302']="0xc2" [_$'\303']="0xc3" [_$'\304']="0xc4"
390 [_$'\305']="0xc5" [_$'\306']="0xc6" [_$'\307']="0xc7" [_$'\310']="0xc8"
391 [_$'\311']="0xc9" [_$'\312']="0xca" [_$'\313']="0xcb" [_$'\314']="0xcc"
392 [_$'\315']="0xcd" [_$'\316']="0xce" [_$'\317']="0xcf" [_$'\320']="0xd0"
393 [_$'\321']="0xd1" [_$'\322']="0xd2" [_$'\323']="0xd3" [_$'\324']="0xd4"
394 [_$'\325']="0xd5" [_$'\326']="0xd6" [_$'\327']="0xd7" [_$'\330']="0xd8"
395 [_$'\331']="0xd9" [_$'\332']="0xda" [_$'\333']="0xdb" [_$'\334']="0xdc"
396 [_$'\335']="0xdd" [_$'\336']="0xde" [_$'\337']="0xdf" [_$'\340']="0xe0"
397 [_$'\341']="0xe1" [_$'\342']="0xe2" [_$'\343']="0xe3" [_$'\344']="0xe4"
398 [_$'\345']="0xe5" [_$'\346']="0xe6" [_$'\347']="0xe7" [_$'\350']="0xe8"
399 [_$'\351']="0xe9" [_$'\352']="0xea" [_$'\353']="0xeb" [_$'\354']="0xec"
400 [_$'\355']="0xed" [_$'\356']="0xee" [_$'\357']="0xef" [_$'\360']="0xf0"
401 [_$'\361']="0xf1" [_$'\362']="0xf2" [_$'\363']="0xf3" [_$'\364']="0xf4"
402 [_$'\365']="0xf5" [_$'\366']="0xf6" [_$'\367']="0xf7" [_$'\370']="0xf8"
403 [_$'\371']="0xf9" [_$'\372']="0xfa" [_$'\373']="0xfb" [_$'\374']="0xfc"
404 [_$'\375']="0xfd" [_$'\376']="0xfe" [_$'\377']="0xff"
405 )
406 function ord_eascii3 {
407 local -i val="${EAsciiLookup2["_${2:0:1}"]-}"
408 if [ "${val}" -eq 0 ]; then
409 case "${2:0:1}" in
410 ]) val=0x5d ;;
411 \\) val=0x5c ;;
412 esac
413 fi
414 eval "${1}"'="${val}"'
415 }
416 # for fun check out the following
417 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord TmpVar 'a'; done
418 # real 0m0.065s
419 # user 0m0.048s
420 # sys 0m0.000s
422 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_eascii TmpVar 'a'; done
423 # real 0m0.239s
424 # user 0m0.188s
425 # sys 0m0.000s
427 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_utf8 TmpVar 'a'; done
428 # real 0m0.225s
429 # user 0m0.180s
430 # sys 0m0.000s
432 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_eascii2 TmpVar 'a'; done
433 # real 0m1.507s
434 # user 0m1.056s
435 # sys 0m0.012s
437 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_eascii3 TmpVar 'a'; done
438 # real 0m0.147s
439 # user 0m0.120s
440 # sys 0m0.000s
442 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_echo 'a' >/dev/null ; done
443 # real 0m0.065s
444 # user 0m0.044s
445 # sys 0m0.016s
447 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_eascii_echo 'a' >/dev/null ; done
448 # real 0m0.089s
449 # user 0m0.068s
450 # sys 0m0.008s
452 time for (( i=0 ; i <1000; i++ )); do ord_utf8_echo 'a' >/dev/null ; done
453 # real 0m0.226s
454 # user 0m0.172s
455 # sys 0m0.012s
75. How can I ensure my environment is configured for cron, batch, and at jobs?
If a shell or other script calling shell commands runs fine interactively but fails due to environment configurations (say: a complex $PATH) when run noninteractively, you'll need to force your environment to be properly configured.
You can write a shell wrapper around your script which configures your environment. You may also want to have a "testenv" script (bash or other scripting language) which tests what shell and environment are present when running under different configurations.
In cron, you can invoke Bash (or the Bourne shell) with the '-c' option, source your init script, then invoke your command, eg:
* * * * * /bin/bash -c ". myconfig.bashrc; myscript"
Another approach would be to have myscript dot in the configuration file itself, if it's a rather static configuration. (Or, conditionally dot it in, if you find a certain variable to be missing from your environment... the possibilities are numerous.)
The at and batch utilities copy the current environment (except for the variables TERM, DISPLAY and _) as part of the job metadata, and should recreate it when the job is executed. If this isn't the case you'll want to test the environment and/or explicitly initialize it similarly to cron above.
76. How can I use parameter expansion? How can I get substrings? How can I get a file without its extension, or get just a file's extension? What are some good ways to do basename and dirname?
Parameter expansion is an important subject. This page contains a concise overview of parameter expansion.
The Bash Guide includes an introduction for beginners.
The string manipulation tutorial is a more in-depth tutorial with additional examples.
The "Bash Sheet" includes a complete quick-reference on the available parameter expansions.
The official Bash manpage and infopage cover the full capabilities.
There is also a Bash hackers article with complete documentation.
Parameter Expansion substitutes a variable or special parameter for its value. It is the primary way of dereferencing (referring to) variables in Bourne-like shells such as Bash. Parameter expansion can also perform various operations on the value at the same time for convenience. Remember to quote your expansions.
The first set of capabilities involves removing a substring, from either the beginning or the end of a parameter. Here's an example using parameter expansion with something akin to a hostname (dot-separated components):
parameter result ----------- ------------------------------ $name ${name#*.} ${name##*.} champion ${name%%.*} polish ${name%.*}
And here's an example of the parameter expansions for a typical filename:
parameter result ----------- -------------------------------------------------------- $file /usr/share/java-1.4.2-sun/demo/applets/Clock/Clock.class ${file#*/} usr/share/java-1.4.2-sun/demo/applets/Clock/Clock.class ${file##*/} Clock.class ${file%%/*} ${file%/*} /usr/share/java-1.4.2-sun/demo/applets/Clock
US keyboard users may find it helpful to observe that, on the keyboard, the "#" is to the left of the "%" symbol. Mnemonically, "#" operates on the left side of a parameter, and "%" operates on the right. The glob after the "%" or "%%" or "#" or "##" specifies what pattern to remove from the parameter expansion. Another mnemonic is that in an English sentence "#" usually comes before a number (e.g., "The #1 Bash reference site"), while "%" usually comes after a number (e.g., "Now 5% discounted"), so they operate on those sides.
You cannot nest parameter expansions. If you need to perform two expansions steps, use a variable to hold the result of the first expansion:
# foo holds: key="some value" bar=${foo#*=\"} bar=${bar%\"*} # now bar holds: some value
Here are a few more examples (but please see the real documentation for a list of all the features!). I include these mostly so people won't break the wiki again, trying to add new questions that answer this stuff.
${string:2:1} # The third character of string (0, 1, 2 = third) ${string:1} # The string starting from the second character # Note: this is equivalent to ${string#?} ${string%?} # The string with its last character removed. ${string: -1} # The last character of string ${string:(-1)} # The last character of string, alternate syntax # Note: string:-1 means something entirely different; see below. ${file%.mp3} # The filename without the .mp3 extension # Very useful in loops of the form: for file in *.mp3; do ... ${file%.*} # The filename without its last extension ${file%%.*} # The filename without all of its extensions ${file##*.} # The extension only, assuming there is one. If not, will expand to: $file
76.1. Examples of Filename Manipulation
Here is one Posix-compliant way to take a full pathname, extract the directory component of the pathname, the filename, just the extension, the filename without the extension (the "stub"), any numeric portion occurring at the end of the stub (ignoring any digits that occur in the middle of the filename), perform arithmetic on that number (in this case, incrementing by one), and reassemble the entire filename adding a prefix to the filename and replacing the number in the filename with another one.
FullPath=/path/to/name4afile-00809.ext # result: # /path/to/name4afile-00809.ext Filename=${FullPath##*/} # name4afile-00809.ext PathPref=${FullPath%"$Filename"} # /path/to/ FileStub=${Filename%.*} # name4afile-00809 FileExt=${Filename#"$FileStub"} # .ext FnumPossLeading0s=${FileStub##*[![:digit:]]} # 00809 FnumOnlyLeading0s=${FnumPossLeading0s%%[!0]*} # 00 FileNumber=${FnumPossLeading0s#"$FnumOnlyLeading0s"} # 809 NextNumber=$(( FileNumber + 1 )) # 810 FileStubNoNum=${FileStub%"$FnumPossLeading0s"} # name4afile- NewFullPath=${PathPref}New_${FileStubNoNum}${FnumOnlyLeading0s}${NextNumber}${FileExt} # Final result is: # /path/to/New_name4afile-00810.ext
Note that trying to get the directory component of the pathname with PathPref="${FullPath%/*}" will fail to return an empty string if $FullPath is "SomeFilename.ext" or some other pathname without a slash. Similarly, trying to get the file extension using FileExt="${Filename#*.}" fails to return an empty string if $Filename has no dot (and thus no extension).
Also note that it is necessary to get rid of leading zeroes for $FileNumber in order to perform arithmetic, or else the number is interpreted as octal. Alternatively, one can add a 10# prefix to force base 10. In the example above, trying to calculate $(( FnumPossLeading0s + 1 )) results in an error since "00809" is not a valid number. If we had used "00777" instead, then there would have been no error, but $(( FnumPossLeading0s + 1 )) would result in "1000" (since octal 777 + 1 is octal 1000) which is probably not what was intended. See ArithmeticExpression.
Quoting is not needed in variable assignment, since WordSplitting does not occur. On the other hand, variables referenced inside a parameter expansion need to be quoted (for example, quote $Filename in PathPref=${FullPath%"$Filename"} ) or else any * or ? or other such characters within the filename would incorrectly become part of the parameter expansion (for example, if an asterisk is the first character in the filename --try FullPath="dir/*filename" ).
The example above fails to compensate if the result of the arithmetic operation, $NextNumber, has a different number of digits than the original. If $FullPath were "filename099" then $NewFullPath would have been "New_filename0100" with the filename being one digit longer.
76.2. Bash 4
Bash 4 introduces some additional parameter expansions; toupper (^) and tolower (,).
# string='hello, World!' parameter result ----------- -------------------------------------------------------- ${string^} Hello, World! # First character to uppercase ${string^^} HELLO, WORLD! # All characters to uppercase ${string,} hello, World! # First character to lowercase ${string,,} hello, world! # All characters to lowercase
76.3. Parameter Expansion on Arrays
BASH arrays are remarkably flexible, because they are well integrated with the other shell expansions. Any parameter expansion that can be carried out on a scalar or individual array element can equally apply to an entire array or the set of positional parameters such that all members are expanded at once, possibly with an additional operation mapped across each element. This is done by expanding parameters of the form @, *, arrayname[@] and arrayname[*]. It is critical that these special expansions be quoted properly - almost always that means double-quoting (e.g. "$@" or "${cmd[@]}") - so that the members are treated literally as individual words, regardless of their content. For example, arr=("${list[@]}" foo) correctly handles all elements in the list array.
First the expansions:
$ a=(alpha beta gamma) # assign to our base array via compound assignment $ echo "${a[@]#a}" # chop 'a' from the beginning of every member lpha beta gamma $ echo "${a[@]%a}" # from the end alph bet gamm $ echo "${a[@]//a/f}" # substitution flphf betf gfmmf
The following expansions (substitute at beginning or end) are very useful for the next part:
$ echo "${a[@]/#a/f}" # substitute a for f at start flpha beta gamma $ echo "${a[@]/%a/f}" # at end alphf betf gammf
We use these to prefix or suffix every member of the list:
$ echo "${a[@]/#/a}" # append a to beginning aalpha abeta agamma # (thanks to floyd-n-milan for this) $ echo "${a[@]/%/a}" # append a to end alphaa betaa gammaa
This works by substituting an empty string at beginning or end with the value we wish to append.
So finally, a quick example of how you might use this in a script, say to add a user-defined prefix to every target:
$ PFX=inc_ $ a=("${a[@]/#/$PFX}") $ echo "${a[@]}" inc_alpha inc_beta inc_gamma
This is very useful, as you might imagine, since it saves looping over every member of the array.
The special parameter @ can also be used as an array for purposes of parameter expansions:
${@:(-2):1} # the second-to-last parameter ${@: -2:1} # alternative syntax
You can't use ${@:-2:1} (note the whitespace), however, because that conflicts with the syntax described in the next section.
76.4. Portability
The original Bourne shell (7th edition Unix) only supports a very limited set of parameter expansion options:
${var-word} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise, "word" ${var+word} # if var is defined, use "word"; otherwise, nothing ${var=word} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise, use "word" AND... # also assign "word" to var ${var?error} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise print "error" and exit
These are the only completely portable expansions available.
POSIX shells (as well as KornShell and BASH) offer those, plus a slight variant:
${var:-word} # if var is defined AND NOT EMPTY, use var; otherwise, "word" similarly for ${var:+word} etc.
POSIX, Korn (all versions) and Bash all support the ${var#word}, ${var%word}, ${var##word} and ${var%%word} expansions.
ksh88 does not support ${var/replace/with} or ${var//replace/all}, but ksh93 and Bash do.
ksh88 does not support fancy expansion with arrays (e.g., ${a[@]%.gif}) but ksh93 and Bash do.
ksh88 does not support the arr=(...) style of compound assignment. Either use set -A arrayname -- elem1 elem2 ..., or assign each element individually with arr[0]=val1 arr[1]=val2 ...
77. How do I get the effects of those nifty Bash Parameter Expansions in older shells?
Most of the extended forms of parameter expansion do not work with the older BourneShell. If your code needs to be portable to that shell as well, sed and expr can often be used.
For example, to remove the filename extension part:
for file in ./*.doc do base=`echo "$file" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'` # remove everything starting with last '.' mv "$file" "$base".txt done
Another example, this time to remove the last character of a variable:
var=`expr "$var" : '\(.*\).'`
or (using sed):
var=`echo "$var" | sed 's/.$//'`
79. How do I get the sum of all the numbers in a column?
This and all similar questions are best answered with an AWK one-liner.
awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' myfile
A small bit of effort can adapt this to most similar tasks (finding the average, skipping lines with the wrong number of fields, etc.).
For more examples of using awk, see handy one-liners for awk.
79.1. BASH Alternatives
# One number per line. sum=0; while read -r line; do (( sum += line )); done < "myfile"; echo "$sum"
# Add numbers in field 3. sum=0; while read -r -a fields; do (( sum += ${fields[2]} )); done < "myfile"; echo "$sum"
# Do the same for a file where the rows are not lines but separated by semicolons, and fields are comma delimited. sum=0; while IFS=, read -rd ';' -a fields; do (( sum += ${fields[2]} )); done < "myfile"; echo "$sum" # Note that for the above, the file needs to end with a ; (not end with a row). If it doesn't, you can replace ''< "myfile"'' by ''<<< "$(<myfile);"'' to add the semicolon so ''read'' can see the last row.
80. How do I log history or "secure" bash against history removal?
If you're a shell user who wants to record your own activities, see FAQ #88 instead. If you're a system administrator who wants to know how to find out what a user had executed when they unset or /dev/nulled their shell history, there are several problems with this....
The first issue is:
- kill -9 $$
This innocuous looking command does what you would presume it to: it kills the current shell off. However, the .bash_history is ONLY written to disk when bash is allowed to exit cleanly. As such, sending SIGKILL to bash will prevent logging to .bash_history.
Users may also set variables that disable shell history, or simply make their .bash_history a symlink to /dev/null. All of these will defeat any attempt to spy on them through their .bash_history file. The simplest method is to do
- unset HISTFILE
and the history won't be written even if the user exits the shell cleanly.
The second issue is permissions. The bash shell is executed as a user. This means that the user can read or write all content produced by or handled by the shell. Any location you want bash to log to MUST be writable by the user running bash. However, this means that the user you're trying to spy on can simply erase the information from the log.
The third issue is location. Assume that you pursue a chroot jail for your bash users. This is a fantastic idea, and a good step towards securing your server. However, placing your users in a chroot jail conversely affects the ability to log the users' actions. Once jailed, your user can only write to content within its specific jail. This makes finding user writable extraneous logs a simple matter, and enables the attacker to find your hidden logs much easier than would otherwise be the case.
Where does this leave you? Unfortunately, nowhere good, and definitely not what you wanted to know. If you want to record all of the commands issued to bash by a user, the first requirement is to modify bash so that it actually records them, in real time, as they are executed -- not when the user logs off. The second requirement is to log them in such a way that the user cannot go back and erase the logs (which means, not just appending to a file).
This is still not reliable, though, because end users may simply upload their own shell and run that instead of your hacked bash. Or they may use one of the other shells already on your system, instead of your hacked bash.
Bash 4.1 has a compile-time configuration option to enable logging all commands through syslog(3). (Note that this only helps if users actually use that shell, as discussed above.)
For those who absolutely must have some sort of logging functionality in older versions of bash, you can use the patch located at (patch submitted by _sho_ -- use at your own risk. The results of a code-review with improvements are here: -- Heiner. Unfortunately, that URL seems to have expired now.). Note that this patch does not use syslog. It relies on the user not noticing the log file.
For a more serious approach to the problem of tracking what your users are doing, consider BSD process accounting (kernel-based) instead of focusing on shells.
81. I want to set a user's password using the Unix passwd command, but how do I script that? It doesn't read standard input!
OK, first of all, I know there are going to be some people reading this, right now, who don't even understand the question. Here, this does not work:
{ echo oldpass; echo newpass; echo newpass; } | passwd # This DOES NOT WORK!
Nothing you can do in bash can possibly work. passwd(1) does not read from standard input. This is intentional. It is for your protection. Passwords were never intended to be put into programs, or generated by programs. They were intended to be entered only by the fingers of an actual human being, with a functional brain, and never, ever written down anywhere. So before you continue, consider the possibility that the authors of passwd(1) were on to something, and you probably shouldn't be trying to script passwd(1) input.
Nonetheless, we get hordes of users asking how they can circumvent 35 years of Unix security. And we get people contributing their favorite security-removing "solutions" to this page. If you still think this is what you want, read on.
81.1. Construct your own hashed password and write it to some file
The first approach involves constructing your own hashed password (DES, MD5, Blowfish, or whatever your OS uses) using nonstandard tools such as or Debian/Ubuntu's mkpasswd package. You would then write that hashed password, along with additional fields, in a line in your system's local password-hash file (which may be /etc/passwd, or /etc/shadow, or /etc/master.passwd, or /etc/security/passwd, or ...). This requires that you read the relevant man pages on your system, find out where the password hash goes, what formatting the file requires, and then construct code that writes it out in that format.
A minor variant of this involves using a system-specific tool to write the line for you, given the hashed password that you constructed. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu, we've been told that useradd -m joe -s /bin/bash -p "$(mkpasswd "$password")" might work.
81.2. Fool the computer into thinking you are a human
The second approach is to use expect or its python equivalent. I think expect even has this exact problem as one of its canonical examples.
81.3. Find some magic system-specific tool
Finally, system-specific tools designed to do this may already exist on your platform. For example, some GNU/Linux systems have a newusers(8) command specifically designed for this; or a chpasswd(8) tool which can be coerced into doing these sorts of things. Or they may have a --stdin flag on their passwd command. Also try commands such as apropos users or man -k account to see what else might exist. Be creative.
See also FAQ #69 -- I want to automate an ssh (or scp, or sftp) connection.
81.4. Don't rely on /dev/tty for security
As an aside, the reverse of this FAQ is also a problem. It's trivial, at least under Linux, to wrap any program in a way that forces the controlling terminal to be an abstraction that's connected to any kind of I/O you like. This means it's very difficult to securely guarantee that a user with local access is actually giving your program input directly from a keyboard. Often people do this by reading from /dev/tty. This, just like the way the passwd program works, is only a small step to discourage bad security practices like storing passwords in plain text files. The following runs Bash, which reads a program on FD 3, which unwittingly gets it's input through a pipe (which could just as easily be a file), using just one function from the Python standard library.
~ $ { echo 'o hi there' | python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(["bash", "/dev/fd/3"])'; } <<"EOF" 3<&0- <&2 # <&2 prevents disconnecting echo's stdin. No real effect. { stty -echo read -p 'Password: ' passw printf '\n%s\n' "password is: $passw" stty echo } </dev/tty EOF o hi there Password: password is: o hi there # version without using Python #{ echo 'o hi there' | script -c "bash /dev/fd/3" /dev/null; } <<"EOF" 3<&- 3<&0- <&2 # Linux { echo 'o hi there' | script -q /dev/null bash /dev/fd/3; } <<"EOF" 3<&- 3<&0- <&2 # FreeBSD; Mac OS X { stty -echo read -p 'Password: ' passw printf '\n%s\n' "password is: $passw" stty echo } </dev/tty EOF
Additionally, reading from /dev/tty is just plain annoying because it breaks the way users expect their redirections to work. Just don't do it. Better is to use [[ -t 0 ]] to test for a tty and handle the condition accordingly. Even this can be annoying when a sysadmin is expecting certain behavior that changes depending on I/O. If you must use either of these tricks, document it, and provide an option to disable any I/O conditional behavior.
Also you can use newusers utility to add new users with predefined passwords.
82. How can I grep for lines containing foo AND bar, foo OR bar? Or for files containing foo AND bar, possibly on separate lines? Or files containing foo but NOT bar?
This is really four different questions, so we'll break this answer into parts.
82.1. foo AND bar on the same line
The easiest way to match lines that contain both foo AND bar is to use two grep commands:
grep foo | grep bar grep foo "$myfile" | grep bar # for those who need the hand-holding
It can also be done with one grep, although (as you can probably guess) this doesn't really scale well to more than two patterns:
grep -E 'foo.*bar|bar.*foo'
If you prefer, you can achieve this in one sed or awk statement:
sed -n '/foo/{/bar/p}' awk '/foo/ && /bar/'
If you need to scale the awk solution to an arbitrary number of patterns, you can write a function like this:
# POSIX multimatch() { # usage: multimatch pattern... awk ' BEGIN { for ( i = 1; i < ARGC; i++ ) a[i] = ARGV[i] ARGC = 1 } { for (i in a) if ($0 !~ a[i]) next print }' "$@" }
82.2. foo OR bar on the same line
There are lots of ways to match lines containing foo OR bar. grep can be given multiple patterns with -e:
grep -e 'foo' -e 'bar'
Or you can construct one pattern with grep -E:
grep -E 'foo|bar'
(You can't use the | union operator with plain grep. | is only available in Extended Regular Expressions.)
It can also be done with sed, awk, etc.
awk '/foo|bar/'
The awk approach has the advantage of letting you use awk's other features on the matched lines, such as extracting only certain fields.
To match lines that do not contain "foo" AND do not contain "bar":
grep -E -v 'foo|bar' # some people prefer grep -E -v 'foo|bar'
82.3. foo AND bar in the same file, not necessarily on the same line
If you want to match files (rather than lines) that contain both "foo" and "bar", there are several possible approaches. The simplest (although not necessarily the most efficient) is to read the file twice:
grep -q foo "$myfile" && grep -q bar "$myfile" && echo "Found both"
The double grep -q solution has the advantage of stopping each read whenever it finds a match; so if you have a huge file, but the matched words are both near the top, it will only read the first part of the file. Unfortunately, if the matches are near the bottom (worst case: very last line of the file), you may read the whole file two times.
Another approach is to read the file once, keeping track of what you've seen as you go along. In awk:
awk '/foo/{a=1} /bar/{b=1} a&&b{print "both found";exit} END{if (a&&b){ exit 0} else{exit 1}}'
It reads the file one time, stopping when both patterns have been matched. No matter what happens, the END block is then executed, and the exit status is set accordingly.
If you want to do additional checking of the file's contents, this awk solution can be adapted quite easily.
A perl one-liner that scales to any number of patterns, while also reading each input file only once:
perl -e '@pat=("foo","bar"); local $/; L: for $f (@ARGV){open(FH,,$f); $a=<FH>; for(@pat){next L unless $a =~ $_} print "$f\n"}'
82.4. foo but NOT bar in the same file, possibly on different lines
This is a variant of the previous case. The advantage here is that if we find "bar", we can stop reading. Here's an awk solution:
awk '/foo/{good=1} /bar/{good=0;exit} END{exit !good}'
83. How can I make an alias that takes an argument?
You can't. Aliases in bash are extremely rudimentary, and not really suitable to any serious purpose. The bash man page even says so explicitly:
- There is no mechanism for using arguments in the replacement text. If arguments are needed, a shell function should be used (see FUNCTIONS below).
Use a function instead. For example,
settitle() { case $TERM in *xterm*|*rxvt*) echo -en "\e]2;$1\a";; esac; }
Oh, by the way: aliases are not allowed in scripts. They're only allowed in interactive shells, and that's simply because users would cry too loudly if they were removed altogether. If you're writing a script, always use a function instead.
84. How can I determine whether a command exists anywhere in my PATH?
POSIX specifies a shell builtin called command which can be used for this purpose:
# POSIX if command -v qwerty >/dev/null; then echo qwerty exists else echo qwerty does not exist fi
In BASH, there are a couple more builtins that may also be used: hash and type. Here's an example using hash:
# Bash if hash qwerty 2>/dev/null; then echo qwerty exists else echo qwerty does not exist fi
Or, if you prefer type:
# Bash # type -P forces a PATH search, skipping builtins and so on if type -P qwerty >/dev/null; then echo qwerty exists else echo qwerty does not exist fi
KornShell has whence instead:
# ksh if whence -p qwerty >/dev/null; then echo qwerty exists else echo qwerty does not exist fi
The command builtin also returns true for shell builtins (unlike type -P). If you absolutely must check only PATH, the only POSIX way is to iterate over it:
# POSIX IsInPath () ( [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "$1" ] || return 2 set -f; IFS=: for dir in $PATH; do [ -z "$dir" ] && dir=. # Legacy behaviour [ -x "$dir/$1" ] && return done return 1 ) if IsInPath qwerty; then echo qwerty exists else echo qwerty does not exist fi
Note that the function defined above uses parentheses around the body rather than the normal curly braces. This makes the body run in a subshell, and is the reason we don't need to undo set -f or IFS.
The iterative approach is also used in configure scripts. Here's a simplified version of such a test:
# Bourne save_IFS=$IFS IFS=: found=no for dir in $PATH; do if test -x "$dir/qwerty"; then echo "qwerty is installed (in $dir)" found=yes break fi done IFS=$save_IFS if test $found = no; then echo "qwerty is not installed" fi
Real configure scripts are generally much more complicated than this, since they may deal with systems where $PATH is not delimited by colons; or systems where executable programs may have optional extensions like .EXE; or $PATH variables that have the current working directory included in them as an empty string; etc. If you're interested in such things, I suggest reading an actual GNU autoconf-generated configure script. They're far too large and complicated to include in this FAQ.
The command which (which is often a csh script, although sometimes a compiled binary) is not reliable for this purpose. which may not set a useful exit code, and it may not even write errors to stderr. Therefore, in order to have a prayer of successfully using it, one must parse its output (wherever that output may be written).
# Bourne. Last resort -- using which(1) tmpval=`LC_ALL=C which qwerty 2>&1` if test $? -ne 0; then # FOR NOW, we'll assume that if this machine's which(1) sets a nonzero # exit status, that it actually failed. I've yet to see any case where # which(1) sets an erroneous failure -- just erroneous "successes". echo "qwerty is not installed. Please install it." else # which returned 0, but that doesn't mean it succeeded. Look for known error strings. case "$tmpval" in *no\ *\ in\ *|*not\ found*|'') echo "qwerty is not installed. Please install it." ;; *) echo "Congratulations -- it seems you have qwerty (in $tmpval)." ;; esac fi
Note that which(1)'s output when a command is not found is not consistent across platforms. On HP-UX 10.20, for example, it prints no qwerty in /path /path /path ...; on OpenBSD 4.1, it prints qwerty: Command not found.; on Debian (3.1 through 5.0 at least) and SuSE, it prints nothing at all; on Red Hat 5.2, it prints which: no qwerty in (/path:/path:...); on Red Hat 6.2, it writes the same message, but on standard error instead of standard output; and on Gentoo, it writes something on stderr.
We strongly recommend not using which. Use one of the builtins or the iterative approaches instead.
85. Why is $(...) preferred over `...` (backticks)?
`...` is the legacy syntax required by only the very oldest of non-POSIX-compatible bourne-shells. There are several reasons to always prefer the $(...) syntax:
85.1. Important differences
- Backslashes (\) inside backticks are handled in a non-obvious manner:
$ echo "`echo \\a`" "$(echo \\a)" a \a $ echo "`echo \\\\a`" "$(echo \\\\a)" \a \\a # Note that this is true for *single quotes* too! $ foo=`echo '\\'`; bar=$(echo '\\'); echo "foo is $foo, bar is $bar" foo is \, bar is \\
Nested quoting inside $() is far more convenient.
echo "x is $(sed ... <<<"$y")"
In this example, the quotes around $y are treated as a pair, because they are inside $(). This is confusing at first glance, because most C programmers would expect the quote before x and the quote before $y to be treated as a pair; but that isn't correct in shells. On the other hand,
echo "x is `sed ... <<<\"$y\"`"
requires backslashes around the internal quotes in order to be portable. Bourne and Korn shells require these backslashes, while Bash and dash don't.
- It makes nesting command substitutions easier. Compare:
x=$(grep "$(dirname "$path")" file) x=`grep "\`dirname \"$path\"\`" file`
It just gets uglier and uglier after two levels. $() forces an entirely new context for quoting, so that everything within the command substitution is protected and can be treated as though it were on its own, with no special concern over quoting and escaping.
85.2. Other advantages
The function of $(...) as being an expansion is visually clear. The syntax of a $-prefixed token is consistent with all other expansions that are parsed from within double-quotes, at the same time, from left-to-right. Backticks are the only exception. This improves human and machine readability, and consistent syntax makes the language more intuitive for readers.
Per the above, people are (hopefully) accustomed to seeing double-quoted expansions and substitutions with the usual "$..." syntax. Quoting command substitutions is almost always the correct thing to do, yet the great majority of `...` specimens we find in the wild are left unquoted, perhaps because those who still use the legacy syntax are less experienced, or they don't associate it with the other expansions due to the different syntax. In addition, the ` character is easily camouflaged when adjacent to " making it even more difficult to read, especially with small or unusual fonts.
- The backtick is also easily confused with a single quote.
85.3. See also:
86. How do I determine whether a variable is already defined? Or a function?
There are several ways to test for a defined or non-empty variable or function depending upon the requirements.
86.1. "Declared", "Defined", and "Undefined"
Like in many languages, declaration and definition can be independent steps. To declare an object is to give it a name and datatype, whereas a definition associates it with a value, which may be empty. In Unix shell terminology, "unset", "set", and "null" are often used to mean "undefined", "defined", and "empty" respectively. Since "string" is very nearly the only common datatype, "null" usually means the empty string. With arrays, things become less consistent between shells.
86.2. Testing for a defined, non-empty variable / parameter.
Since the most common goal is to distinguish between an empty and non-empty variable or parameter, we'll discuss it first. These are the most common solutions arranged from most to least portable.
test x"$var" != x |
Only needed for ancient Bourne shells and not so ancient pdksh or ash versions. Don't use this in modern scripts. |
test -n "$var" |
POSIX sh plus some older Bourne shells which lacked [. |
[ -n "$var" ] |
POSIX sh and most Bourne shells including Heirloom. Best overall choice for new scripts requiring POSIX compatibility. |
test "$var" |
POSIX sh. POSIX specifies that for one argument, non-null is always true while null is always false. |
[ "$var" ] |
POSIX sh. As above. Still very portable. |
[[ -n $var ]] |
Here and below is Bash/Ksh/Zsh only. This is compatible with some buggy shell versions which didn't process the implicit -n correctly. |
[[ $var ]] |
Also works in Bash, Ksh and Zsh since version 5.0.6. Same as above, only more ambiguous. |
(( ${#var} )) |
About as portable as the above though hits some bugs in some versions of Ksh when the variable contains invalid characters. Almost always slower. Don't use this to test for empty strings. |
case "$var" in "") |
Extremely portable. You'll probably want to use that if you want to check for different values including the empty string. |
To check the converse, whether a variable is empty (unset or zero-length), invert the above logic.
test x"$var" = x test -z "$var" [ -z "$var" ] test ! "$var" [ ! "$var" ] [[ -z $var ]] [[ ! $var ]] # Also won't work in Zsh prior to 5.0.6. If such portability is needed, adjust solutions on this page to use -z or -n explicitly. case "$var" in "") ;; *)...
86.3. Testing that a variable has been declared
Distinguishing between a variable that is undefined and one that is defined but empty is somewhat trickier, but possible.
# Bourne / POSIX: ${var+':'} false [ -n "${var+_}" ]
Which of the above performs best varies from shell to shell. If POSIX isn't a requirement, the following [[ solution usually performs best.
# Bash/ksh [[ ${var+_} ]] (( ${var+1} ))
Another method that's occasionally seen is to check the status of typeset -p. The above method should be preferred over this.
# Bash/ksh/zsh typeset -p var >/dev/null 2>&1 # returns 0 if var exists, error otherwise
Bash 4.2 adds a -v test:
# Bash 4.2 / ksh93 if [[ -v var ]]; then echo "var is defined"; fi
ksh93 and bash (since 4.3) support array indices with the -v test. Bash 4.2 did not. This is the "best" but also least portable method to test for an unset variable.
86.4. Testing that a function has been defined
For determining whether a function with a given name is already defined, there are several answers, all of which require Bash (or at least, non-Bourne) commands. Testing that a function is defined should rarely be necessary.
declare -F f >/dev/null # Bash only - declare outputs "f" and returns 0 if defined, returns non-zero otherwise. typeset -f f >/dev/null # Bash/Ksh - typeset outputs the entire function and returns 0 if defined, returns non-zero otherwise. [[ $(type -t f) = function ]] # Bash-only - "type" outputs "function" if defined. In ksh (and mksh), the "type" alias for "whence -v" differs. # Bash/Ksh. Workaround for the above, but the first two are preferable. isFunction() [[ $(type ${BASH_VERSION:+-t} "$1") == ${KSH_VERSION:+"$1 is a "}function ]]; isFunction f
87. How do I return a string (or large number, or negative number) from a function? "return" only lets me give a number from 0 to 255.
Functions in Bash (as well as all the other Bourne-family shells) work like commands: that is, they only "return" an exit status, which is an integer from 0 to 255 inclusive. This is intended to be used only for signaling errors, not for returning the results of computations, or other data.
If you need to send back arbitrary data from a function to its caller, there are at several different methods by which this can be achieved.
87.1. Capturing standard output
You may have your function write the data to stdout, and then have the caller capture stdout.
foo() { echo "this is my data" } x=$(foo) echo "foo returned '$x'"
One drawback of this method is that the function is executed in a SubShell, which means that any variable assignments, etc. performed in the function will not take effect in the caller's environment (and incurs a speed penalty as well, due to a fork()). This may or may not be a problem, depending on the needs of your program and your function. Another drawback is that everything printed by the function foo is captured and put into the variable instead. This leads to problems if foo also writes things that are not intended to be a returned value. To isolate user prompts and/or error messages from "returned" data, redirect them to stderr which will not be captured by the caller.
foo() { echo "running foo()..." >&2 # send user prompts and error messages to stderr echo "this is my data" # variable will be assigned this value below } x=$(foo) # prints: running foo()... echo "foo returned '$x'" # prints: foo returned 'this is my data'
87.2. Global variables
You may assign data to global variables, and then refer to those variables in the caller.
foo() { return="this is my data" } foo echo "foo returned '$return'"
The advantage of this method (compared to capturing stdout) is that your function is not executed in a SubShell, which means the function call is much faster. It also means side effects (like other variable assignments and FileDescriptor changes) will affect the rest of the script.
The drawback of this method is that if the function is executed in a subshell, then the assignment to a global variable inside the function will not be seen by the caller. This means you would not be able to use the function in a pipeline, for example.
87.3. Writing to a file
Your function may write its data to a file, from which the caller can read it.
foo() { echo "this is my data" > "$1" } # This is NOT solid code for handling temp files! tmpfile=$(mktemp) # GNU/Linux foo "$tmpfile" echo "foo returned '$(<"$tmpfile")'" rm "$tmpfile" # If this were a real program, there would have been error checking, and a trap.
The drawbacks of this method should be obvious: you need to manage a temporary file, which is always inconvenient; there must be a writable directory somewhere, and sufficient space to hold the data therein; etc. On the positive side, it will work regardless of whether your function is executed in a SubShell.
For more information about handling temporary files within a shell script, see FAQ 62. For traps, see SignalTrap.
87.4. Dynamically scoped variables
Instead of using global variables, you can use variables whose scope is restricted to the caller and the called function.
rand() { local max=$((32768 / $1 * $1)) while (( (r=$RANDOM) >= max )); do :; done r=$(( r % $1 )) } foo() { local r rand 6 echo "You rolled $((r+1))!" } foo # Here at the global scope, 'r' is not visible.
This has the same advantages and disadvantages as using global variables, plus the additional advantage that the global variable namespace isn't "polluted" by the function return variable.
However, this technique doesn't work with recursive functions.
# This example won't work. fact() { local r # to hold the return value of things we call if (($1 == 1)); then r=1 # to send data back to the caller else fact $(($1 - 1)) # call ourself recursively r=$((r * $1)) # send data back to the caller fi }
There is a variable name collision -- the example above tries to use r for two conflicting purposes at the same time. For recursive functions, stick with the global variable technique.
# This example works. It's not the best way to compute a factorial, but # it's a simple example of a recursive function. fact() { if (($1 == 1)); then r=1 else fact $(($1 - 1)) r=$((r * $1)) fi } fact 11 echo "$r"
88. How to write several times to a fifo without having to reopen it?
In the general case, you'll open a new FileDescriptor (FD) pointing to the fifo, and write through that. For simple cases, it may be possible to skip that step.
88.1. The problem
The most basic use of NamedPipes is:
mkfifo myfifo cat < myfifo & echo 'a' > myfifo
This works, but cat dies after reading one line. (In fact, what happens is when the named pipe is closed by all the writers, this signals an end of file condition for the reader. So cat, the reader, terminates because it saw the end of its input.)
What if we want to write several times to the pipe without having to restart the reader?
88.2. Grouping the commands
We have to arrange for all our data to be sent without opening and closing the pipe multiple times.
If the commands are consecutive, they can be grouped:
cat < myfifo & { echo 'a'; echo 'b'; echo 'c'; } > myfifo
88.3. Opening a file descriptor
It is basically the same idea as above, but using exec to have greater flexibility:
cat < myfifo & # assigning fd 3 to the pipe exec 3>myfifo # writing to fd 3 instead of reopening the pipe echo 'a' >&3 echo 'b' >&3 echo 'c' >&3 # closing the fd exec 3>&-
Closing the FD causes the pipe's reader to receive the end of file indication.
This works well as long as all the writers are children of the same shell.
88.4. Using tail
The use of tail -f instead of cat can be an option, as tail will keep reading even if the pipe is closed:
tail -f myfifo & echo 'a' > myfifo # Doesn't die echo 'b' > myfifo echo 'c' > myfifo
The problem here is that the process tail doesn't die, even if the named pipe is deleted. In a script this is not a problem as you can kill tail on exit.
If your reader is a program that only reads from a file, you can still use tail with the help of process substitution:
myprogram <(tail -f myfifo) & # Doesn't die echo 'b' > myfifo echo 'c' > myfifo
Here, tail will be closed when myprogram exits.
88.5. Using a guarding process
The reader of the pipe won't receive an EOF until all open writer file descriptors are closed. You can exploit this by keeping a file descriptor opened on a process doing nothing.
Therefore, an elegant solution is to create a "guarding process", and to use a second pipe to control the guarding process:
mkfifo myfifo mkfifo guard # keep the fifo opened using a fake writer : >myfifo < guard & #note the order is important! # if you do <guard first, it will be blocked # and >myfifo will not be opened until guard is opened # start the reader cat myfifo
Now you can use writers in other unrelated processes, and the pipe will not be closed because of your process keeping it opened.
echo something > myfifo # reader does not die
When you are finished and want to close the pipe, you just need to open and close the helper pipe to unblock the guarding processs:
: >guard
An alternative is to use a process doing nothing, killing it in the end:
mkfifo myfifo while :;do sleep 10000 & wait;done >myfifo & pid=$! cat myfifo kill $pid
89. How to ignore aliases or functions when running a command?
Sometimes it's useful to ignore aliases (and functions, including shell built-in functions). For example, on your system you might have this set:
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
But sometimes, you need to do a one-liner with pipes where the colors mess things up. You could use any of the following:
unalias grep; grep ... #1 unalias -a; grep ... #2 "grep" ... #3 \grep ... #4 command grep ... #5
#1 unaliases grep before using it, doing nothing if grep wasn't aliased. However, the alias is then gone for the rest of that shell session.
#2 is similar, but removing all aliases.
#3 and #4 are the same, allowing you to run grep once while ignoring the grep alias, but not functions
#5 is different from the others in that it ignores aliases, functions, and shell keywords such as time. It will still prefer shell builtins like echo rather than /bin/echo. It has a few options which you might want to use -- see help command.
Option #6 would be to write your function which does not commit undesirable behavior when standard output is not a terminal. Thus:
ls() { if test -t 1; then command ls -FC "$@" else command ls "$@" fi }
Using this instead of alias ls='ls -FC' will turn off the special flags when the function is being used in a pipeline (or any other case where stdout isn't a terminal).
See FAQ #80 for more discussion of using functions instead of aliases.
90. How can I get a file's permissions (or other metadata) without parsing ls -l output?
There are several potential ways, most of which are system-specific. They also depend on precisely why you want the information; in most cases, there will be some other way to accomplish your real goal. You don't want to parse ls's output if there's any possible way to avoid doing so.
Many of the cases where you might ask about permissions -- such as I want to find any files with the setuid bit set -- can be handled with the find(1) command.
For some questions, such as I want to make sure this file has 0644 permissions, you don't actually need to check what the permissions are. You can just use chmod 0644 myfile and set them directly. And if you DO actually need to check what the permissions are instead of forcing them, then you can use find's -perm.
If you want to see whether you can read, write or execute a file, there are test -r, -x and -w.
If you want to see whether a file is zero bytes in size or not, you don't need to read the file's size into a variable. You can just use test -s instead.
If you want to copy the modification time from one file to another, you can use touch -r. The chown command on some GNU/Linux systems has a --reference option that works the same way, letting you copy the owner and group from one file to another.
If your needs aren't met by any of those, and you really feel you must extract the metadata from a file into a variable, then we can look at a few alternatives:
On GNU/Linux systems, *BSD and possibly others, there is a command called stat(1). On older GNU/Linux systems, this command takes no options -- just a filename -- and you will have to parse its output.
$ stat / File: "/" Size: 1024 Filetype: Directory Mode: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Device: 8,0 Inode: 2 Links: 25 Access: Wed Oct 17 14:58:02 2007(00000.00:00:01) Modify: Wed Feb 28 15:42:14 2007(00230.22:15:49) Change: Wed Feb 28 15:42:14 2007(00230.22:15:49)
In this case, one could extract the 0755 from the Mode: line, using awk or similar commands.
- On newer GNU/Linux systems:
$ stat -c %a / 755
That's obviously a lot easier to parse. With *BSDs (NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD and their derivatives like Apple OS/X), the syntax is different and you need to extract the permissions from the mode:mode=$(stat -f %p -- "$filename") perm=$(printf %o "$((mode & 07777))")
- On systems with perl 5, you can use:
perl -e 'printf "%o\n", 07777 & (stat $ARGV[0])[2]' "$filename"
This returns the same octal string that the stat -c %a example does, but is far more portable. (And slower.)
GNU find has a -printf switch that can print out any metadata of a file:
find "$filename" -prune -printf '%m\n'
That predates GNU stat by over a decade and can give metadata for several files in a directory as well. Beware though that for file named -print, (, !... or any of the other find predicates, you need to make sure you pass the file name as ./-print, ./(, ! or any other relative or absolute path to the file that doesn't confuse find.
If your bash is compiled with loadable builtin support, you can build the finfo builtin (type make in the examples/loadables/ subdirectory of your bash source tree), enable it, and then use:
$ finfo -o .bashrc 644
Beware that the finfo.c distributed with bash up through 4.0 contains at least one bug (in the -s option), so the code has clearly not been tested much. Most precompiled bash packages do not include compiled examples, so this may be a difficult alternative for most users.
91. How can I avoid losing any history lines?
This method is designed to allow you to store a complete log of all commands executed by a friendly user; it is not meant for secure auditing of commands - see securing bash against history removal.
By default, Bash updates its history only on exit, and it overwrites the existing history with the new version. This prevents you from keeping a complete history log, for two reasons:
- If a user is logged in multiple times, the overwrite will ensure that only the last shell to exit will save its history.
- If your shell terminates abnormally - for example because of network problems, firewall changes or because it was killed - no history will be written.
To solve the first problem, we set the shell option histappend which causes all new history lines to be appended, and ensures that multiple logins do not overwrite each other's history.
To prevent history lines being lost if Bash terminates abnormally, we need to ensure that they are written after each command. We can use the shell builtin history -a to cause an immediate write of all new history lines, and we can automate this execution by adding it to the PROMPT_COMMAND variable. This variable contains a command to be executed before any new prompt is shown, and is therefore run after every interactive command is executed.
Note that there are two side effects of running 'history -a' after every command:
- A new login will be able to immediately scroll back through the history of existing logins. So if you wish to run the same command in two sessions, run the command and then initiate the second login and you will be able to retrieve the command immediately.
- More negatively, the history commands of simultaneous interactive shells (for a given user) will be intertwined. Therefore the history is not a guaranteed sequential list of commands as they were executed in a single shell. You may find this confusing if you review the history file as a whole, looking for sections encapsulating particular tasks rather than searching for individual commands. It's probably only an issue if you have multiple people using a single account simultaneously, which is not ideal in any case.
To set all this, use the following in your own ~/.bashrc file:
HISTFILESIZE=400000000 HISTSIZE=10000 PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a" shopt -s histappend
In the above we have also increased the maximum number of lines of history that will be stored in memory, and removed any limit for the history file itself. The default for these is 500 lines, which will cause you to start to lose lines fairly quickly if you are an active user. By setting HISTFILESIZE to a large value we ensure a file big enough so that it is infinite in practice - and by setting $HISTSIZE, we limit the number of these lines to be retained in memory. Unfortunately, bash will read in the full history file before truncating its memory copy to the length of $HISTSIZE - therefore if your history file grows very large, bash's startup time can grow annoyingly high. Even worse, loading a large history file then truncating it via $HISTSIZE results in bloated resource usage; bash ends up using much more memory than if the history file contained only $HISTSIZE lines. Therefore if you expect your history file to grow very large, for example above 20,000 lines, you should archive it periodically. See Archiving History Files below.
PROMPT_COMMAND may already be used in your setup, for example containing control codes to update an XTerm's display bar with your current prompt. If yours is already in use, you can append to it with: PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:-:} ; history -a"
You may also want to set the variables HISTIGNORE and HISTCONTROL to control what is saved, for example to remove duplicate lines - though doing so prevents you from seeing how many times a given command was run by a user, and precisely when (if HISTTIMEFORMAT is also set).
Finally, note that because PROMPT_COMMAND executes just before a new prompt is printed, you may still lose the last command line if your shell terminates during the execution of this line. As an example, consider: this_cmd_is_never_written_to_history ; kill -9 $$
91.1. Compressing History Files
The result of the above is a history file with a great many duplicate commands. Appending history causes your history file to grow by all the shell's loaded history each time.
More importantly, the main thing we care about with regards to history is being able find previously executed commands. The following script will remove all commands from the history file that are already in there, while keeping the order of the commands intact in such a way that commands you most recently executed will remain at the bottom of the file (ie. keep the last occurrence of a command, not the first).
awk 'NR==FNR && !/^#/{lines[$0]=FNR;next} lines[$0]==FNR' "$HISTFILE" "$HISTFILE" > "$HISTFILE.compressed" && mv "$HISTFILE.compressed" "$HISTFILE"
After a few months, this compressed my history file from 761474 lines to 2349. Note that this does not preserve the timestamps if you have HISTTIMEFORMAT set.
91.2. Archiving History Files
Once you have enabled these methods, you should find that your bash history becomes much more valuable, allowing you to recall any command you have executed at any time. As such, you should ensure your history file(s) are included in your regular backups.
You may also want to enable regular archiving of your history file, to prevent the full history from being loaded into memory by each new bash shell. With a history file size of 10,000 entries, bash uses approximately 5.5MB of memory on Solaris 10, with no appreciable start-up delay (with $HOME on a local disk, I assume? -- GreyCat). With a history size of 100,000 entries this has grown to 10MB with a noticeable 3-5 second delay on startup. Periodic archiving is advisable to remove the oldest log lines and to avoid wasting resources, particular if RAM is at a premium. (My largest ~/.bash_history is at 7500 entries after 1.5 months.)
This is best done via a tool that can archive just part of the file. A simple script to do this would be:
#!/bin/bash umask 077 max_lines=10000 linecount=$(wc -l < ~/.bash_history) if (($linecount > $max_lines)); then prune_lines=$(($linecount - $max_lines)) head -$prune_lines ~/.bash_history >> ~/.bash_history.archive \ && sed -e "1,${prune_lines}d" ~/.bash_history > ~/.bash_history.tmp$$ \ && mv ~/.bash_history.tmp$$ ~/.bash_history fi
This script removes enough lines from the top of the history file to truncate its size to X lines, appending the rest to ~/.bash_history.archive. This mimics the pruning functionality of HISTFILESIZE, but archives the remainder rather than deleting it - ensuring you can always query your past history by grepping ~/.bash_history*.
Such a script could be run nightly or weekly from your personal crontab to enable periodic archiving. Note that the script does not handle multiple users and will archive the history of only the current user - extending it to run for all system users (as root) is left as an exercise for the reader.
92. I'm reading a file line by line and running ssh or ffmpeg, only the first line gets processed!
When reading a file line by line, if a command inside the loop also reads stdin, it can exhaust the input file. For example:
1 # Non-working example
2 while IFS= read -r file; do
3 ffmpeg -i "$file" -vcodec libxvid -acodec libfaac -ar 32000 "${file%.avi}".mkv
4 done < <(find . -name '*.avi')
1 # Non-working example
2 while read host; do
3 ssh "$host" some command
4 done <hostslist
What's happening here? Let's take the first example. read reads a line from standard input (FD 0), puts it in the file parameter, and then ffmpeg is executed. Like any program you execute from BASH, ffmpeg inherits standard input, which for some reason it reads. I don't know why. But in any case, when ffmpeg reads stdin, it sucks up all the input from the find command, starving the loop.
Here's one way to make it work:
1 while IFS= read -r file; do
2 ffmpeg -i "$file" -vcodec libxvid -acodec libfaac -ar 32000 "${file%.avi}".mkv </dev/null
3 done < <(find . -name '*.avi')
Notice the redirection on the ffmpeg line: </dev/null. The ssh example can be fixed the same way, or with the -n switch (at least with OpenSSH).
Sometimes with large loops it might be difficult to work out what's reading from stdin, or a program might change its behaviour when you add </dev/null to it. In this case you can make read use a different FileDescriptor that a random program is less likely to read from:
1 while read -r line <&3; do
2 ...
3 done 3<file
In bash, the read builtin can also be told to read directly from an fd (-u fd) without redirection, and since bash 4.1, an available fd can be assigned ({var}<file) instead of hard coding a file descriptor.
1 # bash 4.1+
2 while read -r -u "$fd" line; do
3 ...
4 done {fd}<file
93. How do I prepend a text to a file (the opposite of >>)?
You cannot do it with bash redirections alone; the opposite of >> does not exist....
To insert content at the beginning of a file, you can use an editor, for example ex:
ex file << EOF 0a header line 1 header line 2 . w EOF
or ed:
printf '%s\n' 0a "line 1" "line 2" . w | ed -s file
ex will also add a newline character to the end of the file if it's missing.
Or you can rewrite the file, using things like:
{ echo line; cat file ;} >tmpfile && mv tmpfile file echo line | cat - file > tmpfile && mv tmpfile file
Some people insist on using the sed hammer to pound in all the screws:
sed "1iTEXTTOPREPEND" filename > tmp && mv tmp filename
There are lots of other solutions as well.
94. I'm trying to get the number of columns or lines of my terminal but the variables COLUMNS / LINES are always empty.
COLUMNS and LINES are set by BASH in interactive mode; they are not available by default in a script. On most systems, you can try to query the terminal yourself:
unsup() { echo "Your system doesn't support retrieving $1 with tput. Giving up." >&2; exit 1; } COLUMNS=$(tput cols) || unsup cols LINES=$(tput lines) || unsup lines
Bash automatically updates the COLUMNS and LINES variables when an interactive shell is resized. If you're setting the variables in a script and you want them to be updated when the terminal is resized, i.e. upon receipt of a SIGWINCH, you can set a trap yourself:
trap 'COLUMNS=$(tput cols) LINES=$(tput lines)' WINCH
You can also set the shell as interactive in the script's shebang:
#!/bin/bash -i
This has some drawbacks, however:
Though not the best practice, it's not too uncommon for scripts to test for the -i option to determine whether a shell is interactive, and then abort or misbehave. There is no completely foolproof way to test for this, so some scripts may break as a result.
Running with -i sources .bashrc, and sets various options such as job-control which may have unintended side-effects.
Though you can technically set -i in the middle of a script, it has no effect on the setting of COLUMNS and LINES. -i must be set when Bash is first invoked.
Normally Bash updates COLUMNS and LINES when your terminal sends a SIGWINCH signal, indicating a change of size. Some terminals may not do this, so if your variables aren't being updated even when running an interactive shell, try using the shopt -s checkwinsize. This will make Bash query the terminal after every command, so only use it if it's really necessary.
tput, of course, requires a terminal. According to POSIX, if stdout is not a tty, the results are unspecified, and stdin is unused, though some implementations may try using it anyway. On OpenBSD and Gentoo Linux (and apparently at least some other Linuxes), at least one of stdout or stderr must be a tty, or else tput just returns some default values:
linux$ tput -S <<<$'cols\nlines' 2>&1 | cat 80 24 openbsd$ tput cols lines 2>&1 | cat 80 24
95. How do I write a CGI script that accepts parameters?
There are always circumstances beyond our control that drive us to do things that we would never choose to do on our own. This FAQ entry describes one of those situations.
A CGI program can be invoked with parameters, sent by the web browser (user agent). There are (at least) two ways to invoke a CGI program: the "GET" method and the "POST" method. In the "GET" method, parameters are provided to the CGI program in an environment variable called QUERY_STRING. The parameters take the form of KEY=VALUE definitions (e.g. user=george), with some characters encoded in hexadecimal, spaces encoded as plus signs, all joined together with ampersands. In the "POST" method, the parameters are provided on standard input instead.
Now of course we know you would never write a CGI script in Bash. So for the purposes of this entry we will assume that terrorists have kidnapped your spouse and children and will torture, maim, kill, "or worse" them if you do not comply with their demands to write such a script.
(The "or worse" situation would clearly be something like being forced to use Microsoft based software.)
So, given a QUERY_STRING variable, we would like to extract the keys (variables) and their values, so that we can use them in the script.
The quick, easy and dangerous way to process the QUERY_STRING is to convert the &s to ;s and then use the eval command to run those assignments. However, the use of eval is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED. That is to say we always avoid using eval if there is any way around it.
95.1. The Dangerous Way
# Read in the cgi input string if [ "$QUERY_STRING" ]; then foo=$QUERY_STRING else read foo fi # Convert some of the encoded strings and things like "&" (left as an exercise for the reader) # Run eval on the string eval $foo # Sit back and discover that the user has put "/bin/rm -rf /" in one of the web form fields, # which even if not root will do damage to some part of the file system. # Another dangerous string would be a fork bomb.
95.2. A Safer Way
Instead of telling the shell to execute whatever code the user provided in the parameters, a better approach is to extract each variable/value pair, and assign them to shell variables, one by one, without executing them. This requires an indirect variable assignment, which means using some shell-specific trickery. We'll write this using Bash syntax; converting to ksh or Bourne shell is left as an exercise.
# Bash # Read in the cgi input string if [ "$QUERY_STRING" ]; then foo=$QUERY_STRING else read -r foo fi # foo contains something like name=Fred+Flintstone&city=Bedrock # Treat this as a list of key=value expressions joined with &. # Iterate through the list and perform each assignment. IFS='&'; set -f for i in $foo; do declare "$i" done unset IFS # Each CGI parameter will now be in a shell variable of the same name. # You'd better know what the names are, because we didn't keep track. # Each variable is still "urlencoded". Spaces are encoded as + and # various things are encoded as %xx where xx is hexadecimal. # Suppose we want to use a parameter named "name". # First, decode the spaces. name=${name//+/ } # Now decode the %xx characters. We use another trick to do this. # First, we replace all % signs with \x # Second, we use echo -e to cause all the \xxx to be evaluated. name=${name//\%/\\x} name=$(echo -e "$name") # We did not do this BEFORE the iteration/assignment loop because if we had, # then a parameter that contains an encoded & (or whatever malicious character) # would have caused much grief. We have to do it here. # Now you do whatever you wanted to do with "name".
While this might be a little less clear, it avoids this huge security problem that eval has: executing any arbitrary command the user might care to enter into the web form. Clearly this is an improvement.
There are still some imperfections in this version. For example, we do not perform any validation on the left hand side (the variable name) in each key=value pair to ensure that it's a valid, or safe, shell variable name. What if the user passes PATH= in a query parameter?
95.3. Associative Arrays
An even better approach might be to place the key/value pairs into an associative array. Associative arrays are available in ksh93 and in bash 4.0, but not in POSIX or Bourne shells. They are designed to hold key/value pairs where the keys can be arbitrary strings, so they seem appropriate for this job.
# Bash 4+ # Read in the cgi input string if [ "$QUERY_STRING" ]; then foo=$QUERY_STRING else read -r foo fi # Set up an associative array to hold the query parameters. declare -A q # Iterate through the key=value+%41%42%43 elements. # Separate key and value, and perform decoding on the value. IFS='&'; set -f for i in $foo; do IFS='=' read key value <<< "$i" # Decoding steps: first, sanitize -- remove all backslashes. # Second, plus signs become spaces. # Third, percent signs become \x. # This leaves nothing that can unexpectedly trigger a printf expansion. # All backslashes are ours, and no percent signs remain. value=${value//\\/} value=${value//+/ } value=${value//\%/\\x} printf -v final -- "$value" q["$key"]="$final" done unset IFS # Now we can use the parameters from the associative array named q. # If we need a list of the keys, it's ${!q[*]}.
The sanitization step is extremely important here. Without that precaution, the printf might be vulnerable to a format string attack. The printf -v varname option is available in every version of bash that supports associative arrays, so we may use it here. It's much more efficient than calling a SubShell. We've also avoided the potential problems with echo -e if the value happens to be something like -n.
Technically, the CGI specification allows multiple instances of the same key in a single query. For example, group=managers&member=Alice&member=Charlie is a perfectly legitimate query string. None of the approaches on this page handle this case (at least not in what we'd probably consider the "correct" way). Fortunately, it's not often that you'd write a CGI like this; and in any case, you're not being forced to use bash for this task.
96. How can I set the contents of my terminal's title bar?
If you have a terminal that understands xterm-compatible escape sequences, and you just want to set the title one time, you can use a function like this:
settitle() { printf '\e]2;%s\a' "$*"; }
If you want to set the title bar to the currently-running command line every time you type a command, then this solution approximates it:
trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$(HISTTIMEFORMAT='' history 1)" > /dev/tty' DEBUG
However, it leaves the command history number in place, and it doesn't trigger on explicit subshells like (cd foo && make).
Or to use just the name and arguments of the current simple command:
trap 'printf "\e]2;%s\a" "$BASH_COMMAND" > /dev/tty' DEBUG
For Posix-compliant shells which don't recognize '\e' as a character sequence to be interpreted as Escape, '\x1b' may be substituted instead.
97. I want to get an alert when my disk is full (parsing df output).
Sadly, parsing the output of df really is the most reliable way to determine how full a disk is, on most operating systems. However, please note that this is a "least bad" answer, not a "best" answer. Parsing any command-line reporting tool's output in a program is never pretty. The purpose of this FAQ is to try to describe all the problems this approach is known to encounter, and work around them.
The first, biggest problem with df is that it doesn't work the same way on all operating systems. Unix is divided largely into two families -- System V and BSD. On BSD-like systems (including Linux, in this case), df gives a human-readable report:
~$ df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda2 8230432 3894324 3918020 50% / tmpfs 253952 8 253944 1% /lib/init/rw udev 10240 44 10196 1% /dev tmpfs 253952 0 253952 0% /dev/shm
However, on System-V-like systems, the output is completely different:
$ df /net/appl/clin (svr1:/dsk/2/clin/pa1.1-hpux10HP-UXB.10.20): 1301728 blocks -1 i-nodes /net/appl/tool-share (svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/tool/share): 51100992 blocks 4340921 i-nodes /net/appl/netscape (svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/netscape/pa1.1-hpux10HP-UXB.10.20): 51100992 blocks 4340921 i-nodes /net/appl/gcc-3.3 (svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/gcc-3.3/pa1.1-hpux10HP-UXB.10.20): 51100992 blocks 4340921 i-nodes /net/appl/gcc-3.2 (svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/gcc-3.2/pa1.1-hpux10HP-UXB.10.20): 51100992 blocks 4340921 i-nodes /net/appl/tool (svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/tool/pa1.1-hpux10HP-UXB.10.20): 51100992 blocks 4340921 i-nodes /net/home/wooledg (/home/wooledg ): 658340 blocks 87407 i-nodes /net/home (auto.home ): 0 blocks 0 i-nodes /net/hosts (-hosts ): 0 blocks 0 i-nodes /net/appl (auto.appl ): 0 blocks 0 i-nodes /net/vol (auto.vol ): 0 blocks 0 i-nodes /nfs (-hosts ): 0 blocks 0 i-nodes /home (/dev/vg00/lvol5 ): 658340 blocks 87407 i-nodes /opt (/dev/vg00/lvol6 ): 623196 blocks 83075 i-nodes /tmp (/dev/vg00/lvol4 ): 86636 blocks 11404 i-nodes /usr/local (/dev/vg00/lvol9 ): 328290 blocks 41392 i-nodes /usr (/dev/vg00/lvol7 ): 601750 blocks 80228 i-nodes /var (/dev/vg00/lvol8 ): 110696 blocks 14447 i-nodes /stand (/dev/vg00/lvol1 ): 110554 blocks 13420 i-nodes / (/dev/vg00/lvol3 ): 190990 blocks 25456 i-nodes
So, your first obstacle will be recognizing that you may need to use a different command depending on which OS you're on (e.g. bdf on HP-UX); and that there may be some OSes where it's simply not possible to do this with a shell script at all.
For the rest of this article, we'll assume that you've got a system with a BSD-like df command.
The next problem is that the output format of df is not consistent across platforms. Some plaforms use 6 columns of output. Some use 7. Some platforms (like Linux) use 1-kilobyte blocks by default when reporting the actual space used or available; others, like OpenBSD or IRIX, use 512-byte blocks by default, and need a -k switch to use kilobytes.
Worse, often a line of output will be split into multiple lines on the screen. For example (Linux):
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on ... svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/tool/i686Linux2.4.27-4-686 35194552 7856256 25550496 24% /net/appl/tool
If the device name is sufficiently long (very common with network-mounted file systems), df may split the output onto two lines in an attempt to preserve the columns for human readability. Or it may not... see, for example, OpenBSD 4.3:
~$ df Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/wd0a 253278 166702 73914 69% / /dev/wd0d 8121774 6904178 811508 89% /usr /dev/wd0e 8121774 6077068 1638618 79% /var /dev/wd0f 507230 12 481858 0% /tmp /dev/wd0g 8121774 5653600 2062086 73% /home /dev/wd0h 125253320 116469168 2521486 98% /export ~$ sudo mount /mnt ~$ df Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/wd0a 253278 166702 73914 69% / /dev/wd0d 8121774 6904178 811508 89% /usr /dev/wd0e 8121774 6077806 1637880 79% /var /dev/wd0f 507230 12 481858 0% /tmp /dev/wd0g 8121774 5653600 2062086 73% /home /dev/wd0h 125253320 116469168 2521486 98% /export 1960616 1638464 222560 88% /mnt
Most versions of df give you a -P switch which is intended to standardize the output... sort of. Older versions of OpenBSD still split lines of output even when -P is supplied, but Linux will generally force the output for each file system onto a single line.
Therefore, if you want to write something robust, you can't assume the output for a given file system will be on a single line. We'll get back to that later.
You can't assume the columns line up vertically, either:
~$ df -P Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on /dev/hda1 180639 93143 77859 55% / tmpfs 318572 4 318568 1% /dev/shm /dev/hda5 90297 4131 81349 5% /tmp /dev/hda2 5763648 699476 4771388 13% /usr /dev/hda3 1829190 334184 1397412 20% /var /dev/sdc1 2147341696 349228656 1798113040 17% /data3 /dev/sde1 2147341696 2147312400 29296 100% /data4 /dev/sdf1 1264642176 1264614164 28012 100% /data5 /dev/sdd1 1267823104 1009684668 258138436 80% /hfo /dev/sda1 2147341696 2147311888 29808 100% /data1 /dev/sdg1 1953520032 624438272 1329081760 32% /mnt /dev/sdb1 1267823104 657866300 609956804 52% /data2 imadev:/home/wooledg 3686400 3336736 329184 92% /net/home/wooledg svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/tool/i686Linux2.4.27-4-686 35194552 7856256 25550496 24% /net/appl/tool svr2:/dsk/4/dsk3/tool/share 35194552 7856256 25550496 24% /net/appl/tool-share
So, what can you actually do?
Use the -P switch. Even if it doesn't make everything 100% consistent, it generally doesn't hurt. According to the source code of df.c in Linux coreutils, the -P switch does ensure that the output will be on a single line (but that's only for Linux).
Set your locale to C. You don't need non-English column headers complicating the picture.
Consider using "stat --file-system --format=", if it's available. If portability is not an issue in your case, check the man page of the "stat" command. On many systems you'll be able to print the blocksize, total number of blocks on the disk, and the number of free blocks; all in a user-specified format.
Explicitly select a file system. Don't use df -P | grep /dev/hda2 if you want the results for a specific file system. Give df a directory name or a device name as an argument so you only get that file system's output in the first place.
~$ df -P / Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on /dev/sda2 8230432 3894360 3917984 50% /
Count words of output without respecting newlines. This is the workaround for lines being split unpredictably. For example, using a Bash array df_arr:
~$ read -d '' -ra df_arr < <(LC_ALL=C df -P /); echo "${df_arr[11]}" 50%
As you can see, we simply slurped the entire output into a single array and then took the 12th word (array indices count from 0). We don't care whether the output got split or not, because that doesn't change the number of words.
Removing the % sign, comparing the number to a specified threshold, scheduling an automatic way to run the script, etc. are left as exercises for you.
First discard the header information and read the data into the array.
{ read -r; read -rd '' -a disk_usage; } < <(LC_ALL=C df -Pk "$dir"; printf \\0); echo "${disk_usage[5]}" 39%
98. I'm getting "Argument list too long". How can I process a large list in chunks?
First, let's review some background material. When a process wants to run another process, it fork()s a child, and the child calls one of the exec* family of system calls (e.g. execve()), giving the name or path of the new process's program file; the name of the new process; the list of arguments for the new process; and, in some cases, a set of environment variables. Thus:
/* C */ execlp("ls", "ls", "-l", "dir1", "dir2", (char *) NULL);
There is (generally) no limit to the number of arguments that can be passed this way, but on most systems, there is a limit to the total size of the list. For more details, see .
If you try to pass too many filenames (for instance) in a single program invocation, you'll get something like:
$ grep foo /usr/include/sys/*.h bash: /usr/bin/grep: Arg list too long
There are various tricks you could use to work around this in an ad hoc manner (change directory to /usr/include/sys first, and use grep foo *.h to shorten the length of each filename...), but what if you need something absolutely robust?
Some people like to use xargs here, but it has some serious issues. It treats whitespace and quote characters in its input as word delimiters, making it incapable of handling filenames properly. (See UsingFind for a discussion of this.)
If recursion is acceptable, you can use find directly:
find /usr/include/sys -name '*.h' -exec grep foo /dev/null {} +
If recursion is unacceptable but you have GNU find, you can use this non-portable alternative:
GNUfind /usr/include/sys -name '*.h' -maxdepth 1 -exec grep foo /dev/null {} +
(Recall that grep will only print filenames if it receives more than one filename to process. Thus, we pass it /dev/null as a filename, to ensure that it always has at least two filenames, even if the -exec only passes it one name.)
The most general alternative is to use a Bash array and a loop to process the array in chunks:
# Bash files=(/usr/include/*.h /usr/include/sys/*.h) for ((i=0; i<${#files[*]}; i+=100)); do grep foo "${files[@]:i:100}" /dev/null done
Here, we've chosen to process 100 elements at a time; this is arbitrary, of course, and you could set it higher or lower depending on the anticipated size of each element vs. the target system's getconf ARG_MAX value. If you want to get fancy, you could do arithmetic using ARG_MAX and the size of the largest element, but you still have to introduce "fudge factors" for the size of the environment, etc. It's easier just to choose a conservative value and hope for the best.
99. ssh eats my word boundaries! I can't do ssh remotehost make CFLAGS="-g -O"!
ssh emulates the behavior of the Unix remote shell command (rsh or remsh), including this bug. There are a few ways to work around it, depending on exactly what you need.
First, here is a full illustration of the problem:
~$ ~/bin/args make CFLAGS="-g -O" 2 args: <make> <CFLAGS=-g -O> ~$ ssh localhost ~/bin/args make CFLAGS="-g -O" Password: 3 args: <make> <CFLAGS=-g> <-O>
What's happening is the command and its arguments are being smashed together into a string on the client side, then shoved through the ssh connection to the server side, where that string is handed to your shell as an argument for re-parsing. This is not what we want.
99.1. Manual requoting
The simplest workaround is to mash everything together into a single argument, and manually add quotes in just the right places, until we get it to work.
~$ ssh localhost '~/bin/args make CFLAGS="-g -O"' Password: 2 args: <make> <CFLAGS=-g -O>
The shell on the remote host will re-parse the argument, break it into words, and then execute it.
The first problem with this approach is that it's tedious. If we already have both kinds of quotes, and lots of shell substitutions that need to be performed, then we may end up needing to rearrange quite a lot, add backslashes to protect the right things, and so on. The second problem is that it doesn't work very well if our exact command isn't known in advance -- e.g., if we're writing a WrapperScript.
99.2. Passing data on stdin instead of the command line
Another workaround is to pass the command(s) as standard input to the remote shell, rather than as an argument. This won't work in all cases; it means the command being executed on the remote system can't use stdin for any other purpose, since we're tying up stdin to send our commands. But in the cases where it can be used, it works quite well:
# POSIX # Stdin will not be available for use by the remote program ssh remotehost sh <<EOF make CFLAGS="-g -O" EOF
99.3. Automatic requoting of each parameter
Let's now consider a more realistic problem: we want to write a wrapper script that invokes make on a remote host, with the arguments provided by the user being passed along intact. This is a lot harder than it would appear at first, because we can't just mash everything together into one word -- the script's caller might use really complex arguments, and quotes, and pathnames with spaces and shell metacharacters, that all need to be preserved carefully. Fortunately for us, bash provides a way to protect such things safely: printf %q. Together with an array and a loop, we can write a wrapper:
# Bash 2.05b and up # Your account's shell on the remote host MUST BE BASH, not sh unset a i for arg; do a[i++]=$(printf %q "$arg") done exec ssh remotehost make "${a[@]}"
# Bash 3.1 and up # Your account's shell on the remote host MUST BE BASH, not sh unset a for arg; do printf -v temp %q "$arg" a+=("$temp") done exec ssh remotehost make "${a[@]}"
# Bash 4.1 and up # Your account's shell on the remote host MUST BE BASH, not sh unset a i for arg; do printf -v 'a[i++]' %q "$arg" done exec ssh remotehost make "${a[@]}"
If we also need to change directory on the remote host before running make, we can add that as well:
# Bash 2.05b and up # Your account's shell on the remote host MUST BE BASH, not sh unset a i for arg; do a[i++]=$(printf %q "$arg") done exec ssh remotehost cd "$PWD" "&&" make "${a[@]}"
(If $PWD contains spaces, then it also need to be protected with the same printf %q trick, left as an exercise for the reader.)
The major drawback of this approach is that it only works if the remote shell is Bash. Bash's printf %q produces output that other shells may not be able to parse (such as $'\n' for newlines). There is no simple alternative that works for other shells
100. How do I determine whether a symlink is dangling (broken)?
The documentation on this is fuzzy, but it turns out you can do this with shell builtins:
# Bash if [[ ( -L $name ) && ( ! -e $name ) ]] then echo "$name is a dangling symlink" fi
The Bash man page tells you that "-L" returns "True if file exists and is a symbolic link", and "-e" returns "True if file exists". What might not be clear is that "-L" considers "file" to be the link itself. To "-e", however, "file" is the target of the symlink (whatever the link is pointing to). That's why you need both tests to see if a symlink is dangling; "-L" checks the link itself, and "-e" checks whatever the link is pointing to.
POSIX has these same tests, with similar semantics, so if for some reason you can't use the (preferred) [[ command, the same test can be done using the older [ command:
# POSIX if [ -L "$name" ] && [ ! -e "$name" ] then echo "$name is a dangling symlink" fi
101. How to add localization support to your bash scripts
Looking for examples of how to add simple localization to your bash scripts, and how to do testing? This is probably what you need....
101.1. First, some variables you must understand
Before we can even begin, we have to understand all the locale environment variables. This is fundamental, and extremely under-documented in the places where people actually look for documentation (man pages, etc.). Some of these variables may not apply to your system, because there seem to be various competing standards and extensions....
On recent GNU systems, the variables are used in this order:
If LANGUAGE is set, use that, unless LANG is set to C, in which case LANGUAGE is ignored. Also, some programs simply don't use LANGUAGE at all.
- Otherwise, if LC_ALL is set, use that.
- Otherwise, if the specific LC_* variable that covers this usage is set, use that. (For example, LC_MESSAGES covers error messages.)
- Otherwise, use LANG.
That means you first have to check your current environment to see which of these, if any, are already set. If they are set, and you don't know about them, they may interfere with your testing, leaving you befuddled.
$ env | egrep 'LC|LANG' LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US:en_GB:en
Here's an example from a Debian system. In this case, the LANGUAGE variable is set, which means any testing we do that involves changing LANG is likely to fail, unless we also change LANGUAGE. Now here's another example from another Debian system:
$ env | egrep 'LC|LANG' LANG=en_US.utf8
In that case, changing LANG would actually work. A user on that system, writing a document on how to perform localization testing, might create instructions that would fail to work for the user on the first system....
So, go ahead and play around with your own system and see what works and what doesn't. You may not have a LANGUAGE variable at all (especially if you are not on GNU/Linux), so setting it may do nothing for you. You may need to use locale -a to see what locale settings are available. You may need to specify a character set in the LANG variable (e.g. es_ES.utf8 instead of es_ES). You may have to "generate locales" on your operating system (a process which is beyond the scope of this page, but which on Debian consists of running dpkg-reconfigure locales and answering questions) in order to make them work.
Try to get to the point where you can produce error messages in at least two languages:
$ wc -q wc: invalid option -- 'q' Try `wc --help' for more information. $ LANGUAGE=es_ES wc -q wc: opción inválida -- q Pruebe `wc --help' para más información.
Once you can do that reliably, you can begin the actual work of producing a bash script with localisation.
101.2. Marking strings as translatable
This is the simplest part, at least to understand. Any string in $"..." is translated using the system's native language support (NLS) facilities. Find all the constant strings in your program that you want to translate, and mark them accordingly. Don't mark strings that contain variables or other substitutions. For example,
echo $"Hello, world"
(As you can see, we're starting with very simple material here.)
Bash (at least up through 4.0) performs locale expansion before other substitutions. Thus, in a case like this:
echo $"The answer is $answer"
The literal string $answer will become part of the marked string. The translation should also contain $answer, and bash will perform the variable substitution on the translated string. The order in which bash does these substitutions introduces a potential security hole which we will not cover here just yet. (A patch has been submitted, but it's still too early....)
When the variables are yet undefined at the $"..." line and would thus substitute to empty strings, we can instead do:
printf $"The answer is %s" "$answer"
101.3. Generating and/or merging PO files
Next, generate what are called a "PO files" from your program. These contain the strings we've marked, and their translations (which we'll fill in later).
We start by creating a *.pot file, which is a template.
bash --dump-po-strings hello > hello.pot
This produces output which looks like:
#: hello:5
msgid "Hello, world"
msgstr ""
The name of your file (without the .pot extension) is called the domain of your translatable text. A domain in this context is similar to a package name. For example, the GNU coreutils package contains lots of little programs, but they're all distributed together; and so it makes sense for all their translations to be together as well. In our example, we're using a domain of hello. In a larger example containing lots of programs in a suite, we'd probably use the name of the whole suite.
This template will be copied once for each language we want to support. Let's suppose we wanted to support Spanish and French translations of our program. We'll be creating two PO files (one for each translation), so let's make two subdirectories, and copy the template into each one:
mkdir es fr cp hello.pot es/hello.po cp hello.pot fr/hello.po
This is what we do the first time through. If there were already some partially- or even fully-translated PO files in place, we wouldn't want to overwrite them. Instead, we would merge the new translatable material into the old PO file. We use a special tool for that called msgmerge. Let's suppose we add some more code (and translatable strings) to our program:
vi hello bash --dump-po-strings hello > hello.pot msgmerge --update es/hello.po hello.pot msgmerge --update fr/hello.po hello.pot
The original author of this page created some notes which I am leaving intact here. Maybe they'll be helpful...?
# step 5: try to merge existing po with new updates # remove duplicated strings by hand or with sed or something else # awk '/^msgid/&&!seen[$0]++;!/^msgid/' lang/nl.pot > lang/ msgmerge lang/nl.po lang/nl.pot
# step 5.1: try to merge existing po with new updates cp --verbose lang/pct-scanner-script-nl.po lang/pct-scanner-script-nl.po.old awk '/^msgid/&&!seen[$0]++;!/^msgid/' lang/pct-scanner-script-nl.pot > lang/ msgmerge lang/pct-scanner-script-nl.po.old lang/ > lang/pct-scanner-script-nl.po
# step 5.2: try to merge existing po with new updates touch lang/pct-scanner-script-process-nl.po lang/pct-scanner-script-process-nl.po.old awk '/^msgid/&&!seen[$0]++;!/^msgid/' lang/pct-scanner-script-process-nl.pot > lang/ msgmerge lang/pct-scanner-script-process-nl.po.old lang/ > lang/pct-scanner-script-process-nl.po
101.4. Translate the strings
This is a step which is 100% human labor. Edit each language's PO file and fill in the blanks.
#: hello:5
msgid "Hello, world"
msgstr "Hola el mundo"
#: hello:6
msgid "How are you?"
msgstr ""
101.5. Install MO files
Your operating system, if it has gotten you this far, probably already has some localized programs, with translation catalogs installed in some location such as /usr/share/locale (or elsewhere). If you want your translations to be installed there as well, you'll have to have superuser privileges, and you'll have to manage your translation domain (namespace) in such a way as to avoid collision with any OS packages.
If you're going to use the standard system location for your translations, then you only need to worry about making one change to your program: setting the TEXTDOMAIN variable.
echo $"Hello, world"
echo $"How are you?"
This tells bash and the system libraries which MO file to use, from the standard location. If you're going to use a nonstandard location, then you have to set that as well, in a variable called TEXTDOMAINDIR:
echo $"Hello, world"
echo $"How are you?"
Use one of these two depending on your needs.
Now, an MO file is essentially a compiled PO file. A program called msgfmt is responsible for this compilation. We just have to tell it where the PO file is, and where to write the MO file.
msgfmt -o /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ es/hello.po msgfmt -o /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ fr/hello.po or mkdir -p /usr/local/share/locale/{es,fr}/LC_MESSAGES msgfmt -o /usr/local/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ es/hello.po msgfmt -o /usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ fr/hello.po
(If we had more than two translations to support, we might choose to mimic the structure of /usr/share/locale in order to facilitate mass-copying of MO files from the local directory to the operating system's repository. This is left as an exercise.)
101.6. Test!
Remember what we said earlier about setting locale environment variables... the examples here may or may not work for your system.
The gettext program can be used to retrieve individual translations from the catalog:
$ LANGUAGE=es_ES gettext -d hello -s "Hello, world" Hola el mundo
Any untranslated strings will be left alone:
$ LANGUAGE=es_ES gettext -d hello -s "How are you?" How are you?
And, finally, there is no substitute for actually running the program itself:
wooledg@wooledg:~$ LANGUAGE=es_ES ./hello Hola el mundo How are you?
As you can see, there's still some more translation to be done for our example. Back to work....
101.7. References
102. How can I get the newest (or oldest) file from a directory?
This page should be merged with BashFAQ/003
The intuitive answer of ls -t | head -1 is wrong, because parsing the output of ls is unsafe; instead, you should create a loop and compare the timestamps:
# Bash files=(*) newest=${files[0]} for f in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ $f -nt $newest ]]; then newest=$f fi done
Then you'll have the newest file (according to modification time) in $newest. To get the oldest, simply change -nt to -ot (see help test for a list of operators), and of course change the names of the variables to avoid confusion.
Bash has no means of comparing file timestamps other than mtime, so if you wanted to get (for example) the most-recently-accessed file (newest by atime), you would have to get some help from the external command stat(1) (if you have it) or the loadable builtin finfo (if you can load builtins).
Here's an example using stat from GNU coreutils 6.10 (sadly, even across Linux systems, the syntax of stat is not consistent) to get the most-recently-accessed file. (In this version, %X is the last access time.)
# Bash, GNU coreutils newest= newest_t=0 for f in *; do t=$(stat --format=%X -- "$f") # atime if ((t > newest_t)); then newest_t=$t newest=$f fi done
This also has the disadvantage of spawning an external command for every file in the directory, so it should be done this way only if necessary. To get the oldest file using this technique, you'd either have to initialize oldest_t with the largest possible timestamp (a tricky proposition, especially as we approach the year 2038), or with the timestamp of the first file in the directory, as we did in the first example.
Here is another solution spawning an external command, but posix:
# posix unset newest for f in ./*; do # set the newest during the first iteration newest=${newest-$f} #-prune to avoid descending in the directories, the exit status of find is useless here, we check the output if [ "$(find "$f" -prune -newer "$newest")" ]; then newest=$f fi done
Example: how to remove all but the most recent directory. (Note, the modification time on a directory is the time of the most recent operation which changes that directory -- meaning the last file creation, file deletion, or file rename.)
$ cat clean-old dirs=(enginecrap/*/) newest=${dirs[0]} for d in "${dirs[@]}" do if [[ $d -nt $newest ]] then newest=$d fi done for z in "${dirs[@]}" do if [[ "$z" != "$newest" ]] then rm -rf "$z" fi done $ for x in 20101022 20101023 200101025 20101107 20101109; do mkdir enginecrap/"$x";done $ ls enginecrap/ 200101025 20101022 20101023 20101107 20101109 $ ./clean-old $ ls enginecrap/ 20101109
103. How do I do string manipulations in bash?
Bash can do string operations. LOTS of string operations. This is an introduction to bash string manipulations and related techniques. It overlaps with the Parameter Expansion question, but the information here is presented in a more beginner-friendly manner (we hope).
103.1. Parameter expansion syntax
A parameter in bash is a term that covers both variables (storage places with names, that you can read and write by using their name) and special parameters (things you can only read from, not write to). For example, if we have a variable named fruit we can assign the value apple to it by writing:
And we can read that value back by using a parameter expansion:
Note, however, that $fruit is an expression -- a noun, not a verb -- and so normally we need to put it in some sort of command. Also, the results of an unquoted parameter expansion will be split into multiple words and expanded into filenames, which we generally don't want. So, we should always quote our parameter expansions unless we're dealing with a special case.
So, to see the value of a parameter (such as a variable):
echo "$fruit" # more generally, printf "%s\n" "$fruit" # but we'll keep it simple for now
Or, we can use these expansions as part of a larger expression:
echo "I like to eat $fruit"
If we want to put an s on the end of our variable's content, we run into a dilemma:
echo "I like to eat $fruits"
This command tries to expand a variable named fruits, rather than a variable named fruit. We need to tell the shell that we have a variable name followed by a bunch of other letters that are not part of the variable name. We can do that like this:
echo "I like to eat ${fruit}s"
And while we're inside the curly braces, we also have the opportunity to manipulate the variable's content in various exciting and occasionally even useful ways, which we're about to describe.
It should be pointed out that these tricks only work on parameter expansions. You can't operate on a constant string (or a command substitution, etc.) using them, because the syntax requires a parameter name inside the curly braces. (You can, of course, stick your constant string or command substitution into a temporary variable and then use that.)
103.2. Length of a string
This one's easy, so we'll get it out of the way first.
echo "The string <$var> is ${#var} characters long."
Note that since bash 3.0, it's indeed characters as opposed to bytes which is a significant difference in multi-byte locales. If you need the number of bytes, you need to issue LC_ALL=C before expanding ${#var}.
103.3. Checking for substrings
This overlaps FAQ #41 but we'll repeat it here. To check for a (known, static) substring and act upon its presence or absence, just do this:
if [[ $var = *substring* ]]; then echo "<$var> contains <substring>" else echo "<$var> does not contain <substring>" fi
If the substring you want to look for is in a variable, and you want to prevent it from being treated as a glob, you can quote that part:
if [[ $var = *"$substring"* ]]; then # substring will be treated as a literal string, even if it contains glob chars
If you want it to be treated as a glob pattern, remove the quotes:
if [[ $var = *$substring* ]]; then # substring will be treated as a glob
There is also a RegularExpression capability, involving the =~ operator. For compatibility with all versions of Bash from 3.0 up, be sure to put the regular expression into a variable -- don't put it directly into the [[ command. And don't quote it, either -- or else it will be treated as a literal string.
my_re='^fo+.*bar' if [[ $var =~ $my_re ]]; then # my_re will be treated as an Extended Regular Expression (ERE)
103.4. Substituting part of a string
A common need is to replace some part of a string with something else. (Let's call the old and new parts "words" for now.) If we know what the old word is, and what the new word should be, but not necessarily where in the string it appears, then we can do this:
$ var="She favors the bold. That's cold." $ echo "${var/old/new}" She favors the bnew. That's cold.
That replaces just the first occurrence of the word old. If we want to replace all occurrence of the word, we double up the first slash:
$ var="She favors the bold. That's cold." $ echo "${var//old/new}" She favors the bnew. That's cnew.
We may not know the exact word we want to replace. If we can express the kind of word we're looking for with a glob pattern, then we're still in good shape:
$ var="She favors the bold. That's cold." $ echo "${var//b??d/mold}" She favors the mold. That's cold.
We can also anchor the word we're looking for to either the start or end of the string. In other words, we can tell bash that it should only perform the substitution if it finds the word at the start, or at the end, of the string, rather than somewhere in the middle.
$ var="She favors the bold. That's cold." $ echo "${var/#bold/mold}" She favors the bold. That's cold. $ echo "${var/#She/He}" He favors the bold. That's cold. $ echo "${var/%cold/awful}" She favors the bold. That's cold. $ echo "${var/%cold?/awful}" She favors the bold. That's awful
Note that nothing happened in the first command, because bold did not appear at the beginning of the string; and also in the third command, because cold did not appear at the end of the string. The # anchors the pattern (plain word or glob) to the beginning, and the % anchors it to the end. In the fourth command, the pattern cold? matches the word cold. (including the period) at the end of the string.
103.5. Removing part of a string
We can use the ${var/old/} or ${var//old/} syntax to replace a word with nothing if we want. That's one way to remove part of a string. But there are some other ways that come in handy more often than you might guess.
The first involves removing something from the beginning of a string. Again, the part we're going to remove might be a constant string that we know in advance, or it might be something we have to describe with a glob pattern.
$ var="/usr/local/bin/tcpserver" $ echo "${var##*/}" tcpserver
The ## means "remove the largest possible matching string from the beginning of the variable's contents". The */ is the pattern that we want to match -- any number of characters ending with a (literal) forward slash. The result is essentially the same as the basename command, with one notable exception: If the string ends with a slash (or several), basename would return the name of the last path element, while the above would return an empty string. Use with caution.
If we only use one # then we remove the shortest possible matching string. This is less commonly needed, so we'll skip the example for now and give a really cool one later.
As you might have guessed, we can also remove a string from the end of our variable's contents. For example, to mimic the dirname command, we remove everything starting at the last slash:
$ var="/usr/local/bin/tcpserver" $ echo "${var%/*}" /usr/local/bin
The % means "remove the shortest possible match from the end of the variable's contents", and /* is a glob that begins with a literal slash character, followed by any number of characters. Since we require the shortest match, bash isn't allowed to match /bin/tcpserver or anything else that contains multiple slashes. It has to remove /tcpserver only.
Likewise, %% means "remove the longest possible match from the end of the variable's contents".
Now let's try something harder: what if we wanted a sort of double basename -- the last two parts of a pathname, instead of just the last part?
$ var=/home/someuser/projects/q/quark $ tmp=${var%/*/*} $ echo "${var#"$tmp/"}" q/quark
This is a bit trickier. Here's how it works:
Look for the shortest possible string matching /*/* at the end of the pathname. In this case, it would match /q/quark.
Remove that from the end of the original string. The result of this is the thing we don't want. We store this in tmp.
Remove the thing we don't want (plus an extra /) from the original variable.
- We're left with the last two parts of the pathname.
It's also worth pointing out that, as we just demonstrated, the pattern to be removed (after # or % or ## or %%) doesn't have to be a constant -- it can be another substitution. This isn't the most common case in real life, but it's sometimes handy.
103.6. Extracting parts of strings
We can combine the # and % operations to produce some interesting results, too. For example, we might know that our variable contains something in square brackets, somewhere, with an unknown amount of "garbage" on both sides. We can use this to extract the part we want:
$ var='garbage in [42] garbage out' $ tmp=${var##*[} $ echo "${tmp%%]*}" 42
Note that we used a temporary variable to hold the results of one parameter expansion, and then fed that result to the second one. We can't do two parameter expansions to the same variable at once (the syntax simply doesn't permit it).
If the delimiter is the same both times (for instance, double quotes) then we need to be a bit more careful:
$ var='garbage in "42" garbage out' $ tmp=${var#*\"} $ echo "${tmp%\"*}" 42
Sometimes, however, we don't have useful delimiters. If we know that the good part resides in a certain set of columns, we can extract it that way. We can use range notation to extract a substring by specifying starting position and length:
var='CONFIG .SYS' left=${var:0:8} right=${var:(-3)}
Here, the input is an MS-DOS "8.3" filename, space-padded to its full length. If for some reason we need to separate into its two parts, we have several possible ways to go about it. We could split the name into fields at the dot (we'll show that approach later). Or we could use ${var#*.} to get the "extension" (the part after the dot) and ${var%.*} to get the left-hand part. Or we could count the columns, as we showed here.
In the ${var:0:8} example, the 0 is the starting position (0 is the first column) and 8 is the length of the piece we want. If we omit the length, or if the length is greater than the rest of the string, then we get the rest of the string as output. In the ${var:(-3)} example, we omitted the length. We specified a starting position of -3 (negative three), which means three from the end. We have to use parentheses or a space between the : and the negative number to avoid a syntactic inconvenience (we'll discuss that later). We could also have used ${var:8} to get the rest of the string starting at column number 8 (which is the ninth column) in this case, since we know the length is constant; but in many cases, we might not know the length in advance, and specifying a negative starting position lets us avoid some unnecessary work.
Column-counting is an even stronger technique when there is no delimiter at all between the pieces we want:
var='CONFIG SYS' left=${var:0:8} right=${var:8}
We can't use ${var#*.} or similar techniques here!
103.7. Splitting a string into fields
Sometimes your input might naturally consist of various fields with some sort of delimiter between them. In these cases, a natural approach to handling the input is to divide it into its component fields, so that each one can be handled on its own.
If the delimiter is a single character (or one character of a set -- so long as it's never more than one) then bash offers several viable approaches. The first is to read the input directly into an array (assuming the variable doesn't contain newline characters):
var= IFS=. read -r -a octets <<< "$var"
We're no longer in the realm of parameter expansion here at all. We've combined several features at once:
The IFS variable tells the read command what field delimiters to use. In this case, we only want to use the dot. If we had specified more than one character, then it would have meant any one of those characters would qualify as a delimiter.
The notation var=value command means we set the variable only for the duration of this single command. The IFS variable goes back to whatever it was before, once read is finished.
read puts its results into an array named octets.
<<< "$var" means we use the contents of var as standard input to the read command.
After this command, the result is an array named octets whose first element (element 0) is 192, and whose second element (element 1) is 168, and so on. If we want a fixed set of variables instead of an array, we can do that as well:
IFS=, read lastname firstname rest <<< "$name"
We can also "skip" fields we don't want by assigning them to a variable we don't care about such as x or junk; or to _ which is overwritten by each command:
while IFS=: read user x uid gid x home shell; do ... done < /etc/passwd
(for portability, it's best to avoid _ as it's a read-only variable in some shells)
Another approach to the same sort of problem involves the intentional use of WordSplitting to retrieve fields one at a time. This is not any more powerful than the array approach we just saw, but it does have two advantages:
It works in sh as well as bash.
- It's a bit simpler.
var=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin found=no set -f IFS=: for dir in $var do if test -x "$dir"/foo; then found=yes; fi done set +f; unset IFS
This example is similar to one on FAQ 81. Bash offers better ways to determine whether a command exists in your PATH, but this illustrates the concept quite clearly. Points of note:
set -f disables glob expansion. You should always disable globs when using unquoted parameter expansion, unless you specifically want to allow globs in the parameter's contents.
We use set +f and unset IFS at the end of the code to return the shell to a default state. However, this is not necessarily the state the shell was in when the code started. Returning the shell to its previous (possibly non-default) state is more trouble than it's worth in most cases, so we won't discuss it in depth here.
Again, IFS contains a list of field delimiters. We want to split our parameter at each colon.
If your field delimiter is a multi-character string, then unfortunately bash does not offer any simple ways to deal with that. Your best bet is to handle the task in awk instead.
$ cat inputfile apple::0.75::21 banana::0.50::43 cherry::0.15::107 date::0.30::20 $ awk -F '::' '{print $1 " qty " $3 " @" $2 " = " $2*$3; total+=$2*$3} END {print "Total: " total}' inputfile apple qty 21 @0.75 = 15.75 banana qty 43 @0.50 = 21.5 cherry qty 107 @0.15 = 16.05 date qty 20 @0.30 = 6 Total: 59.3
awk's -F allows us to specify a field delimiter of any length. awk also allows floating point arithmetic, associative arrays, and a wide variety of other features that many shells lack.
103.8. Joining fields together
The simplest way to concatenate values is to use them together, with nothing in between:
echo "$foo$bar"
If we have an array instead of a fixed set of variables, then we can print the array with a single character (or nothing) between fields using IFS:
$ array=(1 2 3) $ (IFS=/; echo "${array[*]}") 1/2/3
Notable points here:
We can't use IFS=/ echo ... because of how the parser works.
Therefore, we have to set IFS first, in a separate command. This would make the assignment persist for the rest of the shell. Since we don't want that, and because we aren't assigning to any variables that we need to keep, we use an explicit SubShell (using parentheses) to set up an environment where the change to IFS is not persistent.
If IFS is not set, we get a space between elements. If it's set to the empty string, there is nothing between elements.
- The delimiter is not printed after the final element.
- If we wanted more than one character between fields, we would have to use a different approach; see below.
A more general approach to "joining" an array involves iterating through the fields, either explicitly (using a for loop) or implicitly (using printf). We'll start with a for loop. This example joins the elements of an array with :: between elements, producing the joined string on stdout:
array=(1 2 3) first=1 for element in "${array[@]}"; do if ((! first)); then printf "::"; fi printf "%s" "$element" first=0 done echo
This example uses the implicit looping of printf to print all the script's arguments, with angle brackets around each one:
printf "$# args:"
printf " <%s>" "$@"
A named array can also be used in place of @ (e.g. "${array[@]}" expands to all the elements of array).
If we wanted to join the strings into another variable, instead of dumping them out, then we have a few choices:
A string can be built up a piece at a time using var="$var$newthing" (portable) or var+=$newthing (bash 3.1). For example,
output=$1; shift while (($#)); do output+="::$1"; shift; done
If the joining can be done with a single printf command, it can be assigned to a variable using printf -v var FORMAT FIELDS... (bash 3.1). For example,
printf -v output "%s::" "$@" output=${output%::} # Strip extraneous delimiter from end of string.
If the joining requires multiple commands, and a piecemeal string build-up isn't desirable, CommandSubstitution can be used to assign a function's output: var=$(myjoinfunction). It can also be used with a chunk of commands:
var=$( command command )
The disadvantage of command substitution is that it discards all trailing newlines. See the CommandSubstitution page for a workaround.
103.9. Default or alternate values
The oldest parameter expansion features of all (every Bourne-family shell has the basic form of these) involve the use or assignment of default values when a parameter is not set. These are fairly straightforward:
"${EDITOR-vi}" "$filename"
If the EDITOR variable isn't set, use vi instead. There's a variant of this:
"${EDITOR:-vi}" "$filename"
This one uses vi if the EDITOR variable is unset or empty. Previously, we mentioned a syntactic infelicity that required parentheses or whitespace to work around:
var='a bunch of junk089' value=${var:(-3)}
If we were to use ${var:-3} here, it would be interpreted as use 3 as the default if var is not set because the latter syntax has been in use longer than bash has existed. Hence the need for a workaround.
We can also assign a default value to a variable if it's not already set:
: "${PATH=/usr/bin:/bin}" : "${PATH:=/usr/bin:/bin}"
In the first one, if PATH is set, nothing happens. If it's not set, then it is assigned the value /usr/bin:/bin. In the second one, the assignment also happens if PATH is set to an empty value. Since ${...} is an expression and not a command, it has to be used in a command. Traditionally, the : command (which does nothing, and is a builtin command even in the most ancient shells) is used for this purpose.
Finally, we have this expression:
This one means use foo if the variable is set; otherwise, use nothing. It's an extremely primitive conditional check, and it has three main uses:
The expression ${1+"$@"} is used to work around broken behavior of "$@" in old or buggy shells when writing a WrapperScript.
A test such as if test "${var+defined}" can be used to determine whether a variable is set.
One may conditionally pass optional arguments like: cmd ${opt_x+-x "$opt_x"} ...
It's almost never used outside of those three contexts.
103.10. See Also
Parameter expansion (terse version, with handy tables).
104. Common utility functions (warn, die)
(If you were looking for option processing, see BashFAQ/035.) The following functions are frequently asked for in #bash, so we hope you find them useful.
## # warn: Print a message to stderr. # Usage: warn "format" ["arguments"...] # warn() { local fmt="$1" shift printf "script_name: $fmt\n" "$@" >&2 } ### ### The following three "die" functions ### depend on the above "warn" function. ### ## # die (simple version): Print a message to stderr # and exit with the exit status of the most recent # command. # Usage: some_command || die "message" ["arguments"...] # die () { local st="$?" warn "$@" exit "$st" } ## # die (explicit status version): Print a message to # stderr and exit with the exit status given. # Usage: if blah; then die status_code "message" ["arguments"...]; fi # die() { local st="$1" shift warn "$@" exit "$st" } ## # die (optional status version): Print a message to # stderr and exit with either the given status or # that of the most recent command. # Usage: some_command || die [status code] "message" ["arguments"...] # die() { local st="$?" if [[ "$1" != *[^0-9]* ]]; then st="$1" shift fi warn "$@" exit "$st" }
## # warn: Print a message to stderr. # Usage: warn "message" # warn() { printf '%s\n' "$@" >&2 } ## # die (optional status version): Print a message to # stderr and exit with either the given status or # that of the most recent command. # Usage: some_command || die "message" [status code] # some_command && die "message" [status code] die() { local st=$? case $2 in *[^0-9]*|'') :;; *) st=$2;; esac warn "$1" exit "$st" }
105. How to get the difference between two dates
It's best if you work with timestamps throughout your code, and then only convert timestamps to human-readable formats for output. If you must handle human-readable dates as input, then you will need something that can parse them.
Using GNU date, for example:
# get the seconds passed since Jan 1, 2010 (local-time) then=$(date -d "2014-10-25 00:00:00" +%s) now=$(date +%s) echo $(($now - $then)) # To avoid "Daylight Saving Time" aka "Daylight Savings Time", "DST" or "Summer Time" # and/or Local time adjustments, # is better to use UTC time: then=$(date -u -d "2014-10-25 00:00:00" +%s) now=$(date -u +%s) echo $(($now - $then))
To print a duration as a human-readable value (within 365 days - 1 year) use date capacity to add and subtract time :
date -u -d "2014-01-01 $now sec - $then sec" +"%j days %T"
Or, a little more explicit:
date -u -d "2014-01-01 $now sec - $then sec" +"%j days %H hours %M minutes and %S seconds"
To print a duration that is longer than a year, you'll have to do some external additional math.
The concept could be extended to nanoseconds, as this:
then=$(date -u -d "2014-10-25 00:00:00" +"%s.%N") now=$(date -u +"%s.%N") date -u -d "2014-01-01 $now sec - $then sec" +"%j days %T.%N" # will print: 046 days 21:03:50.296901858
To convert the timestamp back to a human-readable date, using recent GNU date:
date -d "@$now"
(See FAQ #70 for more about converting Unix timestamps into human-readable dates.)
106. How do I check whether my file was modified in a certain month or date range?
Doing date-related math in Bash is hard because Bash has no builtins in place for doing math with dates or getting metadata such as modification time from files.
There is the stat(1) but it is highly unportable; even across different GNU operating systems. While most machines have a stat, they all take different arguments and syntax. So, if the script must be portable, you should not rely on stat(1). There is an example loadable builtin called finfo that can retrieve file metadata, but it's not available by default either.
What we do have are test (or [[) which can check whether a file was modified before or after another file (using -nt or -ot) and touch which can create files with a specified modification time. Combining these, we can do quite a bit.
For example, a function to test whether a file was modified in a certain date range:
inTime() { set -- "$1" "$2" "${3:-1}" "${4:-1}" "$5" "$6" # Default month & day to 1. local file=$1 ftmp="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/.f.$$" ttmp="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/.t.$$" local fyear=${2%-*} fmonth=${3%-*} fday=${4%-*} fhour=${5%-*} fminute=${6%-*} local tyear=${2#*-} tmonth=${3#*-} tday=${4#*-} thour=${5#*-} tminute=${6#*-} touch -t "$(printf '%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' "$fyear" "$fmonth" "$fday" "$fhour" "$fminute")" "$ftmp" touch -t "$(printf '%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d' "$tyear" "$tmonth" "$tday" "$thour" "$tminute")" "$ttmp" (trap 'rm "$ftmp" "$ttmp"' RETURN; [[ $file -nt $ftmp && $file -ot $ttmp ]]) }
Using this function, we can check whether a file was modified in a certain date range. The function takes several arguments: A filename, a year-range, a month-range, a day-range, an hour-range, and a minute-range. Any range may also be a single number in which case the beginning and end of the range will be the same. If any range is unspecified or omitted, it defaults to 0 (or 1 in the case of month/day).
Here's a usage example:
$ touch -t 198404041300 file $ inTime file 1984 04-05 && echo "file was last modified in April of 1984" file was last modified in April of 1984 $ inTime file 2010 01-02 || echo "file was not last modified in January 2010" file was not last modified in Januari 2010 $ inTime file 1945-2010 && echo "file was last modified after The War" file was last modified after The War
107. Why doesn't foo=bar echo "$foo" print bar?
This is subtle, and has to do with the exact order in which the BashParser performs each step.
Many people, when they first learn about var=value command and how it temporarily sets a variable for the duration of a command, eventually work up an example like this one and become confused why it doesn't do what they expect.
As an illustration:
$ unset foo $ foo=bar echo "$foo" $ echo "$foo" $ foo=bar; echo "$foo" bar
The reason the first one prints a blank line is because of the order of these steps:
The parameter expansion of $foo is done first. An empty string is substituted for the quoted expression.
After that, Bash sets up a temporary environment and puts foo=bar in it.
The echo command is run, with an empty string as an argument, and foo=bar in its environment. But since echo doesn't care about environment variables, it ignores that.
This version works as we expect:
$ unset -v foo $ foo=bar bash -c 'echo "$foo"' bar
In this case, the following steps are performed:
A temporary environment is set up with foo=bar in it.
bash is invoked within that environment, and given -c and echo "$foo" as its two arguments.
The child Bash process expands the $foo using the value from the environment and hands that value to echo.
It's not entirely clear, in all cases, why people ask us this question. Mostly they seem to be curious about the behavior, rather than trying to solve a specific problem; so I won't try to give any examples of "the right way to do things like this", since there's no real problem to solve.
There are some special cases in Bash where understanding this can be useful. Take the following example:
arr=('Var 1' 'Var 2' 'Var 3' 'Var 4') # join each array element with a ";" # Traditional solution: set IFS, then unset it afterward IFS=\; joinedVariable="${arr[*]}" unset -v IFS # Alternative solution: temporarily set IFS for the duration of eval. Double-quotes work around a Bash bug in versions < 4.3.0 IFS=\; command eval 'JoinedVariable="${arr[*]}"'
Here, the eval alternative is simpler and more elegant (In your opinion! -- GreyCat). Appropriate care must be taken to ensure safety when using eval. The command prefix is required for all shells other than Bash plus Bash POSIX mode (see This won't work in recent versions of zsh due to an apparent regression (documented behavior broken for setopt POSIX_BUILTINS), or busybox due to a bug in that environment assignments fail to propagate in this case. (feel free to file bugs if anybody cares enough.)
108. Why doesn't set -e (or set -o errexit, or trap ERR) do what I expected?
set -e was an attempt to add "automatic error detection" to the shell. Its goal was to cause the shell to abort any time an error occurred, so you don't have to put || exit 1 after each important command.
That goal is non-trivial, because many commands intentionally return non-zero. For example,
if [ -d /foo ]; then ...; else ...; fi
Clearly we don't want to abort when the conditional, [ -d /foo ], returns non-zero (because the directory does not exist) -- our script wants to handle that in the else part. So the implementors decided to make a bunch of special rules, like "commands that are part of an if test are immune", or "commands in a pipeline, other than the last one, are immune".
These rules are extremely convoluted, and they still fail to catch even some remarkably simple cases. Even worse, the rules change from one Bash version to another, as Bash attempts to track the extremely slippery POSIX definition of this "feature". When a SubShell is involved, it gets worse still -- the behavior changes depending on whether Bash is invoked in POSIX mode. Another wiki has a page that covers this in more detail. Be sure to check the caveats.
Exercise for the reader: why doesn't this example print anything?
Exercise 2: why does this one sometimes appear to work? In which versions of bash does it work, and in which versions does it fail?
Exercise 3: why aren't these two scripts identical?
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 set -e
3 test -d nosuchdir && echo no dir
4 echo survived
Exercise 4: why aren't these two scripts identical?
1 set -e
2 f() { test -d nosuchdir && echo no dir; }
3 f
4 echo survived
1 set -e
2 f() { if test -d nosuchdir; then echo no dir; fi; }
3 f
4 echo survived
Exercise 5: under what conditions will this fail?
1 set -e
2 read -r foo < configfile
Even if you use expr(1) (which we do not recommend -- use arithmetic expressions instead), you still run into the same problem:
1 set -e
2 foo=$(expr 1 - 1)
3 # The following command will not be executed:
4 echo survived
Another pitfall associated with set -e occurs when you use commands that look like assignments but aren't, such as export, declare, typeset or local.
In function f, the exit status of somecommand is discarded. It won't trigger the set -e because the exit status of local masks it (the assignment to the variable succeeds, so local returns status 0). In function g, the set -e is triggered because it uses a real assignment which returns the exit status of somecommand.
GreyCat's personal recommendation is simple: don't use set -e. Add your own error checking instead.
rking's personal recommendation is to go ahead and use set -e, but beware of possible gotchas. It has useful semantics, so to exclude it from the toolbox is to give into FUD.
The correct answer to every exercise is actually "because set -e is crap".
However, some people want more detailed explanations. So, here you go:
Exercise 1: why doesn't this example print anything?
According to the manual, set -e exits "if a simple command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above) exits with a non-zero status. The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in a if statement, part of an && or || list, or if the command's return value is being inverted via !".
The let command is a simple command, and it doesn't qualify for any of the exceptions in the above list. Moreover, help let tells us "If the last ARG evaluates to 0, let returns 1; 0 is returned otherwise." i++ evaluates to 0, so let i++ returns 1 and trips the set -e. The script aborts. Because we added 1 to a variable.
Exercise 2: why does this one sometimes appear to work? In which versions of bash does it work, and in which versions does it fail?
((...)) does not qualify as a simple command according to the shell grammar. So it is not eligible to trigger a set -e abort, even though it still returns 1 in this particular instance (because i++ evaluates to 0 while setting i to 1, and because 0 is considered false in a math context).
However, this behavior changed in bash 4.1. Exercise 2 works only in bash 4.0 and earlier! In bash 4.1, ((...)) qualifies for set -e abortion, and this exercise will print nothing, the same as Exercise 1.
This reinforces my point about how unreliable set -e is. You can't even count on it to behave consistently across point-releases of a shell.
Exercise 3: why aren't these two scripts identical?
1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 set -e
3 test -d nosuchdir && echo no dir
4 echo survived
In the first script, the test command is "part of any command executed in a && or || list except the command following the final && or ||" (Bash 4.2 man page), so it does not cause the shell to exit.
In the second script, that is also true, so the shell does not exit immediately after the test ...&& command. However, the function f returns 1 (failure) because that was the exit status of the last command executed in the function. The simple command f in the main body of the script therefore returns 1 (failure), which causes the shell to exit.
Exercise 4: why aren't these two scripts identical?
1 set -e
2 f() { test -d nosuchdir && echo no dir; }
3 f
4 echo survived
1 set -e
2 f() { if test -d nosuchdir; then echo no dir; fi; }
3 f
4 echo survived
The first script above is the same as the second script from exercise 3. See previous answer for an explanation of that one.
In the second script, we observe one of the ways in which if and && are not the same. In the manual, under Compound Commands, we find this sentence in the definition of if:
- The exit status is the exit status of the last command executed, or zero if no condition tested true.
Since the test is not true, and no commands are executed, if must return 0. This means f returns 0, and the shell does not exit.
Exercise 5: under what conditions will this fail?
1 set -e
2 read -r foo < configfile
Obviously, this will abort if configfile is missing or unreadable. It will also abort (probably unexpectedly) if the file is missing a terminating newline. This happens because read returns a failure code when it reaches end of file before reading the expected newline. However, the file's contents are still read, and the variable is still populated. Without the set -e, the script would populate the variable correctly and move on, and the fact that the file is "incomplete" wouldn't be an issue.
109. I want to tee my stdout to a log file from inside the script. And maybe stderr too.
This requires some tricky file descriptor manipulation, and either a named pipe or Bash's ProcessSubstitution. We're going to focus on the Bash syntax.
Let's start with the simplest case: I want to tee my stdout to a logfile, as well as to the screen.
This means we want two copies of everything that gets sent to stdout -- one copy for the screen (or wherever stdout was pointing when the script started), and one for the logfile. The tee program is used for this:
# Bash exec > >(tee mylog)
The process substitution syntax creates a named pipe (or something analogous) and runs the tee program in the background, reading from that pipe. tee makes two copies of everything it reads -- one for the mylog file (which it opens), and one for stdout, which was inherited from the script. Finally, exec redirects the shell's stdout to the pipe.
Because there is a background job that has to read and process all our output before we see it, this introduces some asynchronous delay. Consider a case like this:
# Bash exec > >(tee mylog) echo "A" >&2 cat file echo "B" >&2
The lines A and B that are written to stderr don't go through the tee process - they are sent directly to stderr. However, the file that we get from cat is sent through our pipe and tee before we see it. If we run this script in a terminal, without any redirections, we're likely (not guaranteed!) to see something like this:
~$ ./foo A B ~$ hi mom
There is really no way to avoid this. We could slow down stderr in a similar fashion, hoping to get lucky, but there's no guarantee that all the lines will be delayed equally.
Also, notice that the contents of the file were printed after the next shell prompt. Some people find this disturbing. Again, there's no clean way to avoid that, since the tee is done in a background process, but not one that's under our control. Even adding a wait command to the script has no effect. Some people add a sleep 1 to the end of the script, to give the background tee a chance to finish. This works (generally), but some people find it more offensive than the original problem.
If we avoid the Bash syntax, and set up our own named pipe and background process, then we do get control:
# Bash mkdir -p ~/tmp || exit 1 trap 'rm -f ~/tmp/pipe$$; exit' EXIT mkfifo ~/tmp/pipe$$ tee mylog < ~/tmp/pipe$$ & pid=$! exec > ~/tmp/pipe$$ echo A >&2 cat bar echo B >&2 exec >&- wait $pid
There's still a desynchronization between stdout and stderr, but at least it no longer writes to the terminal after the script has exited:
~$ ./foo A B hi mom ~$
This leads to the next variant of this question -- I want to log both stdout and stderr together, keeping the lines in sync.
This one is relatively easy, as long as we don't care about destroying the separation between stdout and stderr on the terminal. We just duplicate one of the file descriptors:
# Bash exec > >(tee mylog) 2>&1 echo A >&2 cat file echo B >&2
In fact, that's even easier than the original question. Everything is synchronized correctly, both on the terminal and in the log file:
~$ ./foo A hi mom B ~$ cat mylog A hi mom B ~$
There is still a chance of part of the output coming after the next shell prompt, though:
~$ ./foo A hi mom ~$ B
(This can be solved with the same named pipe and background process solution we showed before.)
The third variant of this question is also relatively simple: I want to log stdout to one file, and stderr to another file. This is simple because we don't have the additional restriction that we must maintain synchronization of the two streams on the terminal. We just set up the log writers:
exec > >(tee mylog.stdout) 2> >(tee mylog.stderr >&2) echo A >&2 cat bar echo B >&2
And now our streams are logged separately. Since the logs are separate, there's no concern about the order in which the lines are written between them. However, on the terminal, we will get mixed results:
~$ ./foo A hi mom B ~$ ./foo hi mom A B ~$
But some people won't accept either the loss of separation between stdout and stderr, or the desynchronization of lines. They are purists, and so they ask for the most difficult form of all -- I want to log stdout and stderr together into a single file, BUT I also want them to maintain their original, separate destinations.
In order to do this, we first have to make a few notes:
- If there are going to be two separate stdout and stderr streams, then some process has to write each of them.
There is no way to write a process in shell script that reads from two separate FDs whenever one of them has input available, because the shell has no poll(2) or select(2) interface.
Therefore, we'll need two separate writer processes.
The only way to keep output from two separate writers from destroying each other is to make sure they both open their output in append mode. A FD that is opened in append mode has the guaranteed property that every time data is written to it, it will jump to the end first.
# Bash > mylog exec > >(tee -a mylog) 2> >(tee -a mylog >&2) echo A >&2 cat file echo B >&2
This ensures that the log file is correct. It does not guarantee that the writers finish before the next shell prompt:
~$ ./foo A hi mom B ~$ cat mylog A hi mom B ~$ ./foo A hi mom ~$ B
We could use the same named-pipe-plus-wait trick we did before (left as an exercise for the reader).
This leaves the question of whether the lines which appear on the terminal are guaranteed to appear in the correct order. At this point: I simply don't know.
110. How do I add a timestamp to every line of a stream?
There are numerous ways to do this, but all of them are either limited by the available tools, or slow. We'll show a few examples.
Let's start with the slow, portable way first and get it over with:
# POSIX while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$(date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S) $line" done
And another one that's even slower:
awk '{system("printf \"`date +%T ` \">&2")}$0'
And a third one, which is slightly faster, but which may mangle some of the input lines:
xargs -I@ -n1 date "+%T @"
The obvious disadvantage to all of the above examples is that we are executing the external date command for every line of input. If we only get a line every couple seconds, that may be acceptable. But if we're trying to timestamp a stream that gets dozens of lines per second, we may not even be able to keep up with the writer.
There are various ways to do it without forking for every line, but they all require nonstandard tools or specific shells. Bash 4.2 can do it with printf:
# Bash 4.2 while read -r; do printf "%(%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S)T %s\n" -1 "$REPLY" done
The %(...)T format specifier is new in bash 4.2. The argument of -1 tells it to use the current time, rather than a time passed as an argument. See the man page for details.
Another way is to write a perl one-liner:
perl -p -e '@l=localtime; printf "%04d%02d%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d ", 1900+$l[5], $l[4], $l[3], $l[2], $l[1], $l[0]'
I'm sure someone will come up with a 7-byte alternative that does the same thing using some magic perl syntax I've never seen before and can't understand....
There are other tools available specifically for timestamping logfiles and the like. One of them is multilog from daemontools; but its timestamping format is TAI64N which is not human-readable. Another is ts from the moreutils package.
111. How do I wait for several spawned processes?
There are numerous ways to do this, but all of them are either limited by the available tools. I have come up with the following solutions.
If you want to wait for all your children, simply call wait with no arguments.
If you just want to wait for some, but not all, and don't care about their exit status, you can call wait with multiple PIDs:
wait $pid1 $pid2
If you need to know whether the children succeeded or failed, then perhaps:
waitall() { # PID... ## Wait for children to exit and indicate whether all exited with 0 status. local errors=0 while :; do debug "Processes remaining: $*" for pid in "$@"; do shift if kill -0 "$pid" 2>/dev/null; then debug "$pid is still alive." set -- "$@" "$pid" elif wait "$pid"; then debug "$pid exited with zero exit status." else debug "$pid exited with non-zero exit status." ((++errors)) fi done (("$#" > 0)) || break # TODO: how to interrupt this sleep when a child terminates? sleep ${WAITALL_DELAY:-1} done ((errors == 0)) } debug() { echo "DEBUG: $*" >&2; } pids="" for t in 3 5 4; do sleep "$t" & pids="$pids $!" done waitall $pids
Looping through kill -0 can be very inefficient.
More useful information might be found at Process Management page.
112. How can I tell whether my script was sourced (dotted in) or executed?
Usually when people ask this, it is because they are trying to detect user errors and provide a friendly message. There is one school of thought that says it's a bad idea to coddle Unix users in this way, and that if a Unix user really wants to execute your script instead of sourcing it, you shouldn't second-guess him or her. Setting that aside for now, we can rephrase the question to what's really being asked:
I want to give an error message and abort, if the user runs my script from an interactive shell, instead of sourcing it.
The key here, and the reason I've rephrased the question this way, is that you can't actually determine what the user typed, but you can determine whether the code is being interpreted by an interactive shell. You do that by checking for an i in the contents of $-:
# POSIX(?) case $- in *i*) : ;; *) echo "You should dot me in" >&2; exit 1;; esac
Or using non-POSIX syntax:
# Bash/Ksh if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then echo "You should dot me in" >&2; exit 1 fi
Of course, this doesn't work for tricky cases like "I want my file to be dotted in from a non-interactive script...". For those cases, see the first paragraph of this page.
More details/tests can be found here
113. How do I copy a file to a remote system, and specify a remote name which may contain spaces?
All of the common tools for copying files to a remote system (ssh, scp, rsync) send the filename as part of a shell command, which the remote system interprets. This makes the issue extremely complex, because the remote shell will often mangle the filename. There are at least three ways to deal with the problem: NFS, careful encoding of the filename, or submission of the filename as part of the data stream.
First let's look at what does not work:
# Will not work scp "my file" remote:"your file"
scp is basically a thin wrapper on top of ssh, which works by instructing the remote system's shell to open a file for writing. Since the filename is passed to the remote shell in the most naive way imaginable, the remote shell sees the space as an argument separator, and ends up creating a file named your.
Similar problems plague most of the "obvious" (but wrong) attempts to address the problem with other tools:
# Will not work ssh remote cat \> "your file" < "my file"
# Will not work rsync "my file" remote:"your file"
So, what works?
113.1. NFS
If you mount the remote host's file system onto your local host with NFS (or any other competent network file system sharing technology, including sshfs, or possibly even smbfs) then you can just perform a direct copy:
cp "my file" /remote/"your file"
113.2. Carefully encoding the remote name
Now, obviously if you know the remote name at the time you're writing the command, you can encode it in a way that you know the remote shell will be able to decipher. Usually this means adding one extra layer of quotes. For example, this works:
scp "my file" remote:"'your file'"
But in the general case, we won't know the exact remote filename at the time we're writing a script. It will be given to our script as an argument, or an environment variable, etc. In that case, we have to be clever enough to encode any possible filename.
The problem is further complicated by the fact that we don't necessarily know which shell the remote user is using. Just because you're using bash on your client workstation, that doesn't mean the remote system's sshd is going to spawn bash to parse your command. (And remember, scp sends a shell command over ssh, which some unknown remote shell is going to have to parse.) So, any solution we use must be as shell-agnostic as possible. That rules out bash's printf %q for example.
Given these constraints, the only remaining approach is to wrap single quotes around the entire filename. This means we also have to modify any existing single quotes that are already in the filename. So, our encoding goes like this:
q=\' dest="'${dest//$q/$q\\$q$q}'"
This gives us a modified dest which has literal single quotes at the start and end, and which has replaced all internal ' characters with '\''. When this is passed to a remote shell for parsing, the result is our original filename.
So, a full copy function would look something like this:
# copyto <sourcefile> <remotehost> <remotefile> copyto() { q=\' dest="'${3//$q/$q\\$q$q}'" scp "$1" "$2":"$dest" }
113.3. Sending the filename in the data stream
This approach is a bit less portable, because it requires that bash be installed on the remote host (though not necessarily as the remote user's login shell). It is a more generalized solution, because in theory any kind of data can be passed in the stream, as long as you can write a parser for it (but remember, you have to send the parser to the remote system for execution, so it needs to be simple).
In this example, we are going to send a data stream which has two things in it: a filename, and the file's contents. They will be separated by a NUL byte. We use bash to parse this stream on the remote system, because it is one of the very few shells that can parse NUL-delimited data streams.
# copyto <sourcefile> <remotehost> <remotefile> copyto() { { printf '%s\0' "$3"; cat < "$1"; } | ssh "$2" bash -c \''read -rd ""; cat > "$REPLY"'\' }
-- Winston Churchill
Our parser is the bash command read -rd ""; cat > "$REPLY". This reads the filename (terminated by NUL) into the shell variable REPLY, then calls cat to read the remainder of the stream. There are two quoting layers around the parser, because we need to quote it for our local shell and for the remote shell. So, we avoid all use of single quotes in the parser, use single quotes for the local layer, and escaped single quotes for the remote layer.
This version does not use scp, so it doesn't copy the file's permissions. If you want to do that, you could pass the permissions as another object in the data stream, parse it out, and call chmod. (There is no portable way to retrieve a local file's permissions, so that's actually the hardest part.)
114. What is the Shellshock vulnerability in Bash?
"Shellshock" refers to two remotely-exploitable vulnerabilities in Bash, discovered in September 2014. The first vulnerability exploits the mechanism that Bash used to export and import functions, and allowed arbitrary command execution. The second vulnerability exploits a parser bug and allowed local files to be created.
What these vulnerabilities have in common is that they are triggered by Bash scanning the environment, finding malicious data, and stumbling on it. Malicious data can be inserted into the environment by remote attackers in some system configurations, the most common of which is a web server with CGI capability. Most CGI setups pass along user-supplied data (e.g. HTTP user agent) through the environment.
There are official (i.e. issued by Chet Ramey) patches for Bash which fix the Shellshock vulnerabilities. These patches are available for all Bash versions from 2.05b through 4.3. There is also a third official patch which changes how Bash exports and imports functions through the environment. This third patch is believed to close any and all "tainted environment variable" attacks.
Many systems were never vulnerable to a remote attack, but it's safer to patch all systems anyway.
Other potential problems (parser bugs) were identified during the investigation, but are considered separate from the Shellshock bug. These bugs have no remote exploits (so far as we know). These bugs are currently being patched as well, albeit with less urgency.
Vulnerability Patches |
2014-09-24 |
2014-09-26 |
2014-09-27 |
2014-10-01 |
2014-10-02 |
114.1. Are my bash binaries fixed?
Your OS should have patched bash by now, but maybe you have multiple binaries installed (some by the OS, some by other means) and want to check that all of them are safe. You can copy/paste the following snippet into a terminal emulator running bash or some other posix compliant shell.
Replace /bin/bash and /usr/local/bin/bash with the paths to the bash binaries you have installed/want to test in the for-loop below.
for s in /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/bash ; do VAR='() { :;};x=FAIL' "$s" -c 'printf "%-20s CVE-2014-6271 %-4s (%s)\n" "$BASH_VERSION" "${x-OK}" "$0"' VAR='() {}>\' "$s" -c '/dev/null x=FAIL;printf "%-20s CVE-2014-7169 %-4s (%s)\n" "$BASH_VERSION" "${x-OK}" "$0"' done 2>/dev/null
The output will look something like this:
3.2.48(1)-release CVE-2014-6271 FAIL (/bin/bash) 3.2.48(1)-release CVE-2014-7169 FAIL (/bin/bash) 4.3.27(1)-release CVE-2014-6271 OK (/usr/local/bin/bash) 4.3.27(1)-release CVE-2014-7169 OK (/usr/local/bin/bash)
This shows that /usr/local/bin/bash is at version 4.3.27 and patched for both of the issues, while /bin/bash is at version 3.2.48 and fails both (meaning it is vulnerable).
A more comprehensive script called bashcheck is available. In addition to the two above mentioned vulnerabilities, it is able to test for a few others that have since been discovered. Note, however, that these additional vulnerabilities are distinct from Shellshock and are not currently known to be exploitable.
114.2. Further reading
After things stabilize a bit, this FAQ page should be updated with a better summary. For information about specific vulnerabilities related to Shellshock, you may find better results by searching for terms such as "CVE-2014-6271", "CVE-2014-7169", "CVE-2014-7186", or "CVE-2014-7187".
In the meantime, here are a few links that should help you get started:
Summary and timeline by David A. Wheeler, a security researcher working on Shellshock
"", an online tool for testing if a system is vulnerable
Search Google News for 'Shellshock bash', limited to the last 24 hours
Official US-CERT page on CVE-2014-6271, the first vulnerability in the series to be discovered
ZDNet: the latest patches do fix all known Shellshock issues
Summary article from RedHat on how to determine if a system is vulnerable
"Everything you need to know about the Shellshock Bash bug", by Troy Hunt
115. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using set -u (or set -o nounset)?
Bash (like all other Bourne shell derivatives) has a feature activated by the command set -u (or set -o nounset). When this feature is in effect, any command which attempts to expand an unset variable will cause a fatal error (the shell immediately exits, unless it is interactive).
This feature is rather controversial, and has many extremely vocal advocates and opponents. It is designed to catch typos (misspelled variable names). However, it also triggers on many false positives, unless scripts are rewritten explicitly with set -u in mind. It is not always safe to add to the top of a script.
115.1. Positives
Advocates of set -u say the following:
- If you write working scripts using set -u, the code works even when set +u is used. If you write scripts using set +u you are likely to write code that does not work when using set -u. Same goes for set -e, by the way.
- Do shells generally define what is the value of an unset variable (if set +u is used)? Even if they do, you can not rely a variable is unset, even if the variable has not been set in the script; it may be set in the environment.
- Noticing misspelled variables is harder without set -u. Not all code of a script is necessarily executed on each run, so how would you catch all of your misspelled variables in a single run? Besides, continuing a script after the unbound variable error might be pointless.
115.2. Negatives
Opponents of set -u say the following:
Turning this feature on breaks many scripts that do not even contain errors. There are some extremely common shell programming idioms that rely on the expansion of positional parameters (which may not be set). For example:
while [ "$1" ]; do case $1 in -h|-?) usage;; --) shift; break;; -*) usage "Invalid option $1";; *) break;; esac done
- A forced termination is a ridiculous way to handle a condition that isn't even always a real error. Why not simply print an error and move on, so you can catch all of your misspelled variables in a single run?
115.3. Rewriting scripts to deal with it
If you want to use set -u, you may have to rewrite portions of your script, to avoid having it trigger on false positives. For the most part, this involves identifying which parameter expansions should be "ignored", and protecting them with a construct such as this:
while [ "$1" ]; do ... # Triggers fatal error with -u while [ "${1-}" ]; do ... # Avoids fatal error with -u
From:, which contains some good discussion. (1)