Illustrated Bash Redirection Tutorial ===================================== Table of Contents ================= 1 Introduction 2 stdin, stdout, stderr 3 Simple Redirections 3.1 Output Redirection "n> file" 3.2 Input Output "n< file" 3.3 Pipes | 4 More On File Descriptors 4.1 Duplicating File Descriptor 2>&1 4.2 Order Of Redirection, ie "> file 2>&1" vs "2>&1 >file" 4.3 Why sed 's/foo/bar/' file >file Doesn't Work 4.4 exec 4.5 Closing The File Descriptors 5 An Example 6 Syntax 7 Conclusion 1 Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This tutorial is not a complete guide to redirection, it will not cover heredocs, here strings, named pipes etc...I just hope it’ll make you understand better what things like 3>&2, 2>&1 or 1>&3- do. stdin, stdout, stderr When Bash starts, normally, 3 file descriptors are opened, 0, 1 and 2 also known as standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr). For example, in Bash, in a terminal emulator, on Linux you’ll see: $ lsof -a -p $$ -d0,1,2 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME bash 24507 root 0u CHR 136,5 7 /dev/pts/5 bash 24507 root 1u CHR 136,5 7 /dev/pts/5 bash 24507 root 2u CHR 136,5 7 /dev/pts/5 This /dev/pts/5 pts is a pseudo terminal used to simulate a real terminal connected to the computer. Bash reads (stdin) from this terminal and prints via stdout and stderr to this terminal. --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ When a command, a compound command, a subshell etc... is executed, it inherits these file descriptors. For instance echo foo will send the text foo to the file descriptor 1 inherited from the shell, which is connected to /dev/pts/5. 3 Simple Redirections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.1 Output Redirection "n> file" ================================ > is probably the simplest redirection. echo foo > file The > file after the command alter the file descriptors of the command foo. It changes the file descriptor 1 (> file is the same as 1>file) so that it points to the file "file". They will look like: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ Now characters written by our command, echo, that are sent to the standard output ie the file descriptor 1, end up in the file named "file". In the same way command 2> file will change the standard error and will make it point to "file". Standard error is often use by applications to print... errors. What command 3> file will do? It will open a new file descriptor pointing to file. The command will then start with: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ new descriptor ( 3 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ What will the command do with this descriptor? It depends, often nothing. We will see later why we might want other file descriptors. 3.2 Input Output "n< file" ========================== I hope that the following will be obvious, when you run a command using command < file, it changes the file descriptor 0 so that the descriptors look like: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ If the command reads from stdin, it now will read from "file" and not from the terminal. As with >, < can be used to open a new file descriptor for reading, command 3 | /dev/pts/5 | ------> ( 0 ) ---->|pipe (read) | --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| pipe (write) | / ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts | --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/ | --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ This is possible because the redirections are set up by the shell, before the commands are executed and the commands inherit the file descriptors. 4 More On File Descriptors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.1 Duplicating File Descriptor 2>&1 ==================================== We have seen how to open (or redirect) file descriptors. Let us see how to duplicate them, starting with the classic 2>&1. 2>&1 means that something written on the file descriptor 2 will go where file descriptor 1 goes. 2>&1 is not a very interesting when use with a single simple command so we will use: ls /tmp/ doesnotexist 2>&1 | less ls /tmp/ doesnotexist 2>&1 | less --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | ------> ( 0 ) ---->|from the pipe | --- +--------------+ / ---> --- +--------------+ / / --- +--------------+ / / --- +--------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| to the pipe | / / ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts | --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ / --- +--------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| to the pipe | / ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/ | --- +--------------+ --- +--------------+ Why is it call duplicating? Because after 2>&1, we have 2 file descriptor pointing to the same file. Take care that this is not called “File Descriptor Aliasing”, if we redirect stdout after 2>&1 to a file B, filedescriptor 2 will still be opened on the file A where it was. This is often misunderstood by people wanting to redirect both standard input and standard output to the file. Continue reading for more on this. So if you have a file descriptor like: --- +-----------------------+ a descriptor ( n ) ---->| /some/file | --- +-----------------------+ Using a m>&n (where m is a number) you got a copy of this descriptor: --- +-----------------------+ a descriptor ( m ) ---->| /some/file | --- +-----------------------+ Note that the positions are also duplicated. If you have allready read a line of n, then after n<&m if you read a line from m, you will get the second line of the file. 4.2 Order Of Redirection, ie "> file 2>&1" vs "2>&1 >file" ========================================================== While it doesn’t matter where the redirections appear on the command line, their order does matter. They are setup from left to right. * 2>&1 >file A common error, is to use "command 2>&1 > file" to redirect both stderr and stdout to file. Let’s see what’s going on, first we type the command in our typical terminal, the descriptors look like this: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ Then our shell, bash, sees 2>&1 so it duplicates 1, and the file descriptors look like this: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ That’s right, nothing has changed, 2 was already pointing to the same place as 1. Now Bash sees > file and thus change stdin: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ And that’s not what we wanted. * >file 2>&1 Now let’s look at the correct "command >file 2>&1". We start as in the previous example, and Bash sees > file: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ Then it sees our duplication 2>&1: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ And voila, both 1 and 2 are redirected to file. 4.3 Why sed 's/foo/bar/' file >file Doesn't Work ================================================ This is a common error, we want to modify a file using something that reads from a file and write the result to stdout. To do this we redirect stdout to the file we want to modify. The problem here is that, as we have seen, the redirections are setup before the command is actually executed. So BEFORE sed starts standard input has already been redirected, with the additional side effect that, because we use >, "file" is truncated. When sed starts to read the file, it contains nothing. 4.4 exec ======== In bash the exec built-in replaces the shell with the specified program. So what does this has to do with redirection? exec also allows us to manipulate the file descriptors. If you don’t specify a program the redirection after exec modify the file descriptors of the current shell. For example, all the commands after exec 2>file will have file descriptors like: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ All the the errors sent to stderr by the commands after the exec 2>file will go to the file, just as if you have the commands in a script and run myscript 2> file. exec can be used for instance if you want to log the errors that the commands in your script produce, just add "exec 2>myscript.log" at the beginning of your script. Let’s see another use case. We want to read a file line by line, this is easy we just do: while read -r line;do echo "$line";done < file Now, we want to pause after printing each line, waiting for the user to press a key: while read -r line;do echo "$line"; read -p "Press any key" -n 1;done < file And, surprise, this doesn’t work. Why ? because the file descriptors of the while loop looks like: --- +-----------------------+ standard input ( 0 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ and so our second read command (read -p “Press any key” -n 1) inherits them and thus read from file and not from our terminal. A quick look at help read tells us that we can specify a file descriptor from which read should read. Cool. Now let’s use exec to get another descriptor: exec 3| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard output ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-----------------------+ --- +-----------------------+ standard error ( 3 ) ---->| file | --- +-----------------------+ and it works. 4.5 Closing The File Descriptors ================================ Closing a file descriptor is easy, just make it a duplicate of -. For instance let’s close stdin <&- and stderr 2>&-: bash -c '{ lsof -a -p $$ -d0,1,2 ;} <&- 2>&-' COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME bash 10668 pgas 1u CHR 136,2 4 /dev/pts/2 we see that inside the {} that only 1 is still here. Though the OS will clean up the mess, it can be a good idea to close the file descriptors you open. For instance if you open a file descriptor with exec 3>file, all the commands afterward will inherit it. It’s nicer to do something like: exec 3>file ..... #commands that uses 3 ..... exec 3>&- #we don't need 3 any more I’ve seen some people using this as a way to discard, say, stderr, using something like: command 2>&-. Though it might work, I’m sure that some applications don't behave correctly with a closed stderr. In doubt, I prefer to use 2>/ dev/null for this. 5 An Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example comes from this post (ffe4c2e382034ed9) on the newsgroup: { { cmd1 3>&- | cmd2 2>&3 3>&- } 2>&1 >&4 4>&- | cmd3 3>&- 4>&-< } 3>&2 4>&1 The redirections are processed from left to right, but as the file descriptors are inherited we will also have to work from the outer to the inner contexts. We will assume that we run this command in a terminal. Let’s start with the outer { } 3>&2 4>&1. --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | ( 3 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | ( 4 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ We only made 2 copies of stderr and stdout. 3>&1 4>&1 would have produce the same result here because we run the command in a terminal and thus 1 and 2 goes to the terminal. As an exercise you can start with 1 pointing to file.stdout and 2 pointing to file.stderr. Let’s continue with the right part of the second pipe: | cmd3 3>&- 4>&- --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| 2nd pipe | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ It inherits the previous file descriptors, close 3 and 4 and setup a pipe for read. Now for the left part of the second pipe {...} 2>&1 >&4 4>&- | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | ( 3 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| 2nd pipe | --- +-------------+ First, The file descriptor 1 is connected to the pipe (|), then 2 is made a copy of 1 and thus is made a fd to the pipe (2>&1), then 1 is made a copy of 4 (>&4), then 4 is closed. These are the file descriptors of the inner {}, let’s go inside and have a look at the right part of the first pipe: | cmd2 2>&3 3>&- --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| 1st pipe | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ It inherits the previous file descriptors, connect 0 to the 1st pipe, the filedescriptor 2 is made a copy of 3 and 3 is closed. Finally the for the left part of the pipe: --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| 1st pipe | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| 2nd pipe | --- +-------------+ It also inhertits the file descriptor of the left part of the 2nd pipe, filedescriptor 1 is connected to the first pipe, 3 is closed. The purpose of all this becomes clear if we take only the commands: cmd2 --- +-------------+ -->( 0 ) ---->| 1st pipe | / --- +-------------+ / / --- +-------------+ cmd 1 / ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | / --- +-------------+ / --- +-------------+ / --- +-------------+ ( 0 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | / ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ / --- +-------------+ / --- +-------------+ / cmd3 ( 1 ) ---->| 1st pipe | / --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ------------>( 0 ) ---->| 2nd pipe | --- +-------------+ / --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| 2nd pipe |/ --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 1 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ --- +-------------+ ( 2 ) ---->| /dev/pts/5 | --- +-------------+ As said previously, as an exercise you can start with 1 open on a file and 2 open on another file to see how the stdin from cmd2 and cmd3 goes to the original stdin and how the stderr goes to the original stderr. 6 Syntax ~~~~~~~~ I used to have trouble to choose between 0&<3 3&>1 3>&1 ->2 -<&0 &-<0 0<&- etc... (I think probably because the syntax represents more the result ie the redirection than what is done ie opening, closing, and duplicating filedescriptors). If it’s also your case, then maybe the following “rules” will help you, a redirection is always like: lhs op rhs * lhs is always a file descriptor i.e. a number: - Either one we want to open, duplicate, move or one we want to close. If the op is < then there is an implicit 0, if it’s > or >> there is an implicit 1. * op is either <, >, >>, >|, or <>: - < if the file decriptor in lhs will be read, > if it will be written, >> if data will be appended to the file, >| to overwrite an existing file or <> if it will be both read and written. * rhs is the thing that the filedescriptor will describe: - It can be either the name of a file, the place where another descriptor goes (&1), or the special nowhere, &-, which will close the filedescriptor. You might not like this description, and find it a bit incomplete or inexact, but I think it really helps to easily find that, say, &->0 is incorrect. 7 Conclusion ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope this tutorial worked for you. I lied, I did not explain 1>&3-, go check the manual ;-) Thanks to Stéphane Chazelas from whom I stole both the intro and the example.... The intro is inspired by this introduction, you’ll find a nice exercise there too: * A Detailed Introduction to I/O and I/O Redirection The last example comes from this post: * piping stdout and stderr to different processe Author: Pierre Gaston Date: 2007/09/20 10:34:08 AM written for